Step Into the Dragoness Lair (FxM, FxF) (Some NSFW Images) CLOSED

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Oct 19, 2015
Greeting and salutations, darlings! I am known here as Elysia the Lightbringer though Ely works too. Obviously, I’m an RPer (or I wouldn’t be making this ad!). I've been RPing for a very long time; I started off when I was in the fifth grade with fan-fiction RP of Sailor Moon and Gundam Wing, moving to Harry Potter and then, as an angsty goth teenager, vampires. When I got older, I was introduced to World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, and Vampire the Masquerade by my wonderful significant other. He created a monster in me and I just can't get enough. In addition to RPing, I have enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember, always writing short stories and poetry. Like my writing, I like to have my RP be more than just a meeting in a bar, or an encounter on the battlefield; there needs to be a real, developing story. Substance, people! Who likes a sandwich that's only bread? Not I! My characters aren’t just pixels; they’re real people with personalities, with baggage, with wants, needs, and aspirations. While sex is great and all, there is so much more to my characters than what happens in the bedroom (or kitchen, or campsite, or wherever the urge may strike); they deserve to have their stories told! I don’t want someone just like me (because I’d honestly be afraid if I had a clone running around) but I’m looking for a partner who not only understands but also feels the same way.



Are you still here? Have I scared you off yet? No? Awesome! The following are some expectations and things I’m looking for in specific. And keep in mind, this need not be a one-sided relationship, dearies! I offer everything that I ask of you!

I. Partners. This one is a no-brainer! I'm here to acquire a few people to share the joy of writing with, to allow them to get to know one of my characters and to get to know theirs. I have a small handful of gals to choose from down in Starlets and Soubrettes with varying personalities and quirks, but that’s more for later.

II. Longevity. I know that I made this clear already but it’s something that I’d like to reiterate. RPing and the stories that develop because of it are like reading a story, watching the events unfold whether it be exciting, tragic, or just plain awesome. I want someone who wants to help write a story and watch their character (and mine too) develop and grow. I know that some stories are shorter than others, and that's OK! It's about the journey.

III. Literacy and Grammar. We all know that typos happen and that’s fine! However, repeated misspellings of common words, incorrect (or on the other hand, not using) use of punctuation, and things like “hy bb ur hawt lets fuk” will not only make me want to slam my head into the nearest hard surface but I will end the RP immediately.

IV. Details. Love love love them. So the more in-depth and captivating things are, the happier we both are. Immerse me in our world! I’m not asking for you to write me a novella with each post (while that would be great and all, I don’t think anyone has time for that). But do take some time to form your post into more than just one line of text. The only time this would be acceptable would be in a real-time RP over an instant messenger.

V. Friendship. Things don’t have to be just IC! I’d like to think I’m a pretty nice gal all things considered, with a good ability to listen and give advice. I like to laugh and have fun (sometimes at others expenses, but who doesn’t!?) and who better to do that with than friends? Besides that, I feel that if you're friendly OOC, you mesh better IC. That being said, I am not looking for a relationship out of game or anything of the sort; I've already got that covered. I’m here for my girls, not me!

VI. Realism. Yes, we live in mythical lands, and yes, magic exists and the use of it gives us the capability to do some pretty amazing things. But if you have triple J tits, a 16” cock, or cum enough to water the crops of an entire kingdom, we’re going to have a problem. Because that's just not realistic and you know it.

VII. Stability. I’m sure we’ve all had it happen before. You’re tied up into a really awesome RP with someone and then they just suddenly POOF without a word. Sucks, doesn’t it? Yah, I know the feeling and I can say that I do my very best to make sure that doesn’t happen. Unless something catastrophic were to happen IRL, I’m not just going to up and leave without a trace (and I would hope no one would do that to me!). If either of us feels like our character should go in another direction, we just don’t feel like we work well together anymore, or for any other reason, I’m open to discussions on how to fix it or if it’s beyond repairs, concluding the RP. On that note, I do have fibromyalgia which can render me bed stricken some days. Don't waste my time and I won't waste yours! ^_^


Scared yet? Are you fleeing back to the ad page in search of a one-night fucking with no strings attached? I hope not! If you’re still here, keep reading, or if I’ve caught your attention enough already, send me a message!


