〖 F A L L ❄ F R O S T 〗 A Request Thread [♀ + ♀] [♀ + ♂] Overwatch!

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Jun 16, 2015
❄ Welcome ❄
Request Thread for Female Characters Seeking all genders.
Not surprisingly this looks a lot like my male search thread. This is primarily cuz Im lazy.

Please do not reply to this thread until at least the Third Post
Two are Reserved for cravings and Plots, coming Soon. Feel free to PM me though.

Who Is F R O S T?
『』 My name is Frost; Most who know me end up calling me Frosty.
『』 I am a rather introverted individual, and do not like sharing personal details. I will however say;
I live in the Pacific Time Zone -8.00 EST
I am Employed, Full Time and between colleges, working on a Bachelor's Degree.
I am also not terribly interested in the personal details of my partners. Your online identity is enough for me, I only need to know what is essential to RP.
『』 I am pretty much Pan-sexual when it comes to RP ; Gender, real or virtual means nothing to me...
『』 I am a bit shy, but once initial awkwardness is over and dealt with I tend to be quite energetic and friendly. Promise.
『』 I am also quite pervy and get along very well with pervy-minded people <3`
『』 I can be pretty greedy too when it comes to kinky stuff... throw everything you want at me!
『』 I play both Male and Female characters... Of course this thread is for the Females and Futa among them only.
I have segregated my character's request threads by gender. For the male request thread, please look (Here)
『』 I am seeking multiple pairings - My interest is in the following order. F/F, Futa/F and F/M pairings.
『』I do consider myself to be at the very least Literate/Advanced. Depending on the post of my partners my own can be quite verbose - however it is hard of course to maintain 1800 words per post when I get 200 in return, so mine typically reflect my partner's.
『』If I have to classify my general roleplaying preferences using the BDSM lingo, I would do so as a Switch; with a Dom lean. My characters tend to be assertive and in-control, but I also appreciate partners of a similar bent and like to have power transfer and flex...
『』 Let me make this perfectly clear. I am not seeking "Submissive" Partners. If you cannot switch or dom, I am not interested.

What does Frost W A N T ?

The M O O D In General
M/F /☷☷☷☷☷☷☷☷☷☷☷☷/ F/F

Frosts Rules
『』 We are all grownups here... So you should know the basics of respect and conduct. Don't Godmod. follow Site rules. Don't be a Pill.
『』 I do have standards as to personal literacy of those I play with. Where I come from writing ability is not measured in sentences, but in paragraphs, and as such have an attachment to detail and verbose descriptions. I do not *require* an any particular amount of text per post, especially in fast-paced media such as skype but I appreciate greatly any effort applied and notice even with brief posts a sense of articulacy.
『』 Proper Grammar and Spelling are also something I appreciate. I personally do not pursue this ideal too stringently as I myself have some writing quirks that would make and have made many an English major upset with me. This said; I would like to be at least able to read your posts.
『』 I am a World Builder and a Plotter... I greatly enjoy coming up with plots and worlds to play in. Naturally though when I am plotting with my partner I do not like doing *all* the work and appreciate a partner that is willing to come up with ideas of their own.
『』 Please, contribute to the RP, the plotting, the developments, and the posts! So many players I have played with have a bad habit of only having their characters react to their partners and not act after... These are people I call "Potato Sack Partners" and it is a massive turnoff since it makes writing a chore. A good post should be 30% reaction and 70% action.
『』 I am best contacted through Private Message here on Bluemoon; This said, when you do contact me, please put a " ♛ Or the word "Queen" " In the subject line of your PM so that I both know you are after a female or futa character and that you have read my rules.
『』Finally, *Do Not* Waste my time. Communication is absolutely vital for me. If you have thoughts, tell me. If you want me to try a kink or do not like something I am doing. Tell me. If you feel I am neglecting you. Tell me. If you dislike our RP, let me know so I may drop it and focus on something else, if you leave me hanging you waste my time by forcing me to wait for you.

The Mood K I L L E R S ! (Offs)​

Mundane Settings - "Real Life" settings are boring without some sort of sci-fi or fantasy element. Spice it up.
One Sided Relationships - I do not want to Break/Rape/Stalk/Obsess Over/Assault your character. An Instant Turn-Off.
Non-Consensual - Gotta be in a special mood or I don't enjoy it.
"Sub Only" - Only playing Dom to a Sub gets boring so quickly, and though I enjoy femdom occasionally I would prefer a partner character who can stand on equal level with my ladies, if not taking control.
Potato-Sack-Partners - Characters (or players for that matter) that do nothing to contribute to a role-play or a scene and expect their partner to 'do all the work'. You know who you are..
Bathroom Stuff: I don't Enjoy it.
Male Subs: Boys aren't sexy when they are whimpering subs. My girls want MEN.

