Expanding Vocabulary {darkest_fate&True Grave}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"Well, I'd love to say this doesn't happen that often, but I'd be pretty close to lying," Kaley Cuoco said as she reached for a towel to wrap around her impressively curvy body. She'd only been stripped down to her underwear, which weren't the most exciting thing in the world: a pair of high-rise white cotton panties and a matching bra to help support the girls, and that generally wasn't how you wanted to be when a stranger walked into the room. True, said room happened to be set up with a massage chair and table and was clearly situated in the spa wing of a resort, but the guy who wandered in had apparently been filling in or replaced or something. Kaley hadn't quite caught the details there.

And really, like she said, this happened fairly often with her. Maybe it was because she was on one of the most popular television programs in the world, seen every week by tons of guys who no doubt would love to wrap their hands around her corn-fed curves. It certainly didn't help that she'd essentially gotten the role because she looked like the woman all girls next door wanted to grow up to be: pretty without being quite classically beautiful, perky without being quite annoying, blonde without being too dim. That she wasn't quite the Hollywood stick figure probably helped too, though she liked to keep in shape and all. She just happened to have an actual woman's body which meant real curves and an ass that actually existed and a pair of breasts that didn't have silicone cores.

So, yeah, she showed up dressed sexy on the show. And people often walked in during costume changes. In fact, Kaley sometimes quite purposefully wore plain underwear just to throw people off. She'd love to claim that was the case here, but this was more a matter of "I'm on vacation so screw it." she did have a bikini that showed off about half as much as her bra and panties, so she did realize there was a bit of weirdness in the whole getting specifically riled and all, which was probably why she was more amused than anything. Again, it probably didn't help that she was on a comedy show that joked about sex at least several times an episode. For Kaley Cuoco, sex was definitely more funny than anything else.

And yes, this was her on vacation. They'd gotten a break from shooting and she'd opted to take a few weeks to head to this special resort. They called it the Elysian Resort, and apparently you could only go if you actually got a recommendation from someone else. It also required a pretty decent chunk of money but, again: actress in a well paid television program. The offer of privacy and relaxation had been way too tempting to pass up. Plus, the info had talked about "sensual pleasures the likes of which you have never experienced before."

All of this explained why Kaley had signed up for a massage not long after arriving. She'd almost dropped off her stuff at her room and headed straight for the spa. Hey, if you were going to do this, you should do it right. Then she'd arrived and seen this guy and he'd mentioned something about a "Nuru" massage and now here she was, trying to figure this whole thing out. She didn't have a clue about the specifics of the whole massage thing. It wasn't like she was a brainiac; in many ways she was like her character: street smart and able to crack wise. But she didn't want to, like, offend him or anything.

"What did you say your name was again?" Kaley tried, letting out a laugh. "Just, you know, seems like something we should probably cover if we're going to do the whole massage thing. I'm Kaley, by the way," she gave him a smile, not at all laced with expectation that he know her. That just struck her as arrogant, and maybe he just wasn't a fan of the show or didn't recognize her with the short hair or didn't anticipate running into someone famous or whatever. Not like it really mattered anyway. Right now she just looked more like a beautiful blonde American woman who happened to be in a pair of classy underwear and in the middle of a room set up to massage. With nice tits. And decent legs. and a soft ass.
Daichi Arata, whose name could translate to “new great wisdom”, was an intelligent young man of twenty-five years trying to live up to this auspicious name. A native of Osaka, he looked fairly typical, with cappuccino skin, dark hair, and the occidental fold that was common for some people of Asia. He was fit and trim, and kept in shape by doing Taichi and running when he had the downtime. Arata also kept his mind sharp, and between his own intelligence and commitment, and the support of his wealthy family, he had graduated from prestigious Osaka University with honors and an MBA. His father, Hideki Arata, was the CEO of Panasonic, the biggest company in Osaka, and had been grooming his son for years to succeed him. Being the son of one of the top brass did not mean that Daichi was entitled to any special favors, though, and he started in the Accounting department like anyone else with his credentials.

