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Good Girl Corrupted

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Oct 21, 2015
Hello. This is my first post on this site so I'm still trying to learn my way around. Any hints or suggestions are welcome.

I enjoy rp very much. I enjoy detail with story and character build up. Sex is important in a rp but I don't make it the most central part of story.

The main theme that I enjoy is a good girl corrupted by a bad man of some sort. There are many ways to approach this. I have some ideas but am always open to new ideas.

I like the idea of a good girl, possibly upper class, sheltered, brought up to be "perfect". Her father makes good money but is quite into class. He has put her in all of the right schools, lessons, social circles, etc in the hopes that she eventually marries into older and bigger money.

She has always been good with this overall plan but lately has been having doubts. Feelings of boredom and restlessness. Wondering if her "planned out" life is what she wants. Thinking that it looks quite bland and boring. She starts to have dreams of growing a few more years, getting out on her own. Seeing the world on her own terms. Away from her father who constantly treats her like a child.

She meets someone older than her. He could be a few years or decades older. He would be different in a way she may not quite be able to understand at first. But he would lure her into his world. Lead her down a dark, scary and... interesting path. Some may call it corrupting her... others may consider it freeing her. It all comes down to your point of view.

It can start with small things. Things she didn't think she would ever do... or not for many years. It could start with lighter things such as drinking, smoking, drugs, lifestyle, etc. There could be many levels or variations of sex.

Now... this could continue on this route. Your character could be a street thug from the bad side of town, a biker type, a rich mysterious man of intrigue, however you want to play it.

But I am also interested in exploring a more supernatural angle to this. As this man, however he is played, could be hiding his true nature, form and motivation which would become revealed later in the rp. That could be terrifying, hot and fun.

So this is just one outline but I am open to suggestions on this theme if you have any to offer.

This is my first shot in here. Thanks for reading this far and please say hello if you feel the urge!
This sounds... fairly interesting. Can't say I'm into the whole bad man theory, but I would like to join you in any kind of RP.

I do like the idea, it's just not that much of my style. However, I can be pretty open, so if you want a partner for anything, I'm up.
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