May the Dread Wolf take you [Dragonfoot455 and Persimmon]


Mar 29, 2015
Under your bed
This would be third attempt Ava would be having on trying to stay asleep. She could already feel threads of the fade pulling on the back of her mind, beckoning her back into the dream realm where The Dread Wolf was waiting for her. Ava rolled over missing the warmth Solas as he would read snippets of books he was studying. She could hear his whispering in the silence of her chambers, though she tried her best not to fall back asleep only to be taunted by his presence. Though her body betrayed her and the sweet lull of sleep clouded over her, fogging over her conscience. Ava awoke in the familiar shadows of the forest only the soft moonlight kept the dark at bay. Her amber eyes flickered back and forth through the shadows for the familiar glints of the creature's eyes staring at her but found nothing in the dark.
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