Altered Space (Chiaroscuro & MewMew)


Jul 7, 2010
"...I’m sure the pale pep talks of fighting for peace have been repeated numerous times in the past. The colonies say they need armaments to maintain peace. It’s no different from on Earth. The colonies think they have joined the big boys. I guess they believe that the bloodshed would lead to higher morale--"

This new transfer student was definitely odd, with his untraceable accent and his wild hair and his piercing gaze. Nobody had heard of his family name, either, which was definitely unusual for somebody attending such an exclusive academy. And while the traditional greeting speech was an anodyne collection of banal platitudes, he had instead surprised his class of PLANT's best and brightest with a long and fiery speech that seemed perilously close to denouncing ZAFT and the colonies' recent militaristic bent. It was a controversial choice, to say the least, and only ended when the teacher cut in: "Okay, that's enough, Duo Maxwell. Let's avoid that topic for's making your classmates uncomfortable. Personally, I don't feel it was an appropriate subject for your greeting speech. Now, Duo, please take a seat in the back."

Heero Yuy, or rather 'Duo Maxwell', glanced at the teacher without turning his head. He closed his eyes, tilted his head in the barest hint of acknowledgement, and made his way up the stairs to the back row of the room without a scrap of hesitation or shame in his bearing. It might have been inappropriate. It still needed to be said. And if some of the students were giving him rather hateful glares as he passed, well, he'd dealt with much worse in his short life. Glares didn't explode, for one thing.

His chosen seat (the one closest to the aisle) happened to be next to a girl with shockingly pink hair. For a moment, just a moment, Heero was reminded of another young girl he'd sat next to by a quirk of fate. But that was (what felt like) a long time ago and hundreds of thousands of miles away. He began to rummage through his bag for his school supplies without making eye contact. He was only here because the school made for a useful cover. He could lay low for a little bit, at least.
Normally a transfer student wouldn't have ranted about the colonies on their first day, usually they would be scare to death to come to such an exclusive school. Only few students were able to attend this school. Admittedly, Lacus must say Duo Maxwell didn't fit picture. He didn't look like anyone she has known before. And his last name was unfamiliar.

Plus he had an odd, unrecognizable accent that was very peculiar.Lacus wasn't only one in class who thought this was unusual, by looks of it, many of her peers were suspicious of Duo. Even so Lacus acknowledge for someone that is unfamiliar, possibly even a foreigner even, due to his accent, must be brilliant. Not many students would have guts to say a fervent speech like Duo just did. Many students were relieved when the teacher interrupted the speech, however, unlike her peers, Lacus thought Duo was brilliant and confident.

Not only did he looked confident but he didn't seem faze by the dirty looks he received from his peers as he walked to his seat. Lacus thought Duo was remarkably brave, found herself little bit envious, even though she was a sociable, naturally born public speaker the pink haired girl could never actually go up in front of class, discussed about the colonies itself.

As luck would have it, it just so happened that he sat next to her too! Beyond happy with the teacher's decision, Lacus decided to go for it, introduced herself. "Hello I am Lacus Clyne it is a pleasure to meet you!" She introduced herself, pleasantly. Leaving her hand down for him to grasp so they can shake each other's hand in recognition, she wondered how his response would be. "If you need anything you can ask me." She offered, sincerely.
Normally a transfer student wouldn't have ranted about the colonies on their first day, usually they would be scare to death to come to such an exclusive school. Only few students were able to attend this school. Admittedly, Lacus must say Duo Maxwell didn't fit picture. He didn't look like anyone she has known before. And his last name was unfamiliar.

Plus he had an odd, unrecognizable accent that was very peculiar.Lacus wasn't only one in class who thought this was unusual, by looks of it, many of her peers were suspicious of Duo. Even so Lacus acknowledge for someone that is unfamiliar, possibly even a foreigner even, due to his accent, must be brilliant. Not many students would have guts to say a fervent speech like Duo just did. Many students were relieved when the teacher interrupted the speech, however, unlike her peers, Lacus thought Duo was brilliant and confident.

Not only did he looked confident but he didn't seem faze by the dirty looks he received from his peers as he walked to his seat. Lacus thought Duo was remarkably brave, found herself little bit envious, even though she was a sociable, naturally born public speaker the pink haired girl could never actually go up in front of class, discussed about the colonies itself.

As luck would have it, it just so happened that he sat next to her too! Beyond happy with the teacher's decision, Lacus decided to go for it, introduced herself. "Hello I am Lacus Clyne it is a pleasure to meet you!" She introduced herself, pleasantly. Leaving her hand down for him to grasp so they can shake each other's hand in recognition, she wondered how his response would be. "If you need anything you can ask me." She offered, sincerely.
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