What does Frost A D O R E ?
[For my kinks and fetishes in general see My List]
Who Frostie Adores playing: (Characters I *love* To play)
『』Boyish Girls and Tomboys; My girlies often have short hair, slender bodies and brash personalities. Still attractive of course but certainly not girly.
『』Characters that subvert gender Sterotypes; I hate most female gender stereotypes and double standards. My girls love to fight, hate domestic chores, swear like sailors and subvert any "ladylike" convention I might think of. I also don't cater to the 'submissive doll' or 'damsel' archetypes.
『』Girls with attitude; I adore playing bad girls, gang leaders, assassins, criminals, convicts, exiles, you name it. Good Girls are lame ;3
『』Demi-Human Characters; Characters who are "partly" human in appearance. Elves, Nekomimi, Orcs (gunna be hot ones).
『』Monstergirls; I LOVE playing Monstergirls; Heavily Anthropomorphised monsters that still have many distinctly human traits. Think Nagas, Human-looking Dragons, Centaurs... and whatnot.
『』Traps; Goes with the gender-bending kink. If a girl can put on a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and cap and pass herself off as a man (maybe with some careful binding work) I love her. I also adore playing male traps, but thats for my other thread.
『』Badasses: Nuff Said
『』Futas; Futas; chicks with dicks, whether full package shemales or hermaphrodites (shemales are preferred) are something that Iv been told I do pretty well.
『』Magic Users;: Infinite power. No responsibility. :3

What Frostie Adores playing: (Settings and Themes I *love* To play)
『』Sci Fi and Fantasy;: Very much preferred for my ladies.
『』Interspecies; Focusing on a difference in species (Monsters, Aliens, Straight-up zoophilia.)
『』Adventure and survival; Def. Prefer it over most other settings.
『』Cyberpunk;: High Tech, Low Life!
『』Post-Apocalypse: After the End.
『』Power Play and Role Reversal: Switch It up; its boring to always be in one spot.
『』Dark Stories: Visceral and gritty <3

What does Frost P L A Y ?

Idea Cloud! Take ideas from the cloud and mix N Match!

✗ MonsterGirls ✗ Nagas ✗ Cyborgs ✗ Magi ✗ Wizards ✗ Bandits ✗ Pirates(seaandsky) ✗ MonsterHunters ✗
✗ Mercs ✗ Soldiers Agents ✗ DemonicPosession ✗ DarkDeals ✗ Warlocks ✗ Parasites ✗ Gangs ✗ Assassins ✗
✗ Agents UrbanFantasy ✗ HighFantasy ✗ LowFantasy ✗ DarkFantasy ✗ SpaceOpera ✗ SuperHeroes ✗
✗ SuperHumans ✗ HiddenWorlds ✗ Wuxia ✗ MagicAcademy ✗ Mercenaries ✗ ElementalPowers ✗
✗ ParanormalDetectivesAndSoldiers ✗ PostApocalyptic ✗ Cyberpunk ✗ PostCyberpunk ✗ War ✗ Nightmares ✗
✗ Rebellion ✗ Resistance ✗ Mecha ✗ Invasions ✗ SpacePirates ✗ Dystopias ✗ Utopias ✗ Megopolis ✗
✗ Guilds ✗ Arenas ✗ Wastelands ✗ Frozen ✗ Flooded ✗ Scorched ✗ Mutated ✗ Overgrown ✗ Zombies ✗
✗ WildPersonalities ✗ Comradarie ✗ EpicFeels ✗ BorrowedTime ✗ Teamwork ✗ InsurmountableOdds ✗
✗ Horror ✗ BodyHorror ✗ PowerIncontinence ✗ Corruption ✗ Romance ✗ Tragety ✗ Redemption ✗
✗ Weaknessesan'handicaps ✗ GoodVsEvil ✗ EvilVsEvil ✗ Hunted ✗ Escape ✗ Slavery✗ FantasticPowers ✗
✗ EpicBattles ✗ AncientEvils ✗ Magitech ✗ MagicUsers ✗ MonsterHunters ✗ AncientWeapons ✗ UrbanExploration ✗

What does Frost C R A V E ?

Big Cravings! (Won't change much between threads.)

『』Inter-species Romance; I want to play a single human female against an alien female or male, the less human looking the better. Partially inspired by the naga-looking alien in the Xcom 2 trailer.
『』Big Hero 6; Sanfransokyo... comon... The postcyberpunk and sentai themes are enough to get my creative juices flowing. I love the idea of it. I would love to do a RP within this setting or based on it.
『』Overwatch! I adore the setting, adore the characters, and adore the concept behind the plot. Disgraced technological heroes gathering once more to save a world that hates them? YUS PLEASE!! This basically hits all of Big hero 6's buttons but with a more action-based outlook.
『』RWBY A pleasure that is not at all guilty, Rwby's world of remnant inspires all sorts of stirrings, especially with an all-girl team. <3
『』Dishonored; Dishonored again has a beautiful and gritty world, inspiring lots of characters. Lowly street orphans or prostitutes that have accepted the outsider's gifts using them to change the world? Yes please.

『』Magipunk; High Tech, Low Life - With magic!
『』Megapolis; A RP taking place in a *huge* city.
『』High Space;: An RP taking place in deep space with aliens and sweet tech.
『』Post Apocalyptic Survival; See the tags in the cloud above for types of apocalyptic.
『』Sword Art Online; Specifically the third game, GGO. I really want to do something there.
『』Mass Effect; Such a lovely setting.

RE: 〖 F A L L ❄ F R O S T 〗 A Request Thread [♀ + ♀] [♀ + ♂] / [+Other]

Reserved for plots n craves.
RE: 〖 F A L L ❄ F R O S T 〗 A Request Thread [♀ + ♀] [♀ + ♂] / [+Other]


Be warned, I have recieved a couple of fairly appealing requests already, so I will begin getting a little picky.

I am also mostly seeking F/F and F/Futa right now, M/F doesn't seem to have my muse at the time.
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