What Do I Ask of You? Not much, actually! If you're interested in engaging in an RP with me, I ask for a few things when you message me. First off, take a peek at my On's and Off's to make sure we're compatible. Then just a small introduction of who you are. It needn't be a book, but just a little about yourself. More than anything, I hate when people message me with one liners. If you can't take the time to compose a message in response to my ad, I can't find the time to try to pull information out of you. Tell me which of my characters you're interested in. Or if none of them appeal to you, tell me what you had in mind. Is there a specific story or plot line that you'd like to play with me? I'm all ears! I'd like a few writing samples to get a feel for your style. It can be stories off site, RP here on the forums, or something that you composed especially for this! I'm easy to please. Finally, I want you to keep in mind that I do implement a trial period. If I feel we're just not meshing as writers, I will politely request to end the RP.


Whew! I’m finally done! I know, that was very long-winded and a lot to take in. Was it worth it to get to the end? I surely hope so, and if you feel so too, I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to ask me any questions about me, the characters, or in general. Thank you all, lovelies, for stopping by to read this and I hope that, even if I don’t suit your needs, you find what you’re searching for.

RE: Step Into the Dragoness Lair (FxM, FxF) (Some NSFW Images)

Box of Chocolates


Here is where I'll post story ideas that I think would be fun to play. I'll update it as frequently as ideas come to me, so keep an eye for new things!

Unseen Wars ~TAKEN
There's a war going on that most humans don't know about. A war between the angels of Heaven and the demons of Hell. Now these aren't the white robe, shining halos, harp playing angels that most people think of. No, these are more deadly than that, more manipulative, and not nearly as innocent as the books and movies make them out to be. But the demons, those most certainly are as bad as the stories, and worse.
The humans that do know about this war are witches and warriors. Working together or on their own, they do their best to fight the war. They fight against the demons, but they're not necessarily with the angels either.
Our characters would be one of these two things. Or one of us could be and the other could be an unsuspecting human that was yanked into this either by accident, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or because they were involved with the other party.

Runaway ~TAKEN
A bastard princess turns out to be the sole heir to a kingdom. She goes from being treated as a cast-off offspring to the royalty that she is. Suddenly she's being groomed to take over the kingdom when her father passes, learning of politics, government, trade, etiquette, and how to keep a castle. But what if she was perfectly fine with her life before, socializing with the help and the lower folk? What if she didn't want to become queen and have her marriage arranged for her. She does what most teenagers at least think of doing when times get tough - she runs away.
In this story, I would be playing the role of the princess. She would steal away in the dark of the night, set on a life of adventure and traveling. She runs into your character, who could be a bandit, another adventurer, a mercenary, or something entirely different. Knowing who she is, they decide to not turn her in, but to take her along for the ride. It would be a Xena-esque story.

His Dying Wish
To unite two lands, an arranged marriage occurs between the king of north, and a noble from the south. A love actually blossoms from their marriage, much to their surprise, and they have two children. But then, tragedy strikes and the king is injured while hunting. His dying proclamation is for his wife to be queen regent for their son until he is of age. Of course, in this land, a woman ruling is unheard of and she's met with much opposition. She is willing to go to whatever lengths she must to keep her son away from the royal advisers that would only use him as a pawn to advance their goals and maintain her foothold as queen.
I will be playing the role of the queen. Your character could be any number of people here, depending on what spin you wanted to take with the story.

On His Honour
A lord has just returned to his keep after a long absence and expects to find his bride to be waiting for him in the dark of her chambers. Instead he finds that his bride to be has been delayed and the woman that he just tried to bed was a traveler taking advantage of the hospitality of his keep. Ashamed and burdened with honour, he decides that he must marry this woman at once. She, however, just wants to forget the entire thing happened and be on her way. A clash of opinions keep this marriage alive, but what happens when the secrets that she uncovers were meant to stay dead?
I will be playing the role of the Lady Aislinn and you the lord.

