RP: Twilight : Irresistible [Horror_Show & Fantysma ]


Feb 15, 2010

A lot of changes were happening in Anna’s life. She sat in Charlie’s cruiser as they drove through the winding roads and over the bridge into her new hometown, Forks Washington. She sat in the passenger seat looking out the window at all the amazing and beautiful scenery, the mountains, the never ever forests and bodies of water. She had quite a different face than her older sister had years ago. It would kind of be like a different kind of Déjà vu for Charlie. As he had both hands on the steering wheel, even though he couldn’t be more grateful that Bella was still in his life, even though different, he wondered if this was a bad idea.


Charlie knew Bella from the moment she stepped into forks things had changed her life, he had even seen Jacob change into some mythical creatures, though that was months ago and it had never really been spoken of again. He knew his daughter, even his beautiful granddaughter was something remarkable. He had even questioned Renee a little bit before agreeing, it didn’t take him long to agree. He loved both of his girls, they were his life and even though he wasn’t part of their younger adolescents, he was given a chance to see them turn into young adults. Charlie felt extra protective over Anna. He smiled over at her and let a hand run ruffle through her hair. She grinned, always being a little happier than Bella was.


They pulled up in front of the old little two story house that Charlie had been for decades. Charlie had kept in great shape, and now with Bella being married to the Cullen’s, it looked better than it had in previous years. With new painting and gutters, and better landscaping, even the inside had been updated by Bella since Renesme often came over to visit, she even spent the night on occasion. Charlie was grabbing her luggage from the trunk as she was pulling stuff out of the back seat.

They would enter the house and Charlie would kind of let her get a feel for the house. She seemed memorized by the house and seemed hopeful. She climbed the stairs and new before coming down, she was going to get Bella’s old room. They use to share it growing up on what small visits they had. To her astonishment the room looked nothing like it had when Bella was in it. Bella and Alice had remodeled the bedroom to her liking.


“Wow….” Anna said ,walking in slowly, letting her bags slide off her shoulders to the carpeted floor that once use to be wood.

“Yeah Bella and your Aunt, they kind of got carried away…. actually the house is probably in better condition than it ever has been, sturdy though.” He said and Anna smiled back and sat on her bed bouncing biting her lip.

“I love it…I will have to thank her…. this is amazing, perfect, almost unrealistically too perfect….it’ll be fine.” She said and got up hugging Charlie. He held her close, it was different to have her so close. Bella had never been too affectionate, at times. They were so alike, but so different. Anna had taken a lot of her personality off of Renee but looked a lot like Charlie and Bella.

It was Friday so Anna had the weekend to adjust before starting her senior year in a completely new school. She had left lot of friends back at her old home, but she had done it with the best possible attitude.

“You want to grab something to eat? At the diner down town…or we could drive some little ways to some place else?” He had remembered when Bella had an outburst and had commented on being stuck here and doing the same thing all the time.

“I’m starving….the diner is fine. Let me get cleaned up. I will be down.” She said as Charlie gave her a quick squeeze and she leaned up kissing his cheek and then went to work sorting through some of her packed belongings.


You're second hand smoke, second hand smoke
I breathe you in, but, honey, I don't know what you're doing to me
Mon chéri, but the truth catches up with us eventually
Try to say live, live and let live
But I'm no good, good at lip service
Except when they're yours, mi amor
I'm coming for you and I'm making war
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