Pokemon: The End (GreenDragonZX X MewMew)


Aug 11, 2015
One day, out of the blue, the world changed forever. Legendary Pokemon suddenly went berserk. They destroyed everything in their path and no one was safe. Many trainers teamed up to try and stop them but they were no match against the behemoths. The Legendary Pokemon fought and destroyed the world. Then one day, just as it had began, it ended. The Legendary pokemon suddenly disappeared. But their attack on the world would be felt for many more years especially by normal pokemon. Their attack had caused normal pokemon to evolve into a more human like shape to survive better. Now, a few years later, the few human and pokemon left try to survive in the wasteland that was once their beautiful world. Hoping that one day it can return to what it once was.

Cecil covered his face as the wind blew and kicked up a large amount of dust. "Dam, I need to buy some new goggles." He said to himself as he closed in Rust City. His last pair had been stolen and he hadn't bothered trying to find the culprit. Most people resorted to stealing nowadays. He spotted a large onix male standing outside of the town, looking intimidating. He guessed he was in charge of the law enforcement of this area. He nodded his head to him and the onix nodded back before looking back over the wasteland.

Cecil made his way through town, dodging people and pokemon as they rushed by. He made sure to keep all of his belongings under his cloak so nobody would be able to steal them. Some of the things he had were worth quite a lot and he would be pretty pissed to lose them when he was this close to trading them in for poke.
Nina the Dragonair walked leisurely, thinking what she was going to do now, she planned on traveling with her group of friends however they all wanted to go separate directions. In contrast to her friends, Nina honestly didn't care where she went. She just didn't want to be alone anywhere. Here she is again; alone. Alone, she treaded along, trying to see if she could fine someone, anyone would be good. Hopefully she could tag alone with them until she decides what she wanted to do.

As she walked along, she finally made it to a town with pokemon and people, not many looked too friendly so she didn't bothered them at first but when she a guy with a mask, she figured, why hell not, let's see where he is going.

"Hey you!" Nina called to the unknown man, casually.
Cecil spun around hearing a voice. Was somebody calling for him? He didn't know why though. This was his first visit to the town. He couldn't possibly know anybody. Unless it was one of the numerous people he had met on his journey's. He scanned through the crowd of people until he noticed a pretty Dragonair girl walking towards him. "Hey?" He said a bit confused.

Yup, there was no way he knew her. He had never met a Dragonair until now. "Um, may I help you?" He asked. "If you are asking for directions then you should probably look elsewhere. I just came into town myself and am still learning my own way around." He informed her.
"Hey!" She replied, cheerily. Unsure where she was going, hopefully this unknown male sould know where to go. Knowing her, she would get help from somewhere, this man could help her somehow.

"That is fine." She said, little disappointed. Even if he didn't know where he was going, he looked smart enough to know where he was going, regardless if he didn't have directions or not. "I will follow you!" Nina declared, happily. "I am Nina by the way, who are you?" She figured if she was going to follow the unknown male, she might as well learn his name.
Cecil raised a brow as the girl suddenly announced she would follow him. He could already tell that she was quite strange. Well, at least she had introduced herself. That was a good start. "My name is Cecil and you can follow me but I am not doing anything interesting." He said with a shrug.

He led the two into the shopping distance, stores lining the road on both sides. Well at least the street was wider here so they weren't right on top of the person walking next to them. Cecil looked around at the store until one caught his eye. He walked over and walked in, seeing a bunch of odd trinkets among the walls. "Ah! Newcomers!" A Persian made said as he walked over to the two. "Welcome to my store. I have a wide assortment of weird and amazing trinkets." Cecil turned and reached into his bag under his coat. "How much for these?" He asked as he pulled out several small golden spheres. The Persian's eye's went wide as he quickly took them. He walked behined his counter, weighing them and testing before he reached down to a chest behined his counter.

Cecil tilted his head until the man came back up with a large sack of poke. "Here you go." Cecil was surpruised by the amount but took the bag anyway. "Um, thanks?" He was still confused about what the items in question were and why they were worth so much but he didn't get time to ask as the shop owner started to push them out of the store. "I am sorry but something just came up and I am going to have to ask you to leave, please come again if you find any more of those nuggets." He said before he closed the door. Cecil looked from the store to the Dragonair beside him. "Do you have any idea what that was about?" He asked.
"Cecil? That's a strange name but I will follow you!" She replied, figuring it would be better to travel with this man than going off on her, doing God knows what, getting herself info trouble.

As they walked, Nina noticed Cecil lead them to a shopping district where they were stores lines up next to each other on. Nina had some money so maybe she could buy something. Before she knew next a Persian man greeted them, welcomed them to his store where he had many knickknacks to buy. Nina didn't know what was with the man but when Cecil grabbed the golden spheres, the Persian man started acting strangely. Just about to ask him what was wrong, the Persian started to see how much the golden spheres were.

