I'm not impressed! (TamaRose and GRDerek)


Marvel Fan
Feb 4, 2015



Noelle was working the evening shift at the small cozy restaurant called Monica's when a group of young adults came walking in, dressed up in their Halloween costumes, gossiping about a collage of celebrities visiting the city for the next several months while working on a new and upcoming movie.

Not really impressed or interested by all of this talk about celebrities and them taking over the city, causing long traffic jams along with other inconveniences, she approached the young teens in her own costume with four menu's and smiled pleasantly while asking them what they wanted to drink.

"Good afternoon. My name is Noelle and I will be your waitress. Would you all like something to drink while you look over the menus?"

Without much of a wait, she heard the one young gentleman who was dressed as Jack Sparrow, exclaimed, "Coke", while the other young man dressed in a werewolf chimed in with a "Root beer", as the two girls...Tinkerbell and Cat woman agreed on the raspberry iced tea.

After making sure everything was written down, she smiled at the four teenagers before turning around to go grab their drinks as they continued to ramble on about the new movie being filmed in town.

Really, she couldn't understand what the big deal was. Especially, since they were all probably snobs anyway. After all the last thing a celebrity would care about was the inconveniences they were causing the everyday people that had real jobs to get to every day. God, forbid if all of their needs weren't catered to at all hours of the day. It must be nice being rich and not giving a damn about the "little" people that had real jobs.

The thought slightly annoyed her, seeing as for the past week she had to leave an hour early just to make sure she made it to work on time. Two hours tonight, since it was Halloween and the city was a bustling mess. God, she didn't know how much more she could take this even though she knew it couldn't last forever. Although, maybe it wouldn't be so miserable for her if most of her traveling to work wasn't on foot.

After getting the four glasses filled and placed on the tray, Noelle put on mind back on her job and a smile on face before making her way back to the customers to serve them their drinks and take down their orders. She needed to get herself together and just do her damn job....even though she knew she would be on her feet until eleven and would have to make her way back home while trying her best to avoid the drunks and creeps left haggling around after all of the parties going on that night.
TamaRose said:



Noelle was working the evening shift at the small cozy restaurant called Monica's when a group of young adults came walking in, dressed up in their Halloween costumes, gossiping about a collage of celebrities visiting the city for the next several months while working on a new and upcoming movie.

Not really impressed or interested by all of this talk about celebrities and them taking over the city, causing long traffic jams along with other inconveniences, she approached the young teens in her own costume with four menu's and smiled pleasantly while asking them what they wanted to drink.

"Good afternoon. My name is Noelle and I will be your waitress. Would you all like something to drink while you look over the menus?"

Without much of a wait, she heard the one young gentleman who was dressed as Jack Sparrow, exclaimed, "Coke", while the other young man dressed in a werewolf chimed in with a "Root beer", as the two girls...Tinkerbell and Cat woman agreed on the raspberry iced tea.

After making sure everything was written down, she smiled at the four teenagers before turning around to go grab their drinks as they continued to ramble on about the new movie being filmed in town.

Really, she couldn't understand what the big deal was. Especially, since they were all probably snobs anyway. After all the last thing a celebrity would care about was the inconveniences they were causing the everyday people that had real jobs to get to every day. God, forbid if all of their needs weren't catered to at all hours of the day. It must be nice being rich and not giving a damn about the "little" people that had real jobs.

The thought slightly annoyed her, seeing as for the past week she had to leave an hour early just to make sure she made it to work on time. Two hours tonight, since it was Halloween and the city was a bustling mess. God, she didn't know how much more she could take this even though she knew it couldn't last forever. Although, maybe it wouldn't be so miserable for her if most of her traveling to work wasn't on foot.