Over five years and many hours, Daichi had worked his way up to head of the Accounting Department, and was now sitting pretty at a yearly six-figure income. He had a nice apartment in an upscale part of the city, and wanted for nothing that could be described as a creature comfort. Well, that was, except for a woman. Life on the way to Osaka U had been very academically rigorous with not much time for a social life. His time at the university had bettered his social skills, but he had never found a woman that he thought would make for a good serious relationship with. Drinking and chatting at a hostess club after work had also not netted him much in that regard.

Arata had been at home surfing the web when he came across an ad for a special kind of resort that went by the name Elysian. He was familiar with the reference to the ancient Greek concept of heaven, and wondered just what they specialized in that made them worthy of such a name. A little research revealed that this was a club on Andros Island in The Bahamas that specialized in five-star service for the rich and famous. Wealthy businessmen, socialites, and even celebrities were known to visit this establishment. That all sounded well and good, but there were plenty of places he could go in his own country that could offer the same things this place purported to have.

However, his curiosity was piqued by a small section toward the end of the website. It promised that guests would have the sexual pleasure of a lifetime, and this intrigued him greatly. In his culture, bedding a Western woman would be quite a feather in his cap, and bedding a famous one would be ten times the prestige. Not only might he find a woman truly worthy of his time, but he could not resist the idea of showing up the businessmen in Tokyo and Kyoto. The two requirements were a substantial payment to go and a referral from a previous guest, one of which was no problem but the other would take some effort. He made a few calls and finally found someone who had been to the Elysian, a business associate named Hayate.

Hayate told him of his personal time at the club, which was incredible. He had bedded several women of Western and Eastern descent, and the food and drink had also been top notch. This had been before Daichi was working for Panasonic, so he did not get the word from him back when it was fresh. Hayate gave him permission to use his referral, and Daichi next checked to see how much vacation time he had. Thanks to his hard work and dedication, he had actually built up a whole month’s worth of vacation time, which would give him plenty of time to indulge in the pleasures that Hayate had told him about. Having his father as a boss paid dividends right now, as he was able to call him and get the paperwork for his time off taken care of over the phone.

The next call he made was to the Elysian itself. His call was answered by an attractive-sounding woman with a faint Caribbean accent, who helped him get everything he would need to come and visit taken care of. Daichi was especially grateful for how well he had grasped English back in school, as it had helped him greatly in his professional life, and now it would help him in his personal life. Now that he was registered, he could come anytime, and his joy was immeasurable. He thought of all the women he could have as he got his luggage together, and could hardly sleep that night from his excitement. The next morning, August 1, he got on a train bound for Tokyo so that he could fly to The Bahamas from their international airport.

It turned out that the flight would not be long. After a day of flying, the plane touched down at Andros Island and Daichi disembarked along with a few other passengers. The scenery was breathtaking. Palm trees that seemed to reach for the sky, white sand beaches, and wonderfully proportioned bikini-clad women all greeted his eyes as he made his way to the prestigious resort by cab. When he got out, he checked in and was shown his room, which was so impressive that it put the word lavish to shame. Being here was truly like being on Olympus, and Daichi was almost giddy as he thought that he had a whole month to spend at this wonderful place.

It was as he was coming out of his room that he first caught sight of her. She was a stunning blonde, not terribly different from what he had seen on the way here in the face. No, what really caught his eye was her body. She was well-proportioned and curvy, and he would have loved to see what she looked like in less clothing. It was right then that he decided that he would have her, for she couldn’t have embodied more the Western woman that Eastern men like him drooled over. Of course, before he could do that, he would have to find out who she actually was.

A bit of asking around got him that answer and much more. It turned out that this was no ordinary American blonde. The woman that has tantalized his senses was none other than Kaley Cuoco, the leading lady of the American sitcom The Big Bang Theory. Not being familiar at all with the show, a fellow guest pulled it up on Netflix for him and they watched an episode. Daichi didn’t fully understand the humor, being from a different culture, but this was definitely his new dream girl. Right away, he heard news that would give him a chance to have some alone time with her.