Living in Syn ~TAKEN
Addisyn Harper is a triple best-selling author, with a movie based on one of her books, and a fourth novel coming out. In addition, she's also a musician. She is a minor celebrity and because of this, the eye of the paparazzi a lot of the time. And as we all well know, being the eye of the paparazzi, having any privacy about her life, especially her love life, is nigh impossible. So, she's taken up not looking for love and focusing on her career instead. That is... until he walks into her life and changes the game.
In this, I will be playing the role of Addisyn and you will be playing her love interest. I am interested in this story having D/s and bondage themes.

Curse of the North ~TAKEN
Being a princess is a tough job. Being a draconic princess is even worse, especially when your mother's sole purpose is to make your life a living hell. What's a girl to do but leave the royal mountain lair and see the world, enchant a few mortal men, and get dressed and jewelry out of it?! It's all fun and games until the dragon king of the north targets you in an attempt to coax a surrender from the queen and her consort. Sea travel and monsters, dragons, curses, complicated family relationships, and war are all a part of this story!
In this, I will be playing Avarae, white dragoness and you will playing the pirate/ship captain/merchant.
RE: Step Into the Dragoness Lair (FxM, FxF) (Some NSFW Images)

Starlets and Soubrettes


Well, if I’ve still got you here reading, this is the part that a lot of you are waiting for - the character selection. I will include a brief synopsis of each of them and should you become interested in one and would like some questions answers, I’ll see what I can do! Also, if there's something that you would be interested in having me play for a plot that you think I'd work in, let me know! I try to compromise and cater to my partners (so long as it's reciprocated!).