After getting the four glasses filled and placed on the tray, Noelle put on mind back on her job and a smile on face before making her way back to the customers to serve them their drinks and take down their orders. She needed to get herself together and just do her damn job....even though she knew she would be on her feet until eleven and would have to make her way back home while trying her best to avoid the drunks and creeps left haggling around after all of the parties going on that night.
Chris Evans ducked into the nearest cafe, eager to avoid the prying eyes of the paparazzi and the constant interruptions for autographs, selfies, overly familiar chats, all the other assorted byproducts of being a celebrity. Chris didn't mean to complain - he quite enjoyed being famous, and he'd embraced that celebrity lifestyle for a reason. He loved the recognition and privileges of fame, the opportunities and connections, the dizzying rush of being recognised during the weekend shop, as much as it was immodest to admit it.

But there could be too much of a good thing.

And today had been a lot of a good thing. A couple hours shooting, a few hours publicity events, some more rehearsals for the more difficult scenes later on. He had moved from set to set, from location to location, causing no small amount of disruption and interference for the hapless residents. Most were too starstruck, or exploiting the economic opportunities the big movie shoot offered, to complain. But every now and then, someone, normally an older person who clearly thought movies were better in black and white, gave a look that just screamed "fuck off".

So here he was, hoping to escape from the limelight for a few seconds by providing a small local business with his patronage. They'd probably take a picture of him and put it on the wall. Conversation starter, maybe pull in a few tourists who were stupid enough to have their dining choice swayed by that sort of thing.

He'd grab a bite to eat before heading to that late night Halloween party that was being thrown for the cast. Hopefully this place had passed its safety inspection.
When Noelle heard the door open, she turned her attention in the direction of the customer walking in. Waiting, to see where he would take a seat, determining whether her, Carol, or Emily would be the one taking his order, they all waited a few seconds before finally finding out it was once again Noelle's turn to take the order.

After grabbing a menu, Noelle began walking over to her table, quickly taking in the fact that the man she was about to serve was beautiful if not drop dead gorgeous. Hell, if she would have known any better she would have sworn she was looking at the guy that played Captain America. Although, she knew someone like Chris Evans would never eat at their establishment. Especially, when he could eat something fancier then what they had to offer. So, it definitely had to be someone stopping by for a bite to eat before getting into his Captain America costume to go out for the evening. God, it was so odd and funny to think a celebrity would come to this restaurant even though they were in this exact town, filming a new movie.

Chuckling, at the odd thought, she approached the man and placed the menu in front of him, introducing herself with a warm smile on face as her bright green eyes stared out from behind her purple masquerade mask. "Good evening, sir. My name is Noelle and I will be your waitress for this evening. Would you like me to tell you our specials before getting you a drink or would you just prefer that I let you look the menu over?"
Chris had not been expecting the whole mask theme. He wasn't complaining. He'd seen more offensive, more intrusive, more unattractive Halloween gimmicks adopted. This one looked rather endearing, and really brought out the beauty in the waitress's eyes.

Allowing himself to smile warmly at her friendly greeting and her alluringly enigmatic costume, he took a few moments before responding. "Thanks. Hi, Noelle. Uh...what are the specials? I'm new to this part of town."

He didn't add the reason for his status as a newcomer. It should be self-evident, or easily deduced, especially considering more than a few of the other patrons and restaurant staff were looking at him with that awestruck glare of surprise that he was only too accustomed too.
"Oh, the specials I think you will like. That is if you love comfort food. Our first special is spaghetti with homemade meatballs and sauce. With that comes a chef salad and a personal fresh loaf of garlic bread.

Our other special for this evening is stuffed meatloaf. With that you have a choice of potato and the vegetables for tonight are steamed broccoli or roasted brussel sprouts in garlic and butter. With this dinner you again get the chef salad and a personal loaf of either wheat or white bread.

Now if neither one of them don't impress you, may I say that I personally like the stuffed chicken breasts with feta cheese and spinach. They are to die for. Although, that is my personal opinion. Now, what can I get you for this evening?"