Miss Cuoco had signed up for a massage, and this had given Daichi a great idea. Within his culture, there was a type of sexual oil massage known as Nuru, and this was the kind of massage that he would like to give this sexy starlet. As would be expected from a five-star resort, they had a spa wing where the guests could unwind with massages and sauna treatments, and that was where Daichi went next. It was not hard to pay the masseur to let him take his place, and in fact, he gave in almost suspiciously too easily. Nevertheless, Daichi was in now, and dressed like the man he had replaced, he went to meet his ‘client’. When he entered the room, he introduced himself and began looking for the oil he would need, finding it almost instantly.

His new fantasy woman was dressed only in white cotton panties and a bra, and he could feel his mouth watering on the inside.
“This is my first time, so hopefully it will be to your satisfaction.”
Daichi was thankful that his Osakan accent was not too thick while he was speaking English, as this dialect was much rougher and harsher-sounding than the Japanese spoken by individuals in Tokyo or Kyoto. When she asked what his name was again, he smiled, hoping to come across smooth and trying to be laid-back.
“You can call me Arata. I am your Nuru massage specialist, and it is nice to meet you, Kaley.”

Daichi sat down in a chair across from her, so that they were face-to-face.
Nuru is a special kind of massage that is popular in my country, Japan, and the rest of Asia. I could tell you all about it, but showing you is a lot more fun.”
He stood up and dimmed the lights.
“Go ahead and lay down. I will take care of you.”

Daichi lit some candles that smelled tropical, and began to play some light and relaxing tropical music on the Ipod in the room. He then went to where she did not see him and stripped off his clothes, as this was a massage where the masseur or masseuse was expected to be entirely in the nude, using their entire body to stimulate their client. Daichi then got the massage oil and began rubbing it all over her skin. The oil was thick, and set up so that it was good for sliding. The massage table had been set up so that it would pool in the center and not make a mess. With the preparation taken care of, Daichi began to rub Kaley down.

He started at her neck, gently but firmly rubbing it up and down. He then began to massage her shoulder, his fingers gently but assertively kneading into her skin. He gently traced his fingertips down her back for the sensation, but then came up and began to knead down her back, close to her spine and then out again. Daichi’s skilled hands rubbed on and around her curves, enjoying the feel of the supple skin. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that he had groped around her hips, and the whole thing had made his cock rock hard. It was then that he reached her delectably soft ass.

Daichi massaged and rubbed it, using the fabric to pleasure her, as well. There were times that he pulled gently on her underwear, knowing that it would stimulate her sensitive pussy. He let the oil drip down into her underwear, since there were no irritants in it that would cause discomfort, unlike other kinds of massage gel. Daichi continued to grope, knead, and massage her ass, hesitant to stop now that he had begun to touch this Western goddess in one of her most intimate areas. However, he soon forced himself to depart that area with a soft smack on her ass before starting on her legs and feet, which he did to the same quality as her ass. No matter where he touched her, he was firm but not overly rough, relaxing and pleasuring her in ways she might not have ever felt before, and never had he been so thankful to his massage therapy friend from college, Akio.

After he had finished this, he smiled.
“Now that we have finished the warm-up, let’s have some real fun.”
Daichi then got on the table and began to gently slide up her body, letting his penis lead the way. He knew this would be somewhat shocking to her, but he did his best to be reassuring.
“In Nuru massage, I use my whole body to help you relax.”
Daichi gently laid himself on her and began to slide up and down on her, letting her feel the muscles on his toned body.

Daichi allowed his feet to touch hers, rubbing up and down on them in a way similar to footsies. His hands massaged from her legs to her breasts and back down time and again. His cock touched the part of her underwear where he would enter her and then slid up, following the crack of her luscious ass time and again. Nuru was meant to come as close as possible to penetration without it actually happening, and it could be very erotic. It was most often done by women on men, so Daichi was really going against the norm here.

He continued to slide up and down her, going slowly sometimes to emphasize his movement over a certain area. His fingertips massaged all over her curves, enjoying every inch of her. Daichi was happy that he did not show the Asian stereotype in front of this woman, as his cock was definitely long enough to be considered big. The candles and the music were helping greatly in the erotic atmosphere, and that helped him be comfortable as well, since this island was very similar to parts of his own. Daichi began to massage her again, focusing now on spots that he had seen were getting the best reaction. His goal now was to drive this beautiful blonde starlet wild with lust.
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