Bleach AU - VoTK - Arrancar-Kitten 1x1


Sep 11, 2015

"Here, no one can tear us apart! I'm ready to try this shit again, Rem..."

Time, it had done the unthinkable. To the point that Grimm stood in the white sands of Hueco Mundo and rethought his life. How had the twelith arrancar and the sixth Espada become like this now? He had stood there for what felt like hours. He now had a slew of ex mates. A ex wife he was struggling to preserve. A new son he was not even sure how to feed and take care of. New alliances made and now everything had changed so fast... He felt like he had lost himself along the way... And yet, he swore in his mind that he had grown stronger in a way. Somehow making sense of his new found life style.

He turned and placed his hands into his pockets. His blue eyes lid and now as he walked away from the rubble that was once Aizen's castle.... He thought of Moka, and how he had cared for her and yet when she had spoken to loudest and claimed to love h8im. No one else had, all but Remilia. She had stuck with him no matter what. She had put her neck out there time and time again. And yet he had treated her so badly.

He was not sorry for it, but instead he learned from that mistake. He had to try and rekindle what he lost with his former mate. She was afterall the mother of Comillio, or Ruy as he had dubbed him. It all still meant Fang. His son was a angry little monster that demanded his way, even that young. Grimm was extremely rough with his boy, unable to understand the true natures of parenthood as a father. It did not stop him from making sure his son would grow soon and one day become stronger and then surpass his old man.

Walking the distance to a new smaller set of abandoned structures he happened on the one Rem now lived in. He wanted to talk to her and see how his son was doing. He had come to an agreement with her. That he would allow her to see their son in the mean time he would work hard to get his mind and temper some what under control.

Leaning within the doorway he called out to the female. Folding his strong arms he looked around for the raven haired female.

"Kitten!? Came to talk..."
Solitude. It was how Remilia Sinnett spent most of her days in Hueco Mundo ever since her and Grimmjow's relationship had started to fall apart. Things had taken a nasty turn and they ended up seperating. Had it not been for the fact that she'd gotten pregnant, Grimmjow wouldn't have stuck around.

Although, despite everything that had happened, Rem still loved him. So much that it made her heart ache every time he came up in her thoughts. And part of her hoped that he still loved her, too. She knew of the other girls he had dated, and each time she'd seen another woman, especially that bitch Moka, all hung up on her man, it sparked a fire of jealous rage in her. The small home she lived in now showed obvious signs of her explosive temper tantrums each time she thought of another woman (or man) sharing his affections. Despite the fact that he had tried to find other mates, she hadn't. She couldn't. Her heart belonged to Grimmjow and only Grimmjow. And she wouldn't have it any other way.

She looked down at the sleeping infant cradled in her arms. Her precious baby boy, her little Fang. There was never a moment when she didn't look at him and think of Grimmjow. The boy was the spitting image of his sire, after all. Except he had silver-ish grey hair and the same ruby eyes as his mother. Rem had only spent a few days with him after his birth, when Grimmjow had suddenly appeared and took him away without explanation. After some begging and persuasion on her part (which was really degrading and humiliating, but for her son she'd do anything), she'd been able to come to an agreement with him, that she would still get to see her baby. Even though she didn't get to see him as often as she'd like to. The past few days, luckily, had been her turn with the kid and she had him for now. Grimmjow was still extremely stubborn and kind of avoided her most of the time, only engaging in small talk whenever he dropped off the baby and then left back to wherever he lived. Then, after a week, he'd come by again to take him back.

As of right now, she sat with Ruy on the single couch in her small living room. The white upholstery was faded and now looked a bit grey, with some tears and scorch marks here and there (courtesy of her explosive temper). The sleeping child was nestled into the crook of her arm as she sat there, leaning her head on the back of the couch and day dreaming about Grimmjow again. It had only been a few months since their relationship kind of fell apart, but to Rem it felt like an eternity. Grimmjow was her everything, the other half of her soul. Nobody else could replace him.

"I'd give anything to see you right now.. I miss you. And.. I still love you.." she sighed, absently stroking Ruy's soft hair while lost in her own thoughts.

Not even a minute after that, she felt a familiar spiritual pressure nearby. Grimmjow was here? But why? He wasn't due to come back to pick up the kid for another day. Did something happen?

She listened in as she heard his footsteps outside, stopping at the entrance to her makeshift home. She was about to call out to him when he spoke first. He wanted to talk? About what? Grimmjow never needed to talk unless it was important. Was she not gonna be allowed to see her son anymore? Oh god she hoped not.
Taking a deep breath, she gently tucked Colmillo into his makeshift crib (which was really just a wicker basket lined with blankets and pillows) and stood up, walking over to the front doorway and coming face-to-face with the man she loved.

His arms were crossed as he stared down at her. In return, she crossed her own arms and stared back. Ruby red hues locked onto sapphire.
"What do you need to talk about?" she asked calmly, wanting so badly to just hug him and never let go. But, she knew better. For now she would hear him out, see what he had to say.
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