Name: Velahndra Tyrza Morningstar [Amrunelen]
Nickname: Vel
Orientation: Bisexual. Exclusive to Sin'dorei.
Profile: She is very spunky and very free-spirited and carefree. She has no real ties to anyone or anything (or so she thinks… >.>) so she lives her life however she wishes that day. She has done a lot of traveling and exploring and has become quite knowledgeable because of this, though it’s something that she keeps to herself. Young for her people, Velahndra is only in her early thirties.
On's: Romance, biting, consensual, vanilla, anal (receiving), hair pulling, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus (giving and receiving), fellatio (giving), light bondage, bestiality, light knife play, pseudo-rape, tentacles, dirty talk, masturbation, exhibitionism, voyeurism
Name: Amira Solari
Nickname: Ami
Orientation: Straight
Profile: The only daughter of the fierce warlord, Xanos Solari, Amira was raised the only way that one would expect - as a warrior. Trained from the time she could hold a weapon by the best her father employed, Amira showed great potential early, even partaking in several battles (to her father's shock and anger). Unbeknownst to her, her father promised Amira to the Tower of Alahest in the case that he ever died. In a tragic twist, Xanos's men turned on him, murdering him. His advisor stole Amira away, delivering her to the Tower to begin her training as a guardian to their mages. She is quick to anger and quick to act if the situation calls for it, but possess a great ability for planning and forethought, a skill she picked up from sitting in on so many of her father's meetings.
On's: Rough, hair pulling, light knife play, cunnilingus (receiving), fellatio (giving)
Name: Kalia the Caring, second-born of Jeneleth and Cravyn, of House Tyndale au Safford
Nickname: Kali
Status: TAKEN
Orientation: Straight
Profile: Kalia is one of the last of her kind, or so she believes. After the great War of Dragons two centuries previous, most of her kind was wiped out by the humans and dwarves. The elves stood by the dragons to the best of their abilities, but sadly it wasn't enough. The remaining dragons fled across the world, seeking solace in their lairs and dens, or shifted to their human or elven forms and lived amongst them, moving when they had stayed in a place too long, or feigning a story of being a relative. Kalia chose to flee to the warm southlands, and her brother Kelias to the north. To many, Kalia is known as a medicine woman. She provides a myriad of herbal remedies to the people of her village from her home on the outskirts of town. Her true identity isn't known by anyone except for others of her kind.
On's: Light bondage, power plays, cunnilingus (receiving), fellatio (giving), romance, teasing, light bondage, wax/ice, biting, scratching
Name: Avarae the Arrogant, fifth born of Zinya and Keleth, of the House Embury Hestane rhye Fayne
Nickname: Ava
Status: TAKEN
Orientation: Straight
Profile: Avarae is the youngest born of the royal family of Embury Hestane rhye Fayne. While she was brought up in the royal court, she was always running off, getting into trouble and seeking fun. Being the youngest and the youngest daughter, she has a fantastic relationship with her father, Keleth; her mother, on the other hand, is a different story. Their relationship is strained and hostile, since Ava doesn't live up to her mother's expectations like her sister, Merith. While males of her own kind proved to be fun for a time, she has since moved on to entertaining mortal men. She is incredibly vain and arrogant, knowing that she can get pretty much what she wants. Often times viewed as vapid, there's a deeper, hidden side to Avarae that most don't get a chance to see.
On's: Romance, biting, consensual, ice, scratching, strip tease, teasing, vanilla, exhibitionism, breast play, hair pulling, cunnilingus (receiving), fellatio (giving), power plays
Name: Tairah Beau Ashcroft
Nickname: Tai, Beau
Status: TAKEN
Orientation: Bisexual
Profile: Barely breaking the five foot mark, Tairah is a tiny thing. But don't let the size fool you; she's got a temper the size of Northrend and fiery as an ember. She is well-practiced in the Fel arts, though she doesn't flaunt her power. Owning a small shop in Stormwind, she caters to those needing potions, elixirs, and flask to aide them in battle, glyphs to enhance their powers, and other somesuch alchemical and scribed needs. She is only out for herself and trusts none, and would likely swipe your belongings if she needed to.
On's: Biting, consensual, hair pulling, multiple orgasms, cunnilingus (giving and receiving), fellatio (giving), face-fucking (receiving), bondage, knife play, pseudo-rape, tentacles, exhibitionism, voyeurism, scratching, rough, pain, breath control, teasing, anal, flogging
Name: Morghyn Dulcia Reynes
Nickname: Morgie
Status: TAKEN
Orientation: Straight
Profile: Morgyhn is a scholar, though not a very good one. It's not that she's unintelligent for she was well-educated. The arcane arts, which she found she has a natural affinity for, seem to elude her in her studies (meaning that while she is very capable of magic, she has difficulties invoking it and controlling it). What takes a classmate a day to learn takes her a week, if not more. She is often with ink marks smeared on her hands and face from hours of studying and note-taking. She is usually quiet and quite socially awkward, but very fun-loving.
On's: Strictly vanilla, still a virgin

Name: Vesper Lafayette
Nickname: Fate
Status: TAKEN
Orientation: Straight
Profile: TBA
On's: TBA
Name: Khaendan Maeve Greyson
Nickname: Khaen
Orientation: Bisexual, leaning towards men.
Profile: Khaendan is young, full of life and energy, easily excitable, and eager to learn, to travel, to do everything. She's normally soft-spoken and submissive (think Fluttershy ala MLP) but once the line is crossed, she'll let you know that you've messed up and that she's angry. They say that children have the ability to see and sometimes even commune with spirits; that ability seemed to stay with Khaendan as she grew. The skill developed into being able to sense spirits and supernatural creatures and she has put this talent to use in an organization that observes the dark world (ala Talamasca of Anne Rice's universe).
On's: Vanilla, romance, teasing, biting
Name: Arianya Lilith
Nickname: Anya
Orientation: Straight
Profile: TBA
On's: Romance, biting, consensual, kissing, teasing, vanilla, light knife-play, blindfolds, light bondage
RE: Step Into the Dragoness Lair (FxM, FxF) (Some NSFW Images)

Prevailing Desires


When I'm having a particular craving for a certain story or element, I'll post it here! You'll definitely earn dragon points for playing one of these.

Curse of the North
On His Honour

RE: Step Into the Dragoness Lair (FxM, FxF) (Some NSFW Images)

I'd like to thank you all for the overwhelming response that I received to my ad. At this point, I am closing it. Whenever I have a slot open, I will reopen this ad. Again, thank you for your interest!

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