Duelist Kingdom Come (MechaStarfish91 and Juliet The sexual storm)

Aug 18, 2015
USA, Georgia
It was yet another day in Domino City. There were banners on almost every light post about a new Duel Monster's tournament coming up and it was hosted by no other than Seto Kiaba. Boys and girls both young and old were waiting in lines at several game shops where the game's cards were sold to register for the tournament. One person stood out in the crowd as it moved slowly. He had blonde hair that stuck out in the front but was short in the back. He wore a light blue shirt with a darker blue line going horizontally across the shirt and a blue jacket over the shirt. Along with that he wore blue jeans and sneakers. His name was Joey Wheeler.
At the same time, and at the same store, Mai Valentine a famous duelist women was making her entrance , with confidence on her skills , she thought it will be easy to end up with the 1st place trophy, she was singing some autograph to a few children fans of her. She them recognized Wheeler, from some casual matches at a tournament. But she didn't bhotered in going to meet him.
As Joey entered the card shop he spotted Mia signing autographs for her fans. He waved at her, but she didn't seem to notice.

"Hey, Mia! It's me Joey Wheeler. Remember, from Duelist Kingdom and Duelist City!" he called, but still didn't get a response.

People around him turned to see what idiot was making noise and wondered how the hell someone like him knew the great and sexy Mia Valentine. Though they did know that name from the Duelist City finals. He placed third in all of it, though the title went to his friend. Joey was next in line to register. Once he got his name in the computer and the special card that granted him entrance he walked on over to where Mia was.

"So, what are you up to, Ms. Valentine?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "Planing on entering this tournament too?"
Mia rolled her eyes over when she saw Joey comming closer " Hi Wheeler " she said with her usual seductive tone of voice " I'm here for winning if that's what you wanted to know. And how about you? is never enough of loosing for you eh? hope that Yugi had teach you some things so maybe you can match me this time haha" she continued trying to bother him friendly as she registered herself at the tournament
"You better believe he taught me some things. Next time when you and I duel, I'll beat the pants off of you," he said with his fist clenched in confidence.

After the encounter with Mia Joey headed to Yugi's home, which also happened to be a game shop. He wanted to get a few practice rounds in with his buddy before the tournament started. Of course he lost, but he was getting better each time he dueled Yugi. He was after all the King of Games. With the tournament only days away Joey had to make sure he was ready. He especially wanted to beat Mia by himself, with no help at all.

Days past and now it was time for the tournament. Seto made an appearance and welcomed the duelists. It was his usual speech he made when he would hold a tournament. Afterwards when he left everyone participating left to find someone to duel.
Not even a ten minutes have past yet , and Mia already was dueling , and severaly owning a noob player. She was a women who had no mercy on he newbies , all she wanted is to win the tournament to rise her status and become more famous , after all she was a diva of duels, and she lived for her fans. She finished with they little guy quickly and started to look for the next rival
Joey had found his first opponent too. It wasn't much of a duel though. He won easily with his favorite monster, the Red Eyes Black Dragon. After he finished he spotted Mia walking away from what looked like a win for her. He could hear the one who lost ramble on about how she could almost guess what cards were coming before she did so. He knew that trick from when he first met her. He decided to follow her to see what she was up to.
Mia continues her inocent walk around the park looking for another foolish noob to be crushed by her. And indeed she found it, she challenge him to a duel, and he accepted, but he will be regreting a few minutes later as she the duel goes on and Mia and her 'diviner' powers were overwhelming him.
Joey sniffed the air and could smell several different scents. They all smelled of lady's perfume. Mia was indeed cheating again. She had no reason to. Furious, but content on making her she her wrongs he planned a scheme to make her regret cheating ever again. He decided to leave her alone for the rest of the day and focused on winning duels until tomorrow. When it was over he headed to a hotel to rent a room for the next day. Then he worked on his plan.

The next day he incountered Mia in the town square. "Hey, Mia. Wait up," he called to her.
Mia turned around at hearin her name "Oh, it's you Wheeler, did you came for some advices of the pro player?" she said faking arrogance and laughing " Now tell me, what do you want?" she asked still laughin a bit and waiting for him to talk. Yesterday she had winned at least 5 duels thank to her cheap tricks, but she was runnign out of noobs to play tricks on.
"Well I just happen to know that you are up to your old tricks. I know you're cheating at your duels, even though you don't need to. So, you either have two options from where I see it. One, I turn you on for cheating." And the Joey reached for his deck in his pocket. "Or two, we have a duel. But there is a catch," he waited for her to respond to his blackmail threat.
"hahaha you want a duel with me? " she said with confidence " well i don't need to hear anything else, cause you will lose anyway! my harpies are waiting to have a feast on you Wheeler, so let me beat your ass up so you can leave me and my glamorous tricks alone" she said accepting the challenge without caring for anything else
Joey smiled. "Then come with me," he said. He led Mia to the room he rented out for the tournament and asked her to sit down. "We are going to play a different way. No duel disks. Just table top duel." He sat down across from her and set his deck on the table. "The catch is, we play in clothing. This will be a strip duel."
Mia came inside the room following Joey , she got surprised by the look of the room.
"So want me to beat you up into vintage style? haha" but as Joey continued explaining Mia got a bit perturbed and surprised
"...so you mean, taking off clothes and that...." she blushed " i mean obviously you do, you are a perv Wheeler, but as i told you i can beat you anytime, so there will not risk for me" she said trying to keep the control of the situation as she sat on one of the chair at the edge of the table
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