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King and Devious Afterschool Blackmail.

May 13, 2009
Stark cold night air enshrouded a local neighborhood of Garrath Street, Cooper town. A young high school student walked down the streets looking at each house one by one, looking for the address given to her. "138 Garrath Street." was on the little slip of paper. She had been slipping in her grades at school, and her teacher David Barkwater offered to tutor her at his house after school to help bring them up for her. This, was an opportunity only a mad person would pass up. The stars twinkled like silvery gold specks on the black sky, as the street lights went out one at a time behind the girl. As she arrived she took note to read the address on the mailbox, "138." This was the one. She walked up to his front door, and knocked, once, twice, three times and waited patiently. David answered the door looking down to the girl. "Come on in Crystal, glad you could make it.....I have a lesson specially planned to help bring your grades up tonight." He gave a warming smile to the girl, and waved her in, stepping aside to let her through. "So tell me, I trust you made it ok through the streets? Nothing troubled you?" He took her coat, and hung it on the rack by the door as he took a seat on his couch infront of a fireplace and TV sitting on a large beautifully carved stone table. That by far was the most expensive item in his house. Being that he's a teacher, he didn't make much, but enough to every now and then treat himself to something nice for the house. This just happened to be it. David being 5'11, with short trimmed neat dark brown hair, a lightly muscular body, and to top it all off had light golden brown eyes. "I've got the kettle going, would you like some cinnamon tea before we start? It'll help you to relax and think for the lesson."
He stood up almost immediately and entered the kitchen, grabbing the kettle as it started to whistle. Looking over he grabbed to cups, and two tea bags, putting a little bit of cinnamon in each cup.....and a little something extra in hers. Pouring the hot tea in her cup mixing the contents thoroughly, he then moved to his own cup doing the same as far as mixing it. Taking a sip of his so as not to mix the two up, put them on a tray and walked into the living room where he had books laid out to make it as though her were going to tutor her. To be honest David had been watching this girl for some time in his classes. Just the mere thought of having her all to himself made him hard, and now that she was here and exactly as thought, he could barely contain himself. "Here you's nice and hot. So blow on it before you drink ok?" He set the tray down, immediately grabbing his own cup and holding it close to him. Till then he would need to think of a conversation or maybe even start to make up a lesson till the drug wore in on her. "So where shall I start, what do you need help in?" He asked precariously, talking lightly to her. "I'll help with anything I can" He continued, so as to keep the mood going. The fire cackled and spat as the warm golden glow shimmered on the two in the room, He slid a book forward before taking a small drink of his tea. The book was for mathematics, the one thing David was good at but didn't enjoy too much. He gave a mental note to remove the book next time, seeing it to be a problem in the near future. He leaned back in his seat and stared at her with the same smile he had as he let her in earlier.
Crystal knew that going to her teachers house this late would be a bad idea. She needed the grades and the only draw back would be if he took advantage of her somehow and made her do something. Looking at the paper and at the addresses as she went by them she bit her lip lightly. She was nervous to hell but she had to do this. She needed her grades up cause if she didn't get them back up she would be in the same grade again next year. Jumping some and yelping lowly as the lights went off behind her she thought it was awkward but knew it was like that. Some neighborhoods did that for some reasons but she didn't think it was this neighborhood. Getting to the door she saw her teacher as he answered and she smiled "Thank you" as he took her coat and hung it up. Shivering lightly since it was cold out she nodded as he asked about the tea. She didn't even get a chance to say yes before he was already up. Looking at him then around the room she noticed the nice TV and fireplace. It was getting cozy and it felt a little to damn cozy for just being here for tutoring. Looking at him as he was stirring the tea she just thought he was giving her some sugar or something. It was totally different but she didn't know yet but she would soon hopefully. Looking at him as he brought in the tea she nodded some "I will". Blowing on the tea before she took a drink she looked at him then bit her lip. The tea tasted like it had no sugar in it but then again maybe he was just stirring it to get the flavor stronger. Looking at him as he kept asking questions and talking lightly to her she growled lowly "I'm not a child so don't fucking treat me like one". Seeing him put the math book close she shook her head and closed her eyes "I need help on history..we are studying the slave history and how guys treated girls a long time ago". Feeling a little woozy she whimpered a little and looked at him. Her eyes were glazing over some and she realized what he had done. Dropping the tea on the floor she backed away and fell off the couch. Looking at him as she started to get back up but she just fell back down. Getting a scared look in her eyes she looked away and to the ground "What do you want with me?? What..What..What did you put in my drink?? Why are you even doing this to me when you know you will get in major trouble if anyone finds out?? I'm not even worth that much trouble!!". She didn't even look at him. Her dark blue steel eyes where glazed over with a light silver and she shook her head. Her dark black hair fell into face and her skirt was hiked up some as well as her shirt was up to her stomach showing. She didn't want to find out what he was going to do to her but she had no choice. She couldn't walk and she couldn't get think straight. So many thoughts where going through her head.
