Powered Down ((Nera and Lilly))

Sep 18, 2015
The Moon
Lilly Sanchez a rookie journalist and minor degree in Judaical law, was made to sit in on a court case, after Susan Storm and Mystique had been apprehended by the officials. The judge sat high in his chair, and with a swing of the gavel down, "I Sentence you to a special house arrest situation.... you Miss Storm and you Mystique are to be put under House arrest and will be living with one of the Courts participants.....would anyone be willing, to look after these two Super Powered Deviants?" Lilly blinks, the sexy Latino Journalist raised her hand.

"Oh your honor I will handle it." She said in her gentle Latin tinged voice, she was dressed in a Yellow Suit and Skirt, her red hair and hourglass figure made the suit looked tight on her, of course she also had that proud and well known Latino rear visible with the curve of the skirt she wore. The Judge looked to Miss Sanchez and smirked, "Sure you will have them live with you..." The officer in charge of the two Super Powered women would have them raised to stand, "They will be delivered to your house Miss Sanchez, do you two deviants have anything else to say, before your session begins with Miss Sanchez as your House Arrest host?" The Judge a dark skinned man with a rotund figure and parting hair, bunched up along over the ears, his mustache like a fuzzy caterpillar in some aspects, gave the two some room to say their last appeal before their sentence began.
Mystique gave the appearance of boredom throughout the entire trial. It was almost as if she were ignoring the proceedings entirely. She had allowed her naturally massive tits to appear on her thin and slightly curvy body in the hopes that sex appeal would get her a lighter sentence. Her natural blue skin, with it's irregular scales didn't necessarily take away from that, but she would have preferred to have kept the blonde supermodel form that she had taken on earlier, but the judge had ordered her to remain in her natural body. Strangely, she had felt compelled to listen.

Sue Storm, who had more of the total curvy (yet athletic) hourglass package, was far more concerned with the trial. Her breasts, like Mystique's, were as larger than soccer balls and with her long blonde hair and big ass made her look more like a model than a crimefighter. She had been asking questions, and making statements throughout. She was actually seking justice and trying to warn everyone about how dangerous Mystique was. In fact, in response to the judge offering them a final chance to speak, she lauched into another such tirade.

"This court is making a mistake. Mystique is the real criminal here and she's far mre dangerous and unstable than she's been acting. Please, sentence us both more harshly if you must. But don't put Miss Sanchez in danger. Because that's what you will be doing be releasing Mystique to her."

It was bold and Sue genuinely meant it. But again, Mystique seemed entirely apathetic in her white dress and skull jewelry, long red hair falling down her back. Her only response was an attitudinal quip.

"Don't worry. I promise I'll play nice."
Sanchez listened as Susan and Mystique made their appeal, and was packing up to leave, "Don't worry your honor, I am not worried about what they will do, I have looked at the proceedings and understand the Super Powers Compliency act..... are you going to have them undergo it?"

The judge nods to Miss Sanchez and calmly slams the gavel down hearign Susan trying to appeal "Miss Storm, you are no longer able to appeal this case, you and Mystique are going under house Arrest within Miss Sanchez's household, as I do not want you two getting out of performing your house arrest services.... you two will be strapped with our latest item for controlling you super powered types..." He clapped his hands and two collars were strapped around the necks of both Susan and Mystique, then a remote was given to Lilly Sanchez "Miss Sanchez might I have you press the button..." Upon being asked she does, and suddenly, Susan and Mystique are subjected to an ultra violet sound wave which disrupted their super powers but also caused an intense amount of pain to surge through them, as their powers were genetically attached to them so it would be like part of them receiving electric shocks to their system.
The two women seized up and convulsed in silent agony as the button was pressed and their bodies were broken into normal human functionality. They looked as if they would have screamed louder than anyone could stand to hear. And inside, they were.

Sue flashed invisible one last time as the ability was torn away from her forever. Mystique flashed through the last person she had transformed into, being Susan Storm, before her own body returned. Mystique's skin remained blue, but her scales were now gone.

It felt like fire was cutting their bodies apart slowly from inside of their blood. Each woman looked like she would tear her hair out if she could. And their eyes were as wide open as their mouths, as pure pain and a sense of total violation washed over them again and again.

As the pain lessened, both women fell to their hands and knees, sweating and panting as if they had just run a marathon while also crying and humbled by the experience of such pure suffering. Neither woman could think clearly after enduring the horrific feelings that their collars had just caused them. And in many ways they each felt as if the had been subjected to a form of spiritual rape. It was starting to seem as if this house arrest wouldn't just lead to another easy escape after all. For either of them.
Lilly watched with complete shock, so much power was in her hands, and she looked at the girls "Oh, wow.... this is amazing..." She said, then noticed an extra button was on her remote, "What does this one do....." She said asking herself and pressed it, suddenly, a press of the button, and a feeling different from the other one rushed through the two women, this one was like they had been given Viagra straight through their bodies, and it was now all in their blood. It would create an almost unbearably arousing sensation to flow through the super powered women, it would cause an opposite effect to the one that had taken away their powers, and yet it didn't seem like it gave them their powers back, Lilly was in true amazement and licks her lips.... "Have them delivered soon...."

With that the two women are moved off to a van and transported to Lilly's house, where they are lead inside, and Lilly made sure the place was clean and comfortable for the two under house arrest, now that she was out of the court room she was dressed casually, a chick yellow opened front top that gave some clevage view, a pair of tight fitting blue jeans and a pair of comfortable pair of indoor slippers. She turned her eyes to the two of them, and still had the remote she was given "So, do you two need anything? Any questions or concerns?" She asked them sweetly, her sexy latin heratige making her quite the hard to resist woman.
Mystique and Susan shook with arousal as the next button was pressed and they, already on their hands and knees, adopted the body language of total whores. Their nipples hardened. Their pussies soaked with lubrication. Their asses thrust out.

Susan Storm fought against the feelings, biting her lip and doing everything she could not to acknowledge the lust building up in her. Meanwhile, Mystique had long since given in to her body's desire and shoved one hand into her panties, while the other was all over her breasts, and she moaned in pleasure. And all in full view of the court!

When they arrived at Lilly's place Sue responded to their hostess by asking if she could take a shower. Mystique laughed at her in response.

"Somehow, I don't think she's going to let us off the hook that easy, Blondie. This one was eyeing us up like a couple of juicy steaks for the entire trial." The blue woman said frankly.

"Oh, come on, Mystique. Not everyone shares your lack of morals or self-control." She argued, not wanting to believe that people were inherently abusive toward one another, sexually or otherwise.

"Trust me, Astronaut Barbie," Mystique smirked and her eyes went over to meet Lilly's. "I know a bad girl when I see one."
Lilly smirked at the two fighting like cats and dogs, her lips suddenly went from sweet, to cruel smirk. Then she would look at Susan "First off, I would like for you two to kiss and make up...." She calmly said, the sweet sexy Latina beauty looked at the two, and looked at the remote, with a smile "I say you two will be allowed to shower, but the three of us... will shower together... now.... you two.... get upstairs and undressed, Or, I press the bad button again, and I doubt you two want that." She would smirk back at them as she makes her way to her bathroom and would count to 10, if the two of them did not come to the bathroom, undressed, and ready and waiting like good little super sluts, she counted, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2...." She smirked darkly enjoying the power in her hands and suddenly she pressed the punishment button.
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