I Could Hardly Abandon You Now(translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)*currently on hold

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Oct 18, 2015
Solas ran a hand over the back of his neck, pacing across the stone in silence, only the soft shifting of Leliana's crows above breaking the quiet. He felt...he felt concern, which in and of itself wasn't inherently a problem but could cause issue. Solas approached his desk, shaking his head, finding the papers...his research? They offered little comfort over what happened at the Temple of Mythal and where this was all leading. With a gentle sigh he returned to his pacing, studying the walls of the mural he had painted, fingers smoothing along the edges of the bright colors and cool stone the paint covered.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila had returned from the Arbor wilds in once piece, though it wasn't easy battling Samson. With Mythal's dedicated Elves help it went smoothly despite Abelas wanting to destroy what left over knowlege was in the Well. All her companions agreed but Solas who seemed distraught over the thought of drinking from the Well. Tequila was conflicted on who to listen to but listened to her own thought then his and made the mistake of taking the power. Solas didn't speak one word, clearly angry. So the Elven Rogue took it upon herself to confront her lover on the matter in the Rotunda. " Solas...Ir abelas 'Emma lath" she whispered approching him though he had his back turned on her.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

He heard her approach, soft footfalls over the cool stone floor of the keep. Solas did not turn though, continuing to face the wall, the mural he was working on, as his eyes searched for answers he hoped the art would somehow give him. He hoped they would explain things he did not know how to express himself. Solas knew she would have questions, there would be apologies but, how could she possibly understand the depth of what was happening around her? The gravity her choices had.

At her gentle words and apology he held up a hand to silence her, keeping her from continuing. Turning he folded his hands behind his back, as his eyes studied her. "Garas quenathra?" He hummed gently, keeping his face neutral. "I do not require an apology from you, ma vhenan."
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila couldn't find the words to explain why she had taken the power from the well. She didn't trust Morrigan with whatever knowledge was passed down from one servent of Mythal to another, now she was bound to a Elven Goddess in whatever that meant. "You don't believe in the the Elven Gods, why would this bother you so?" she asked narrowing her eyes at why her lover seemed so cool and collected.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Solas frowned, shaking his head before turning to fully face her. "I may not believe that they were Gods but I believe that they existed," Solas managed to get out, as his eyes narrowing in on hers. "You are Mythal's creature now, do you even know what that means?" Solas turned, stalking a few paces away, attempting desperately to regain his composure. He glanced back at her once he felt he had mastered the concern that had twisted into an ugly swell of frustration. "Well, do you?" He managed to ask again, calmer now.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila eyes flickered away with only a twich of her jaw to show her frustation "No" she hissed through gritted teeth. Hard marble eyes stared through him "Would you rather have me let the power of the Well go to the witch then?, Ma banal las halamshir var vhen" she spat though knowing there was no truth on why she responded angrly but only out of defense. Lashing out would do nothing, Tequila had recovered the Well and Corypheus had no more option of entering the fade.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

"I did not say I would rather Morrigan drank from the well, and I have never implied it. I asked you not to drink from the well because of the dangers it could bring. You are Mythal's creature now," he said simply, his eyes never leaving hers. "You have given up a part of yourself but you can lecture me for not furthering 'our' people?" Solas shook his head, walking over to his desk to stare down at his manuscript and tomes, not really seeing any of them.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila sighed heavily before stepping closer to him, turning his chin to face her "look at me" she spoke softly "I'm still me and You aren't going to lose me" . She hoped her comforting words would help him understand the will of Mythal is a geas, with the power of the Well. I'll make things better" her expression changed to affection for Solas "Please don't be angry with me"
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