Nina's eyes widened when the man came back with a huge stack of poke in his hands. "Uh sir..." Nina was about to say but was cut off by Cecil then the Persian when he decided that he needed to close his shop for the day and pushed them out of the store. Very strange. When Cecil asked her if she knew what all of this was about , she assume it just be with the golden spheres he purchase.

"Look what you bought that may be the reason." She replied, unsure herself why the Persian man rushed them out the store.
"I didn't buy those. I found those in a cave. I guess they must be pretty rare for him to give me all of this poke." He said as he held up the large jingling bag. He shrugged and looked to the Pokemon girl beside him again. He hadn't wanted to take her with him before but looking at her now she was quite cute. It might not be so bad to have a cute companion traveling along with him. Plus with all of this Poke they wouldn't have much money trouble.

He pulled out his map and moved closer to Nina. "Well since we are going to be travelling together now, why don't you pick out the next place we go?" He asked. He had no plans beyond this. He didn't really have a goal in life at this point. Right now he just wandered. "If there is somewhere you want to go or do that is fine. I have no plans for anything." He informed her.
"I think we should get rid of then just in case." Often in a case where a store owner acting awfully around you, insists on giving you all his poke now that is little weird. Nina figured it is better if they get rid of the poke just in case it attracts unwanted attention. "But if you want it I don't mind!" At the time the dragonair, hardly cared about poke. As long as she has Cecil as a companion she was content.

Nina moved closer to Cecil to get a better look at the map. "How about we go shopping for done nez clothes then maybe after that go to a nice hotel to take a bath and sleep for a night, perhaps?" Least Nina wanted to do is sleep outside again, and wear the same clothes. Besides she had a style of her very own, considered wearing fashionable clothing. "Oh goody, thanks Cecil, you're such a doll!" Clasping her hands together, moved closer to peck Cecil on cheek as a way of appreciation before pulling him by his arm, beckoning him to store that sold clothes.
"You think so?" The man asked. Well it was kind of weird for them to get all of this poke. Or maybe the item was just that vauleable. Either way it could be dangerous to carry around all of this poke. It might increase the chances of them getting attacked. Cecil was snapped from his thoughts though as he noticed Nina move closer to him to get a better look at the map. She then gave him a great idea.

"Yeah! That sounds good. We can get rid of some of this poke as well." He said as he rolled up the map. They might be on the road for a while. It would be nice to be clean and sleep in an actual bed since they didn't know when the next time they would be able to would be. Nina suddenly moved over and pecked Cecil on the cheek, causing him to blush a bit. "Yeah, no problem." He said as he followed after her as she pulled him along.

As they arrived in the store, he was surprised by the amount of actual nice looking clothes. "Well I think I have enough clothes but you can buy what you want." He said as he walked over and looked at a few of the prices. "We have more then enough money to afford these." Cecil had to admit, he was curious on what kind of clothes Nina liked to wear anyway.
"No, I know so." She answered, knowingly. Assume it is safe if they didn't tell anyone about poke to keep unwanted attention. Presume, also, it would be better if they keep their bags close to them just in case if there is pickpocket. Above all else, tiniest problem Nina needed right now is for her belongings to be stolen. She had many valuable items in her bag therefore she didn't need to worry about it being stolen my some thief.

"Agreed!" Affirming with her companion, she grin happily at him as she watched him rolled up the map. Nina hope they take a break soon, her feet is starting to ache. More so, it would be a dream come true if they are able to crash at a motel for night now that would be delightful. When she finished giving Cecil a peck on cheek, resulted in his face turning a crimson hue. "You're too cute." She remarked to Cecil when he blushed. She continued to walk along, ocassionally chance a look at Cecil from behind as they trudge.

"Wow!" Her eyes widened in as upon seeing the assortment of clothes before her very own eyes. "Okay thanks!" Nina replied, happy that Cecil said she could buy anything she liked. Further into the store Nina went, more cute clothes she found. "Yeah this top and skirt are super cute and so is this outfit!" She proclaimed, showing the clothes to Cecil so he could see.
Cecil chuckled as she said wow. Se thought he was cute but she was really the cute one. He followed behined her as she walked over and started to pick out clothes. Both where kind of short but it was to be expected when most of the world was wasteland. "Hm, I think you would look amazing in both of them." He complemented the Dragonair female. He then looked to the price and smiled. "And they aren't even that expensive." Sure he would allow her to spend a bunch but he did want to save a little bit in case something came up on their journey.

"Anyway you should try them on. I think I see some changing rooms over there." He said as he pointed to them. He then noticed a cool looking cloak and walked over to it. "OOOOOhhhh." He said as he took the soft material into his hands. "This is really nice." He said as he thought about buying it.
"Okay! Decision is made I will buy both! Thanks Cecil!" Nina declared as she rummage through her purse for wallet and pay for the clothes. The clothes wern't expensive at all so she didn't have to worry about spending too much money. "Thanks for shopping with me! All the boyfriends I had in the past hated shopping with me. I wonder why..." The Dragonair marveled on it for a brief second before giving up. Well it didn't matter now considering she had Cecil by her side.

