Worlds Collide (TamaRose and bonzino)


Marvel Fan
Feb 4, 2015

Gates of Heven


Inside the gates




Actual character with dress


Battle Uniform



When the "barrier" keeping the Angels apart from the other nine realms opened, every single Angel in Heven felt it. For so long they had been confined and left out of the rest of the worlds existence that they didn't know what to think. Had Odin himself finally decided to let them out of hiding or was someone or something else responsible for this? Was this some sort of trick someone was playing on them or were they finally free? If so what would happen next?

For everyone in Heven it caused chaos. Some that had been "trapped" there for thousands of years were happy yet weary due to the fact that they couldn't understand why after all of this time it had finally opened. Some were ready to fight in case it was a trick Odin or a new enemy had done to come and take over Heven's realm. Younger angels who had not been around the time of the first war, was frightened but curious. They had never seen the outside world. So, everything was new to them. Even the air smelled and felt different now that the barrier was gone. They wanted explore and travel but were to afraid to even consider the idea without the Queen's permission or fear of getting in trouble.

In Elara's case it was a whole new feeling of not being confined or being captive in her own home anymore. It was a chance to finally visit outside of her realm and see what the rest of the world and realms had to offer, not once thinking that there could be any real danger out there other then for the typical human fighting human incident. She wanted to leave. Her free spirit was calling out to whatever was out there and she needed to find the source of her new found freedom. She need to find out what her life would be like outside of this realm and to hell with what anyone else said.


Even though Elara had heard rumors about the Queen and Odin, she never was really sure what to think of the whole situation, other then for the fact that the Queen had been wrong in what she had done by taking Odin's child from him and pretending to kill her in front of him. For that Elara thought that she was a cruel and heartless Queen and that there hadn't been a need for a war to begin with. After all if someone had done that to one of her children she would have done far worse to that person. The Queen was indeed lucky to still be alive after the war between Heven and Asgard ended because she herself would have killed her with her bare hands...Queen or not.

Although, with her being one of the younger angels, her opinion didn't really count for anything. She was just supposed to obey the Queen and elder Angels at all times and if it came down to having another war, follow orders, keep your mouth shut, and fight. After all that is why she had been training for the past thousand years....right? Only problem was, Elara wasn't one good at doing what she was suppose to do. She was also one of the ones whose curiosity got her in more trouble then not. Still, she did not care. If one did not learn as much as one could and asked questions what good would they be as a person or human being. Therefore she was always curious. Not only curious but very sharp with her tongue when things did not sit well with her. Another quark that got her into trouble more times then not but since she had yet to be banished to the other side of Heven what did she care?


The day Elara left the realm, she dressed in a form fitting green gown that hugged her upper half and hips before flowing down into one of the longest and most beautiful dresses Heven had to offer. Her long red hair lay in perfect thick curls down over her pale white shoulders and back and her lips were coated in a bright red color that only the loveliest of red roses could make. Her pale cheek bones had a light coating of angel dust on them causing her piercing emerald green eyes to shine with a brilliance that could only come from something or someone not of this world. She was beautiful in every way but then again there wasn't an angel in Heven that wasn't.

As she flew through the air, taking in anything and everything she could along the way she noticed a realm off in the distance that seemed to be brighter then any of the rest of them. Curious and never having seen any of the other realms up close before, she flew closer to get a good look, noticing a very large celebration of some sort going on.

Not thinking much of "crashing" the overly large party, Elara landed on the edge of the realm and began looking around as she heard music, cheers, and loud voices coming from further inland. Again, not thinking much of imposing on the people of the that were of this fascinating new realm, Elara gracefully walked toward the noise until she was amongst the people of the party, glancing them up and down as if they were the most interesting being she had ever come across, not realizing she was being gawked at as well and not being happily received....
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