Even though he looked very much like Chris Evans she didn't treat him any different then any other customer. After all she knew it was Halloween and that everyone in the neighborhood was dressed up as someone. So, to her this was just another guy in a costume who wanted a little bit of attention.
All the options sounded appealing to him - something filling and enjoyable, to satisfy his cravings for comfort food after a difficult day's work. He was tempted to grab the spaghetti, and was even halfway through forming the word with his lips, when he decided to follow the advice of an expert, and go for Noelle's recommendation. He always found that was, if nothing else, a safe bet in new dining venues.

"The spaghetti sounds delicious," he started, before deciding to commit. "Hell, it all sounds delicious. But I think I'll follow your recommendation. The stuffed chicken breasts sounds great."

"So, can I have that please?" he added, probably superfluously. "And a glass of water. Screw it, have you got any good beers? Had a busy day, sure you know the feeling."
GRDerek said:
All the options sounded appealing to him - something filling and enjoyable, to satisfy his cravings for comfort food after a difficult day's work. He was tempted to grab the spaghetti, and was even halfway through forming the word with his lips, when he decided to follow the advice of an expert, and go for Noelle's recommendation. He always found that was, if nothing else, a safe bet in new dining venues.

"The spaghetti sounds delicious," he started, before deciding to commit. "Hell, it all sounds delicious. But I think I'll follow your recommendation. The stuffed chicken breasts sounds great."

"So, can I have that please?" he added, probably superfluously. "And a glass of water. Screw it, have you got any good beers? Had a busy day, sure you know the feeling."

"We have several beers actually. Tell me what you like and I can possibly get it for you or something damn near close.

Also, I need to know what kind of potato you would like with your meal and if you would like white or wheat with your dinner. "

Noelle didn't say anything more to the young man. She figured that the stares the poor kid was getting from the other patrons and the waitresses in the back was making him feel uncomfortable enough. To be honest it had to be quite annoying because it was certainly annoying the hell out of her. Hell, he wasn't even the real Chris Evans and the poor guys couldn't eat in peace. In fact.....

"Come on people. He is just a regular guy dressed in a costume. It's Halloween. Do you honestly think someone like Chris Evans would come to this restaurant of all places when he can have it taken to him where he can eat without people gawking at him? Seriously? Leave this poor kid alone!"

After telling everyone in the restaurant what she thought, she turned her attention back to the man in front of her and waited to get the rest of his order.
Poor kid. He liked that one. He hadn't been called a kid in quite some time. It wasn't exactly common in your thirties, after all. But he wasn't complaining. Even though he did not object to the stares, he found it quite charming - the protective stance she was taking to her customers, the way she assumed that someone would dress up AS him instead of as Captain America - it was all quite complimentary.

"It's okay," he said politely once the waitress's attention was returned to him, quietly so none of the other oogling patrons could hear. "It's fine. I get it all the time. I mean, I actually am Chris Evans. This isn't a costume," he concluded, chuckling, jokingly pulling on his skin to show it wasn't a mask.

"Oh, and surprise me," he added, in response to her questions.
"Right. Sure sweetheart. Whatever you say! I will be back with your meal in a few. Until then I will get you your beer."

She just smiled and shook her head as she walked her way back to the kitchen. He was a sweet guy but he was also quite delusional. Shame really. The cute ones usually were. That or they were gay. It seemed like that was her kind of luck. At this rate she would never find a guy to take home to her parents. Although, what the hell did she care? Anyone she brought home never really was good enough for her parents.

Letting, out a small sigh before hanging the order on the Rolodex, she spun it around so the cook could start working on the guy's order while she picked out a decent beer for the Captain wannabe.

After picking out Samuel Adams since it seemed to be the restaurants top seller, she walked it over, along with a tall glass and poured it right there on the spot so it would be cold and fresh for the man. "Just a word of advice. If I were you. I wouldn't say that your really Chris Evans to loud. Otherwise you won't get to eat your dinner in peace. Now go ahead and relax. I am going to go work on your salad. ..and if you don't like the beer let me know. I can always bring you something different."

Before Chris could even say anything, she was gone again wanting to get this guy his meal so he could get him out of here before he was tackled by all of the women in the restaurant.
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