"Good point I should try then on, wait here, okay?" Already brought the clothing and figured she should try them on so she went into the dressing rooms to try the clothes she had bought. As she out on the clothing, she overhead Cecil awing about a coal, she chuckled at this, thought her male companion was even more cute now. Leaving the dressing room, she twirl around in the clothing cutely, looked at Cecil. "So how do I look?" She asked Cecil.
Cecil's head snapped to Nina as she said all her past boyfriends hated shopping with her for some reason. This made a few gears start to turn in his head as he followed her towards the changing rooms and waited outside for her to get done. 'Does this mean what I think it means?' He thought to himself. He looked up as Nina came out and did a little twirl showing off the dress.

Cecil chuckled and whistled. "It looks really good on you." He said happily. "Now I have a question for you." He said as he put his arms behined his back. "You said your other boyfriends hated to go shopping with you.....But does that mean you think of me as your boyfriend?" He asked curiously. They didn't know much about each other but things like this were normal out here when you could be alive one minute and dead the next.
Nina didn't understand why all her boyfriends in past didn't like shopping with her. Perhaps is the fact she spend most of her time shopping. Assume that must be case because whenever she mentioned shopping, they will groan and complain, suggest they do something else instead. Even more so they will even bitch at her for only wanting to go shopping. What else is there to do? Nina didn't like anything else aside from shopping and hanging out, going shopping of course.

"Ah thanks you're such a sweetheart!" Nina replied in a simpering voice. Whenever Cecil complimented on how fabulous she looked in the new clothes she wore, more Nina found herself liking her companion. He wasn't like other guys! He actually appreciate how she looks in clothes even compliments her too! Now, that gives him brownie points from her for sure! Cecil caught her attention when he told she had a question for her, Nina turned around and listened to her companion as he asked her his inquiry. "Yeah I can see you as my boyfriend." Nina said as if it was nothing, she didn't even bothered to think twice.

"Miss, I think you might like this too!" An employee at the clothing shop called out to Nina.

Nina eye's widened upon seeing the top the employee had in her hands. "Wow, this is cute!" She squealed in delight.
Cecil was surprised by her words but it didn't seem she understood what he was asking. He was about to speak up when an employee caught her attention and showed her another top. Nina squealed in delight at this and Cecil grinned, glad to see her so happy. 'I guess it dosen't really matter what our relationship is. As long as we are having fun together.' He thought with a grin. It had been a long time since he had fun like this. He was always traveling and fighting. It was nice to take a break and just do something as simple as shop for clothes.

An hour later, they both walk out of the store carrying large bags of stuff. "Nina, I know I said we have to spend all of this money, but you didn't have to buy the whole store." He teased her. They had spent quite a bit but still had enough for a nice room and more supplies. "So, I was thinking we go to a nice hotel room next before we get some dinner. What do you think?" He asked her.
Too caught up in looking at the top and bottom the employee had called her out that she may liked was exactly what Nina was looking for! Luck was on her side! Usually, it would have taken her for years to find anything remotely cute however she finally found something that made Nina happy. She talked animatedly to the employee for awhile, overtime decided to buy the outfit the employee had found for her. If she stayed even longer in the store, more likely she would have ended up buying everything inside.

After an hour spending shopping, they finally left the clothing store with large pants in each hands. "I couldn't help it Cecil, the clothes were calling to me~!" She singsong, dimpling. Although they spend quite a bit, Nina doesn't mind making more extra cash if Cecil liked. Nina can make money pretty fast depending where they are exactly. "That sounds good to me! I am little tired and hungry!" She agreed with Cecil on going to a hotel then having dinner.
Cecil rolled his eyes playfully. "Sure they were." He said with a laugh. He led them to the hotel which was one of the few very large buildings left in the city. Getting a room was easy enough with the money they had left. He took the key and unlocked the door, looking around the around. It was quite simple, two beds, a closest and a large bathroom. Cecil plopped down onto one of the beds after setting his stuff down and sighed contently.

"It has been way to long since I laid on one of these." He said happily. He then pushed himself up and looked to Nina. "So we can either get showers and relax here for a bit before we eat, or we can do the vice versa. I am cool with either." He said with a shrug.
"They were Cecil! Whenever a cute top comes my way, it screams, 'Buy me, buy me!' and I have to buy it!" She exaggerated, a glint of happiness gleaming in her eyes. She laughed also, followed behind Cecil, who led them to a hotel in the outskirts of the city. Just as Nina expected, the room was spacious and simple, just as she imagined it to be! Nina flopped down on the bed, placed her things on the side near the nightstand before laying down on bed.

"I know right!" Nina has not been on a bed in a long time unfortunately because she was always on road never ever stopping until her companions that she traveled with decided they should go to a motel to sleep for the night. Most nights they will either camp outside or go to a local shelter. Even then there wasn't a guarantee for a bed. "Let's eat first then take a bath." She decided thinking a nice bed and bath will automatically make them go to sleep.
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