Selena Gomez's Only Porn Vid {darkest_fate&zeeman}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Virgins did not do porn. It seemed like such a simple thing to say, something that pretty well everyone would take for granted. Why would someone want their first sexual experience to be recorded? To be "fake?" Plus, what attractive person these days made it to the point where they could do pornography and didn't lose their innocence before that point?

Apparently Selena Gomez. The pretty Hispanic wore a trench coat and stood in the middle of a house that practically screamed "porno set." Everything looked modern, fancy, appealing, but lacking in anything like warmth, or any signs that someone would actually live there. The room in which the virginal young lady stood happened to vaguely resemble a living room. Several long white couches formed an elongated "C" opened up before a fireplace, which just so happened to have a fur rug stretched out on the floor. Several other "chairs" sat in various places. A keen eye would note that simply sitting in them would put someone into a strange position, almost perfect for certain... activities. The wide open room had excellent natural lighting from a set of wide glass doors that opened up onto a connected pool, which all extended into a stunning view stretched out below. Stairs led up to what would be bedrooms designed and stocked for just this sort of activity. Everything about the house had a decidedly sensual vibe about it.

Even the young lady nervously shifting in the room and looking around. Selena had a sensual body: anyone who looked at her could see that. Her Mexican heritage probably helped flare out her lips, giving her a set of noticeable curves despite her lean dancer's body. Firm breasts stood out on her slender chest, all covered with the coat. Flowing black hair extended about a slightly rounded face that would likely always have a slight youthful look to it. Despite being legal, Selena still looked as if she'd sneaked out of high school. Even her tendency to chew her lip and the nervous look in her dark eyes spoke of someone who kept expecting an adult to come along and take her away. The girl didn't seem to quite realize that any adults in this house would take one look at that heart shaped ass and, yes, they would certainly think of spanking... but not in the manner the girl would think. Only the expertly applied makeup, which brought out those nervous dark eyes and made her lips look a little more plump and kissable, made her seem a little more adult than she actually was.

"So, uh, we agreed to, like," Selena stammered, looking around to the "professional(s)" in the room, "to do this," she reached up to brush back some hair for a moment, fidgeting again. "And, ah, you'd said to, to wear something... something... sexy?" She undid the coat, letting it fall open to reveal the frilled bra that worked well to hold up the pert little titties. A matching pair of light pink ruffled panties covered her "naughty bits." "I, uh, thought this was... cute?" she reached up to fiddle with a silver charm necklace around her neck, a star shape that her father had given her for good luck. "Oh, right, and the contract," she dug into the coat, pulling out a folded piece of paper. "It was sort of odd and all, but, yeah, I figured everything works."

Selena added a slight shrug before smiling just wide enough to start showing pearly whites as she extended the folded paper out. The girl looked every inch the jailbait tease, from the top of her pretty black hair to the frilled bra and panties to a set of pink wrap-around heeled sandals that extended her feet slightly and gave her already toned legs all the more toning. The girl looked ready to begin shooting a video... if not clearly aware of just what kind she had signed on for.
Frank was smiling using his nice guy, trust me smile. He was very slick and he knew it. It was all he could do to contain his joy as he knew he had this young starlet so fooled, it was almost time to spring the trap on her. she was the perfect victim for him, young and famous and so eager to prove to everyone that she was an adult and smart enough to make all of her own decisions.

She had told him she wanted to make a film, something classy that would pass for a homemade sex video of her and a nice guy. Something that did not really show the actual hard core sex but merely showed some nudity, the sex part would be more suggestive or blurred out. She was not really specific but of course Frank was so understanding and convinced her he knew exactly what she wanted. Something that could be accidentally leaked out, so she could pretend to be outraged and get all kinds of sympathy and free press.

As she was so very naieve it was not too hard to fool her with the wordy contract he came up with. Lots of double talk and non-specifics of what may or may not take place while filming. More gray areas than anything. He merely convinced her they would take it slow, one step at a time and would only do what she approved of. He told her she would be able to view each part as they did it and she would decide what to cut and what to keep. The silly girl was actually believing she was in control of everything. Nothing could be further from the truth!

Besides Frank, the director, there was Gerry, the sound and light guy and Ted, his main camera man. Ted had several stationary cameras set up in different rooms and he had a hand held one for close-ups and good POV shots. Drake was in this room with them as well, he was the male stud for the film.

“I want you to just relax now kiddo and remember everything I told you before. We take it one step at a time, we’ll start of slow for you. Lets get a few shots of you two together. This will be like the beginning of an encounter, just some making out and light petting stuff, easy to handle stuff. This will be the lead in for the heavier stuff.”

He gives them both a few more instructions and then they star to film. They start with Selena on the couch, with her coat on. Drake enters the picture, like he just arrived or something and she gets up to meet him, they embrace etc. they start to roll film.
It did strike Selena as more than a little odd that all the cast and crew of the shoot happened to be male. She'd dealt with Mr. Frank before, talked with him, and he struck her as quite the nice man to deal with on the whole. However, she'd still been hoping that at least one other female would've been there, a makeup artist or a fluffer or something along those lines. All the men intimidated Selena, particularly because at under five and a half feet tall, the petite dancer/singer/actress felt almost tiny compared to the rest of them.

They did promise to take things one step at a time. Start slow, just a few basic shots of her with the talent, with Drake. She smiled up at him and wiggled a few fingers as Frank explained. Just the beginning, light petting, so forth. That sounded easy enough, more or less what Selena had been used to. She could almost see the various Disney executives nodding their heads in tacit approval, even as their hands reached down to their groins.

The coat stayed on, which surprised Selena. She found herself led to the couch, and she nodded at her instructions. The girl had acted, could act, did so now, looking as if she were just lounging about, enjoying herself. It did feel almost silly, given that no girl in her right mind would lounge about wearing just a trench coat and nothing else but, well, it wasn't like this was Shakespeare they were filming here. Selena heard the tall man enter and her head turned to him. She tilted her own head to smile, springing upright, trying to show as much enthusiasm as possible.

Her eagerness meant that she nearly tripped over the heeled sandal, but Selena thought she did well enough at covering it that it wouldn't show. It would just look like more eagerness from the girl eager to see her lover again. Selena smiled up, tucking back some hair, moving forward, waiting for Drake to slide his arms around her, to begin the faux-makeout scene. She could already feel her heart hammering in her chest and she couldn't help but chew a little on her lips, nerves twisting her stomach and releasing a few butterflies to flutter about. They were professionals though, well paid pros, they'd handle this just fine, would probably work quite well with the amateur, make her feel comfortable, ready for the shoot.
Frank was being patient and was just watching as things unfurled. The first scene going well so far, Selena standing and stepping toward her fake lover, then come together, his slides his big arms inside of her coat, they embrace and kiss. He pulls her in close to his big muscled body as he rams his tongue down her throat catching her a bit off guard as he moves his hands on her bare skin inside of her coat. He immediately starts to remove her coat, it seems clear she was not expecting things to move this fast as it looks like she is struggling or trying to resist his forward moves. Frank had planned this as he had planned out everything in advance. He was ready for her protests.

“okay, cut!”
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