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Zombie Apocalypse


Biblically Accurate Bitch
Sep 28, 2013
The Lost City of Clitlantis
Zombie Apocalypse! How would your characters do in a zombie apocalypse? Which do you pick to be your partner in the coming disaster.

Emma Von Furstenberg- Poor Emma is dead. But at least she is dead in a ten thousand dollar outfit.

Dr Lila Ross- On her own? Probably dead.

Ariana Blake- She is smart, strong and adaptable. The secret training regimen she is undergoing isn't helping her ability to survive, though.

Scarlet Samurai- Tiny dervish with super speed super strength and super endurance? She is fine.

Xiang Ming- resourceful pirate captain? She is probably fine.

Raven - Futuristic merc, fine unless her boss screws her over.

Nisha- Fine and probably saving Handsome Jack's ass right now.

Aurianna- This is probably safer than her current situation, she is fine.
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