He sighed, her calm words thwarting the burning chaotic concern verging on frustration within him so easily. It was simply amazing what this woman could do to his emotions, do for his grip on this realm. Solas studied her. "I am not angry, merely...concerned. I do suppose it is better that you hold the power of the well," he offered in a way of agreement, nodding slightly. He regarded her carefully. "Which brings me to my next question, how do you plan to use it? Once Corypheus is dead?"
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila thought hard for a moment before answering "This war proves we can't go back to the way things were. I want to help move this world foreward" she said giving a half smile, though she hoped her plan wouldn't be thrown into more cauos. Her facial expression turned into a mischevious one "You're being grim and fatalistic in hope of getting me into bed aren't you?" she whispered planting light kisses down his jawline.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

He chuckled lightly before extracting himself from her hold to smile down at her. He reached up, a hand cradling her jaw, a thumb brushing over her cheek gingerly as his eyes studied her face. "Perhaps, ma vhenam, but now may not be the best time," he hummed with gentle smile before leaning in to brush his lips over her pale forehead. "And here is most certainly not the most ideal of locations." He heard a snort come from the rafters above and glanced up only to glare at a nosy onlooker before sighing.

Solas let his hand drop from her face with a slightly exasperated smile before he walked over to his desk to organize his papers. "How do you like the paintings," he asked after a brief moment of silence.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila gazzed up at what beautiful murals she had watched him paint over extensive periods of time. "They are just as marvelous as I rememeber" she smiled looking around. "You've really put alot into these Murals of yours, I've never seen anything like it...anywhere really" she gasped. Putting her hands behind her back and observing the bright colors and shape.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

He smiled, "I appreciate the compliments, truly, but they are not simply pictures. The mural is you," he hummed easily. He waved a hand in the genral arch of the rotunda, gesturing to the curved walls. "Your deeds, your accomplishments and actions within the inquisition. They deserve to be memorialized, preserved in more than just the simple word." Solas leaned back against his desk, hands folding in front of him. "Languages and words risk being lost and forgotten, but this? Images? They can withstand an age and share a story despite the barriers that language and serparated factions of race can create."
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Tequila frowned slightly "Ma melava halani, Ma vhenan" she spoke before taking another glance at the beautiful art "People glorify such stories but it's different to live in the footsteps of such heros" she sighed. Things hadn't been easy on her being labeled as the choosen of Andraste, frankly it gave her terrible bouts of panic whenever someone adressed her as such. "We've gained victories over Corypheus but that dosen't entail in what is to come. I-if I fall Solas" she breathed feelings of anxious crawling up her spine. Tequila tried to hide her fear but failed, Solas always seemed wise and collective. It was in part of why she had become drawn to him, he was a anchor in her sea of worry and doubt. He was tall and handsome as hell, no Vallaslin on his face despite of knowing so much about Elven culture.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

He could sense more than see her worry and he dismissed it easily, knowing trifle words of comfort would do nothing to help her. Sentimental promises and soothing words would feel shallow to such deep fears and concerns. "You will not fail," he said simply, hands folding behind him. "You are right in the observation that the general mass will never be able to truly understand the struggles you deal with in your role...but is that not the point?" He countered, glancing towards her. "Whatever trials and suffering you go through is so the world may not face things that would ultimately break it." He shook his head briefly before returning his attentions to the paintings. "There is a strength to be found in the individual and a weakness to be seen in the many. Your strength is what defines you, moreso than your successes and even your adventures. It is your strength that will be remembered and celebrated, not simply the tales...unless of course Varric survives to publish a scandalous novel," he said with a grimace.
RE: I Could Hardly Abandon You Now (translucentfeathers & Dragonfoot455)

Once again, Solas was able to wipe all worry away from her mind even if he didn't promise sweet nothings in return. He did however bring a smile to her face when mentioning Varric's impulse to write another story for his fans "Nothing is inevitable My love" she scoffed playfully "I don't doubt we won't somehow defeat Corypheus, I just I hope I live through it. But it isn't just the Well of Sorrows and my tales of heroism that is on your mind now is it?" Tequila smirked curling herself around him, her legs and arms finding the gaps between them and filling them with her body.
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