In Darkest Dreams (Cold x Rand)


Jul 7, 2012
Kylie closed the door of her room behind her and sighed. It had been a long and exhausting day. The team had managed to foil the latest ectoplasmic incursion, but it had been a doozy. And they hadn't managed to capture the ghost/god responsible.

That was nagging at Kylie. Dispersing the Somniwyrms had made sure Morpheus could not restore himself, but that had meant Morpheus had eluded capture.

She tried to push the irritation out of her head. It was done. The next time the god of dreams tried to break into the mortal world, they'd be ready to get him.

Kylie changed into her nightie and crawled into bed after a quick shower. She could barely keep her eyes open. Thankfully, there were no classes the next day. She could sleep in.

As she slipped into slumber, she did not think about whether her dreams were safe.
The actions of the current team of Ghostbusters had proven to be of more than a slightly nagging annoyance for the entity known as Morpheus. Although they could not capture or completely put a halt to his attempts at crossing over to their world, they were still constantly preventing him from making more than the smallest of progress in his attempts. As such, the entity decided that it was time for a direct and different approach in both dealing with his opponents and gathering more of the energy it needed.

As the gothy teenager slipped off into the land of slumber, a Somniwyrm similar to the ones they had fought earlier that day had started to make its way into her bedroom. The creature floated over the sleeping young woman’s bed, before extending outward a slim probe from its underside which gently latched itself onto her forehead. To the outside world, it may have seemed like this was the end of the creature’s effects on the woman, but that was far from the truth, as it began to directly influence and manipulate her dreams while digging deep inside for what it wanted.

What it wanted was those deeply hidden thoughts and dreams which are rarely spoken out loud. More so, it wanted her deeply buried fantasies, as inside of the teenager’s personal dreamscape, she would soon find herself standing within the Ghostbusters headquarters, fully in costume, with nobody else initially in sight. None of her teammates. No sign of Professor Spangler or Janine. Nobody else, as the firehouse seemed to also carry with it a sense of both familiarity and a feeling of somehow being ‘off’ from how it usually was, as something wicked loomed within the faked structure and watched the teenager as she moved about the premises.
Kylie blinked in surprise as she found herself standing in front of Janine's desk in the firehouse, proton pistol in hand. Hadn't she...just left the place? Her head felt muggy, confused. "Guys?" She called out uncertainly, her voice unsteady. There didn't seem to be anybody around.

Kylie looked around, gripping the pistol more tightly. It was night, she could feel it, even though the windows looking outside seemed fogged over for some reason. The house was dark; the lights were on but they seemed dimmed somehow. Shadows flickered at the edge of her vision; but whenever she turned, there was nothing there.

"Ok," she muttered to herself. What was going on? She'd been home, hadn't she? Or had she fallen asleep on the couch here again? Had none of the others noticed and woken her before they left? "Guys!" She called out again, louder and more irritated. Nothing. After a moment's pause, she called out again. "Slimer!"

A sound caught her eyes and she raised her pistol on instinct. Was it...coming from the kitchen? She sighed, half in relief, half in exasperation. Had to be Slimer. Holstering her pistol, Kylie hurried down the hallway as the unmistakable noise of Slimer gulping down food filled the house. "Slimer!" She called out as she turned the corner into the kitchen.
The noise within the kitchen was loud and clear due to the utter silence of any other noise that might be found within the firehouse. It was a perfect beacon to draw the teenager closer, as a seemingly familiar green ghost was making a mess, per usual, in gulping down food to satisfy a seemingly near unquenchable hunger. When the pale complexioned Ghostbuster entered the kitchen, the sight which greeted her would indeed be similar to one that she had seen numerous times since joining the team, only with the change of the green ghost gobbling down the portions of the food, then tossing the rest of it away in apparent dissatisfaction of what it had to offer.

The ghosts back was initially turned toward Kylie, yet it did eventually turn upon both hearing her voice and stopping in its munching to sniff at the air upon catching hold of another scent. “Nya?” The ghost let out in a familiar way, albeit with a touch of unsettling base behind the normally cute noise, as it turned to face the teenager to reveal a rather shocking revelation. This was indeed Slimer, at least in appearance. Only where the long tamed ghost had normally carried with it an oddly cute, pet-like exterior to his unique features, this ‘Slimer’ was far closer in appearance to any number of disturbing ghosts they had busted in the past.

His yellow, beady eyes honing in on the initially unsuspecting teenager, while a long tongue parted from his drooling mouth to lick away any immediate traces of the food on the ghosts face. This Slimer lived up to the name with the way it seemed to sweat green slime off of its round body, as it flashed its gnarled teeth at Kylie; evidently pleased with her appearance, only not in the usual way the ghostly friend was pleased with seeing the past and current generations of Ghostbusters.

