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Jan 8, 2009
      • But happy birthday and I love you, bro. <3

        All hail the King of England. It's Laudanum's 21st birthday tomorrow~![/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
      • lol.
        Ninja Laud comes back to BlueMoon for his birthday. xD

        And maybeh~ I have to go over that way to pick up my last paycheck anyways.[/list:u][/list:u][/list:u]
Happy B-day, King of England!

May your B-day buttsecks be greatly pleasing.

-gentlemen bow-
HKitten said:
  • Ooh, sounds fun~!

    Oh, and I'm you SON, Lauddy-Daddy >8U

    *has been titled the Prince of England a bit back*[/list:u]

        • Wait... so that makes you my... nephew?
It.. can't be.. I can't have children! This is impossible!
Lovecraftian Mindfuck!
It hurrrts!


      • -pets Laud-
        Kitten is Goaty's buttbaby apparently.
        You really should have used to condom.
I'm incapable of it. All I've got in my inventory is the giant hammer of Deathy-Doom. My über sexiness takes up the rest of the space.
Happy Birthday in advance Laudanum. Even though I don't really know you. >_< Have a good one.
Thank you all.
And as I said, I will be on more frequently, when I'm not busy with teh cuddles.
I hate none of you.
Especially you guys, Try and Goatse.
I hug my laptop. Pretend it's you.
There we go.

...feels slightly awkward...
I wished happy birthdays in person... back... when it happened... and my I just say...
my eyes... and ears... (for some reason) are now bleeding copious volumes of blood!
It seems my Laudy has quite the internet family. And children... and siblings... and wacky neighbors...
Laud! Believe nothing! I've had people claiming to be my children, but empirical evidence has disproved all claims!
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