David was taken aback slightly as she made the remark of treating her like a child. "I don't think me being courteous and caring of your grades would be considered treating you like a child." He said with a more straight forward tone than before. He then slid the book back at her refusal to the mathematics, a feeling of relief coming over him. The one subject he hated wasn't needed. "Ok then....History it is." He had barely gotten the book across the table when he looked up hearing a thump and splash of her tea. "Are you ok?....Crystal?" She was scooting away from him, a small cold smirk came across his face. "He stood up slowly, and walked over to her, putting a hand on the soft skin of her stomach. She was light to the touch, and amazingly fit to her figure. "If you want to think that then go ahead...." He picked her up so that her back was against his mid section. She was just high enough to reach his chin. This was perfect to him, all the more imaginable fun. "If you aren't feeling right then you need to go lay down, come on...." He then lifted her up bridal style and walked away from the den area to a dark bedroom. The only source of light to the room was the tiny sliver of light peeping under the door from the fireplace a little ways down the hallway from the den. "Here we go..." the light flooded the room for only a split second as he pushed the door open and then promptly kicked it shut, snuffing out any light instantly. "Here....I nice bed to lay down on." He said quietly with a mock tone of care. He then walked over silently dropping his shoes off his feet as he did; locking the door behind him, making his way across the room to a small camera stand with a sleek black video recorder on it's perch. "For good memories of what's to come.....literally" he whispered, as he then made his way back to the bed shedding clothing one piece at a time as he did. First his shirt, which was easy it was a button up dress shirt. Then went the belt, with the pants right behind it. As he crawled up onto the bed loosing his boxers as he did; stark naked he crawled over-top the girl and stared down at her through the pitch black darkness with a lusty grin. "I'm going to make your long as we cooperate that is." he said smoothly as if this were just another everyday thing to him.
David smirked and reached down, going over her body lightly; exploring her every curve, every touch, every body part slowly enjoying the feel of her. He was already getting hard over just feeling her, as he started to remove her clothing now, piece by piece just like himself. First went her shoes and socks, followed closely by her skirt and panties, the hem of her panties teasing at her skin as he reached down and brushed his lips on her legs dangerously close to her sweet heated center. " smell nice." He whispered seductively, as he raised his head up and started to pull her shirt over her head. David could see the silhouette of her near perfectly rounded breasts under the cover of the bra. "One last piece to your pretty little body....and I will make it last to perfection." He smirked again, and reached down running his hands lightly across her stomach up to her chest, slowly rubbing against the fabric of the bra, before reaching under the cups feeling her silky smooth breasts underneath, teasing her nipples to a hardened peak with his finger tips. "Yes, yes I like this...." He then ran his hands to her back, and simply pulled the snaps of her bra apart tearing the fabric apart. "no need for this anymore." David tossed the bra away to the floor, he returned to massaging and groping her breasts in small circular motions. They were incredibly soft and only made David harder every second he held them in his hands. "I hope you're awake enough to enjoy this....even a little bit." He said in a dark tone, as he lowered his mouth to a nipple, nipping it lightly swirling his tongue around the hardened peak before making a trail of kisses down the center of her body, stopping just above the little slit that covered her center. "hehehehe...." He then dove forward pressing his lips to her opening, running his tongue over her clit and downward getting a full taste of her body inside and out. A soft growl escaped David, as he relentlessly suckled and licked her pussy and clit for only a few moments before leaving it wet and excited. Maybe she herself didn't want what was coming, but her body sure did, and that he could tell just by the way it reacted. "Do you want more?...." He asked teasingly, as he took his now fully hardened cock and rubbed the head of it against the lips of her wet center feeling them hug the head of his cock in a wanting manner. the dark room only added to the atmosphere, leaving nothing for the eyes to see, but more for the body to feel, as he ran the head against the clitoris and back down to the opening.
David then slowly pressed inward on her pussy, sliding in slowly at first, before going in more easily. Inch by inch he slowly buried his cock into her tight little body, the walls nearly squeezing his shaft to death as he completely buried it to the point his body pressed against her own. "Mmmmmmmmmm.....that feels so good." He then grabbed a small black remote from the night stand next to the bed, and pressed a small button on it, a little red light coming from the camera behind him, as the night vision on it kicked in and started to record the action. David smiled lustfully from the darkness, as he slowly started to pump in and out of Crystals tight little hole, the wet sounds of her pussy the only noise aside from David's groans of pleasure from the girls body. "I believe you get an A for your materials at hand about that participation grade hmmm?" David continued to tease, as he reached down and cupped a breast enclosing his mouth upon the nipple once again, as he started to increase his pace with them girl. A lusty growl escaped David once more, as he swirled his tongue along the nipple, before releasing the breast from his mouth, grabbing under her knees and holding her legs up bent at the knee as he began a furious pace of pumping in and out of Crystals' pussy. The sound of their bodies smacking together could be heard now, a wet slap repeating itself everytime he continuously shoved all 8 inches into her. The feeling of her pussy squeezing his shaft to the point that "Euphoric" was an understatement. "Ooooh, sweaty I won't last very long if you keep up this kind of work." Davide said in the middle of each push forward. This was true though, if he kept this relentless assault on her sweetly wet, hot center, he indeed would not last much longer before he had to pull away and release. It was until then he got that hint of visual stimulation that send him over the edge, the glimmer of light from under the door gave him the silhouette of her beautiful naked body attached to his cock. Just the split second of the image sent him over the deep end, as he hit his climax unable to hold it; spraying cum into her body as he slowly pulled out some of the cum oozing out rolling down the lips of her pussy and inner thigh. "mmmmmm.....that was good." He said smiling, before slowly rubbing the head of his cock against her pussy again. By now the drug would be wearing off, maybe then he would continue with her, now that she would be awake. All the more fun he thought, as he say satisfied for the moment with his cock ready at her small entrance ready to go again.
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