Within a moment of time, the unsettling variation of her friend would lunge forward, its mouth open wide, as if preparing to attack with a bite to her face. Instead, the ghost wrapped its arms around Kylie’s head, than pulled the gothy teenager in for a messy, yet disturbingly passionate kiss on the lips. It was too dissimilar to the type of kisses it had pulled off on Janine in the past; only this one was far stronger than any that the Ghostbusters secretary had to deal with, as the ghost pressed its inhumanly long tongue forward and forced its way into Kylie’s mouth.

She could try to push or pull the ghost away, but its slimy body would make getting a grip on him near impossible, as the putrid ‘pet’ of the team violated her mouth with its tongue while continuing to smooch the girl in ways she’d only entertain in the darkest, most deeply buried of her fantasies. As this was playing out, Slimer’s excessive ectoplasm was continuing to drip over Kylie’s uniform, with the slime proving to not be harmful to her skin, yet surprisingly started to burn and melt away at her uniform. Slowly but surely, further portions of the teenager’s white skin was exposed on the scene, as ‘Slimer’ eventually pulled back on the kiss with his tongue slowly drawing out to get in a few parting tastes of her mouth until it slipped free with a wet slobbering sound; only for the tongue to begin licking its way along her cheeks to further add to the clothes destroying fluid that dripped down over her body.
Kylie sighed in relief at first as she saw the familiar rotund form of the green ghost floating in front of the fridge, gobbling down food. She began to walk forward, mouth opening to ask him where everyone else was, when he turned. Kylie stopped in her tracks, her eyes opening wide.

It was Slimer, and yet it wasn't. 'Slimer' looked...cruel and malicious, in a way Slimer never did. She fumbled at her hip to unholster her pistol, but the ghost in front of her rushed her. She only had time for the beginnings of a shrill scream as 'Slimer' wrapped his arms around her head; that scream was quickly cut off as her face was practically forced against his lips. Kylie's eyes bulged in horror and disgust as that thick, long, slimy tongue pushed into her mouth.

She wanted to gag. Desperately, she pushed at the ghost, but her hands slipped inside his grotesque slimy body. That tongue slipped inside her throat, thrashing around inside her mouth. She had never been kissed this violently, this sloppily in her life. She squeezed her eyes shut, struggling futilely. But soon enough her eyes snapped open as she realized that slime pressing against her was somehow melting her uniform away.

"Mmmpphh!!" She 'said', struggling even harder now. For a blessed moment, she thought it had worked as 'Slimer' slowly pulled away from that kiss, letting her get in a proper breath. Her mouth felt disgusting, full of slime. She wiped at it, but she was still trapped in the ghost's arms, a fact made obvious by how he started to lick at her cheeks like some demented dog.

"Stop, Slimer!" She screamed out, fumbling at her hip for her pistol. Soon enough, she'd have no clothes left!
The ghost seemed to pay her protests little mind as its suitably slimey tongue continued to lick at her cheek in a manner mixing of both overzealous pet and perverse affection. The green creature’s attention would carry on this way for a few moments longer, until enough of its drool and slime had cascaded over her chest to eat away at her uniform and begin to expose rather tempting portions of her young breasts. “Mmmm!!” The false Slimer would let out with a perverse variation of how he’d usually act upon seeing a tasty sandwich on the table, before suddenly the ghost ducked down at Kylie’s chest and buried its grotesque face right between her breasts.

Expectedly, the heavy focus of slime upon the Ghostbuster’s chest would cause the remaining portion of her upper uniform to melt away in seconds, thus leaving her tender breasts fully exposed to the attentions of the team’s mascot. His wide maw opening eagerly, allowing for that long tongue to slip out of his drooling lips, before the moist appendage went about lathering up one breast, then the other, as his tongue swiped and lashed between the pair of them. Soon, the flexible appendage showed off its dexterity in how it flexed and coiled around the gothic teenager’s right breast, while still having enough length to rub and flick itself rather forcefully along the budding nipple of her left.

During this, if she was to manage in reaching for her holstered weapon, Kylie would find it suddenly rather firmly snagged in place and unable to be removed, regardless of how hard she might tug at it. Not only this, but the slime was reaching further down her body, meaning it would soon dissolve along with the rest of her uniform, especially after the ghosts green hands moved down to begin rubbing at the belt and groin area of her uniform. Bit by bit, Kylie’s clothing was dissolving away, exposing further portions of her pale flesh, until the young Ghostbusters mound was revealed enough for the slime to begin making direct contact with her most intimate of places.

With the ghost’s tongue still going to work on coiling and licking upon the teenager’s breasts, ‘Slimer’ would focus his hands on pawing at her steadily exposed sex, resulting in further portions of her uniform to melt away. Taking advantage of the excessive amount of slimy ‘lubricant’, the ghost managed to forcibly squeeze a pair of inhuman fingers into Kylie’s parting folds, allowing for the creature to tease at a new place on her body, as its digits moved with a hurried, yet oddly skilled manner as it started to pump its fingers into her. The entire time, the floating apparition kept itself closely held to the teenager, as she was steadily moved back toward the kitchen table, where the ghost would then begin to truly ‘feast’.
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