Of Soldiers and Bounty Hunters a Smashing Romance (Mofo and MewMew)


Jul 16, 2015
Solid Snake, a covert military operations specialist, and a clone of the once great Big Boss. Found himself on a mission, he found quite hard to swallow. He was sneaking through a corridor, on some air craft with a really weird looking face at the front. Snake slowly crouched down while the strange creatures patrolling the ship moved past him, he then pressed his fingers towards his ear to activate his codex. "Colonel, you said there was some sort of, military secret here right?" Colonel Campbell responded through the Codex "That is correct, and it seems they have some interesting cargo on board a power suit of some kind, doesn't seem like it is from Outer Haven or any DARPA prototype, I assigned you this mission to check it out." "Right, so tell me about the creepy doll things moving around the hall out there." Snake had sent a snap shot of the strange black creatures with green clothes and stuff coming out their back. Campbell responded in kind, "They are servants of Master Hand, an entity that exists between time and space." "So they are what, some kind of soldiers then." Campbell once again in time responded "Correct." Snake sighed, "Roger, Snake out." He would hang up and continue sneaking through the corridor.
Samus Aran, an ex-soldier of the Galactic Federation who turned into a Galactic bounty hunter, usually fitted with a powered exoskeleton with weapons that include directed-energy weapons and missiles was stolen from her causing the bounty hunter to only wear her Zero Suit, a form-fitting jumpsuit that she dons below the Power Suit. Her long blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail, swished back and forth as she dashed through halls in a strange aircraft. She had to get her suit back no matter what, and won't leave until she finds retrieves the Power Suit. Regardless of the dangers she putting herself in, Samus determined to get her Power Suit back, after all it was hers, nobody deserved to wear it, except for herself. Call her selfish but nobody knew how the suit work well except for, well there were scientist who could probably figured how it works, but all one person needs to know is that the Power Suit was hers.
Solid Snake being a cautious sort, had come prepared with a cardboard box, and a few other tools. Including flashbangs, a tranquilzing pistol, a few rockets and a rocket launcher. His codex and his stealth suit, he had everything a soldier and an infiltrator could use, including some tech for seeing in the dark and sensing infared. He heard the sound of feet moving through the strange ship, and slowly ducked down into a cardboard box, and began to carefully move through the hall, trying to avoid detection, each time one of the strange creatures turned around, he stopped moving in the box. Then when he was aware they were back on patrol, he continued moving, the veteran infiltrator was now on the move, he had to go and find that power suit it would be dangerous if it was some new type of Metal Gear being developed. So as he moved he was taking extra pre-caution soon, Snakes sneaking lead him towards a room on the ship, it was cut off from the rest of the rooms. He slipped out from under the cardboard box, and calmly stood up. Walking towards the center there was a terminal and a human sized containmant tube. "The suit must be in here." The Soldier said in his gruff tone.
Finally, Samus arrived at the room where her suit was located but she found a man near her Power Suit. "Hold it right there, stop where you at!" Instinctively, Samus pointed her gun at the unknown man, ready to shoot him at anytime. Whoever this man was he most definitely isn't going to get her Power Suit.
Snake turned and looked seeing a woman in a blue suit of sorts. He was fast on his feet seeing her aiming a gun at him. He moved in quick and with a few jabs and motions he would ultimately grab the base of her elbow before she could fire the gun and with an elite amount of cqc skill, he would try to disarm Samus of her gun. He was skilled and taught the best ways in which one could disarm an enemy. "Who are you?" He asked as he drew out his tranquilizer gun and with the way he had tangled the both of them up he had his gun aimed pretty close to her head. He didn't leave any opening so far, but that would or might change later.
Samus wasn't able to act quickly, ended up having no gun in her procession, instead she had a gun to her face. "I am Samus Aran!" The blonde woman yelled, fuming at the man. "And who are you?" She demanded rather than ask.
The man looked to her calmly, and held the gun there waiting for her to respond, and continued to keep a hold of her, she was a tall woman. Thus was a lot harder to keep down then a normal sized woman "The...name is David...." He said giving his false name rather then his code name, Snake was being very careful "What are you after... is it the thing inside that pod?"
"David huh?" Samus certainly wasn't convinced that was his new, however decided to call him that instead of him that man. "What do you think I am doing? I am getting back my suit of course." She said in sassy tone.
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