RP: Risk: The Shawshank Trials [Horror_Show & thatguy1]


Feb 15, 2010
[Three months prior]

A young female slowly with careful, determined stride walked down a hallway of what would be her high school. She was a little bit over-dressed for such a traumatic occasion being clad in black with her long wavy hair pulled back. Students that were lingering in the hall between classes gave her odd stares. She wasn’t normally seen in such dark clothing and it brought out her pale skin. She was the kind of student who was shy, intelligent and very isolated…. the bookworm or teachers pet, but not today. Today she would let the dark passenger buried deep rise again so she could be reunited with her father who was wrongfully incarcerated for the first-degree murder of his wife and her mother. His punishment was two life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary in rural Maine. It was also known for its exceptional new psychiatric wing that was being funded by the state and expanding. This is why she knew she would be sent there in such a poor economic decade.


She couldn’t deal with the heartache of Andy taking the fall for something he was innocent of. She hadn’t meant for him to be blamed. Everything has been a mess since that night. It was all a foggy haze as she pushed through two doors into the gymnasium and saw her co-ed gym class all dressed in white t-shirts and red shorts ready to start the period.

“Evelyn what on earth?” One student said before Evelyn with a blank stare pulled out colt 45. It had been the very same gun that had been used on her mother for committing adultery. Andy and his brother had taught her how to hunt and go fishing at a very young age and the skill was instinct as she furthered her knowledge in later years.

As students were in shock and some started running and some started screaming Evelyn already had it locked and loaded and ready to shoot to thrill. She wasn’t planning on killing anyone, but she knew a few people who wasn’t the nicest would have a few minor injuries and maybe suffer from some therapy in years to come from this incident. In seconds she bent to posture and narrowed her eye’s holding both hands out targeting her first student and fired, catching his left hind leg which sent him to the floor in agony and after a few more accurate shots to the arms and legs she stood as the gym teacher looked horrified and unloaded the gun, letting the ammo cartridge fall as the gun dissemble and fell in slow motion to the floor and she kicked the disassembled pieces to show she was doing. The damage was done as three students were in various areas of the gym soaking in red. Evelyn had a vacant stare as two faculty members had come from behind tackling her to the floor.

Minute’s later sirens would be heard, as she was knocked unconscious in the process of being restrained, her last visions would be of students and teachers gawking in horror. Her ticket was purchased and ready to be used, she faintly smiled as blood trickled out of her nose as she saw black.



Evelyn wasn’t handcuffed or chained together like other inmates would be going into Shawshank, she wasn’t even on the bus that had new prisoners to be welcomes into hell. She was in a small black van in scrubs, a t-shirt and plain tennis shoes finished off with a straightjacket. She was transferred straight from the local hospital to holding cell and then today would be arriving where her father was imprisoned for what would be half of her life if not longer. She was being sent to Shawshank to their psychiatric unit to be evaluated.

The van doors opened and the sky was gray with a dark overcast. Two guards grabbed either side of the young woman and easily lifted her down on the muddy ground. Lightening flashed across the sky, as the inmates of the prison were excited for the new bait that was filing off of the bus in front of the van. Rain started pouring as if giving one last cleanse before life of imprisonment. The guards forcefully escorted her away from the other new inmates to another gate. She was soaking wet wide-eyed and alert in the downpour.


She could feel Andy near. He would be in the distant yard under shelter covered in bruises and cuts and a black eye from being bullied him-self by the sisters. He would have no idea that the young female being escorted through the muddy path and rain would be his daughter. His world was about to be shattered. His nightmare was about to become even more real when he realized the one person he tried to save was in here for him.


A drum beats for me, it's louder every day
The cadence tells me that soon I'll meet my judgment day
Life's an endless showdown never knowing when they'll come
I sleep with one eye open lying with my smoking gun
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