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Something Beneath the Waves

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Oct 10, 2015
The Moon & Antarctica
I was told that writing can be cathartic for some, and that its healing properties can turn festering wounds into blemishes. I would like to believe that this claim wasn't made in pretense, as just another way of having me open up to others. Maybe some of you are stricken with the same grief and depression; it is our affliction.

There is beauty in everything, or so that is my belief. The stars in their vast multitude shining brilliantly, young love forming between two close friends, even the birth of new life holds that same pleasant aesthetic. I always attempt to see the beauty in everything, especially when I am internally grieving. Maybe I can turn these wanton feelings into something beautiful, and use this forum as my canvas.

I'd like to find similar people, looking to express their feelings through writing. You certainly don't have to be depressed or silently suffering. I want to write alongside people that are looking to create a story, manifested through both our passions. Plot, character development, and open communication are three attributes that I believe are necessary when crafting a story.

I want to believe in the characters you write.

If you're looking for a dedicated writing partner that enjoys a cheesy joke every now and then, look no further.

Let's tell great stories together.
RE: Relax, It's Going to be Alright.

I would love to develop a story with you. This is my request thread. Hopefully we can work something out!
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