A Shinigami's Descent (Oran_Gia & Hideki-kun)


Feb 9, 2015
A dark night, like any other, such perfect silence. A crow sounds and flees into the night as the clouds part and reveal a beautiful full moon. The eleventh hour strikes, and a young woman enters the park, walking home to her loving husband and child. Nozomi was her name. A woman as beautiful as the moon itself on that night, elegant was a word that did her no justice, a kind and strong woman, who had worked her way up to a respectable position as a department head for an up and coming technology development firm to support her precious family. Long flowing black hair rested on her shoulders as she walked along, bouncing ever so gently with each step forward, until she heard a crow sound, and her gaze shifted towards the sky above her, and a gust of wind blew past her, her hair and coat blew with the wind, a moment passed, and so did the wind. She smiled, her soft rose colored lips looked particularly nice in the moon light as they contrasted with her perfect porcelain skin. “Hah, such a strong breeze, on such a gentle night.” She sighed peacefully “It’s been 3 years now since I came into this job, and still, each and every day, this walk home is truly the highlight of my day” a soft chuckle escaped her “Aside from seeing their smiling faces that is” and with that thought she returned to her walk, chuckling a little once again at the thought of her precious little girl’s smile, still missing a tooth she lost just the previous week, she couldn’t help but find that smile of hers precious.

As she walked on she felt a strange chill begin to surround her as she entered the park’s center clearing. She rubbed her arms, to fend off the chill, but it seemed like it didn’t help at all, as she suddenly saw her own breath before her “How can it be this cold already? I suppose winter is just around the corner after all. Oh well, I’d better hurry home before it gets any later” *THUD* the earth suddenly shook “Aaah!” a shriek emerged from Nozomi’s eyes came upon a beast unlike anything she’d ever seen, even in her worst nightmares.

As she was gripped by her fear, she gasped, but could find no breath, she struggled and struggled, but found none, and fell on her back, gasping over and over, fear gripped her very soul as she gazed upon the beast. Its eyes an infinity of pain and darkness, as she screamed one final time before the beast came upon her, and in that moment her thoughts were not that she wanted to see her precious daughter one last time, or spend one more night with her husband, her only thoughts were “NO… NO… NO! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Just one more day, just one more year! PLEASE! I DON’T WANNA DIE! I DON’T WANT TO DIIIIIIE! ANYTHING, I’D GIVE ANYTHING IF I COULD JUST NOT DIE!!!”

Suddenly the beast stopped moving, the heavy air no longer crushed her, but warmly embraced her, granting her the most wonderful, precious, and orgasmic breath of air she’d ever experienced. So incredible was the sensation of what had just happened, she came more violently than anyone in their right mind would think possible in such a horrible scene. Suddenly the beast spoke, and a voice filled with malice and power “Your thoughts… Are they true?” Her mind was racing over and over the words the beast just spoke, gasping, taking in as much air as possible as she spoke shakily, with tear filled eyes, and cum stained panties “H-Huh?” The beast spoke again “Your words… would you truly give anything in exchange for your life Nozomi Himura?” Her terrified eyes still locked with the beasts, as she spoke ecstatically and frantically

“Yes. YES!! ANYTHING!! I’LL DO ANYTHING, PLEASE!!!” the beast spoke gently to her “Would you give me the life and soul of your only child Nozomi Himura?” Her mind froze on his words for a single moment as her body was embraced by two warm and gentle tendrils, gently holding and caressing her perfect, shaking body, as she thought ‘Haru-chan?’ she spoke “H-Harumi? Harumi?” a moment passed when those beautiful and innocent lips of hers turned WICKED as the smile of a woman gone mad spread across her face “Yes… YES!! TAKE HER TAKE HER LIFE, TAKE HER SOUL!! THEY’RE YOURS, TAKE HER SOUL, AND LET ME LIVE!” her smile grew darker as the beast’s tendrils gently wrapped around her, slowly caressing her soft frame, her perfect D cup breasts, squeezing them tightly, as the second tendril began to press harder against her precious little flower. The beast spoke once again “I am Allocer, Prince of Hell, your daughter’s soul shall be mine to devour when I take her life. Now, let us seal this contract in blood mortal.” Nozomi’s smile grew into one of great pleasure “YES!! YES!! TAKE HER SOUL ALL TO YOURSELF ALLOCER!!” Allocer responded in turn “From this moment forward, devote your life to me as your god, abandon your former beliefs, and you shall be free to live” Allocer’s tendrils began blatantly pleasuring Nozomi’s body, rubbing against her southern lips vigorously, and teasing her perky nipples beneath her shirt as Nozomi moaned in pleasure “OOOOOH! Yes, yes I will make you my god Master Allocer, anything you say, I will give anything to you my lord!” Allocer then thrust his think and mighty tendril deep into Nozomi’s pussy, thrusting it inside over and over, as Nozomi, became steeped in more and more sinful lust and pleasure, moaning in a passionate husky voice, gasping from the pleasure of each demonic thrust, until suddenly the beast thrust its massive throbbing dick into her as it pulled its tendril from her soft flower, and began thrusting and thrusting, as Nozomi came violently, over and over shout her new god’s name to the heavens over and over “OoOoOh! Yeees! Allocer-sama! Allocer! Yes my lord! Fuck your faithful servant, fuck your slut of a servant!” as Allocer gave one final mighty thrust, he came deep inside his new faithful worshipper, his hot thick seed pouring out and into Nozozmi’s newly corrupted womb, as Nozomi’s nearly limp body from the pleasure, spasmed with each time she came, and Allocer’s seed pumped into her, until he finally pulled out of her, and spoke “Human’s always give in to their darkness when their life is on the line. Humans really are such simple creatures to toy with” As Nozomi moaned Allocer’s name in a puddle of her and Allocer’s cum, Allocer raised his hand and slashed through the mad woman’s chest, as her wicked smile became the final expression she left the human world with. An instant of blood and malice filled the air of Karakura Town that night, in the instant that a beast lashed out against a once innocent human soul, blood stained the grass and tress of the park that night as the cry of a beast could be heard echoing in that moment of blood and pain. A beast of unimaginable terror had begun its descent upon humanity, his first victim’s blood freshly staining the earth as he devoured his prey like so many hollows do……

On that unholy night, let it be known that only one living soul perished in all of Karakura Town, that of Nozomi Himura. The soul of her daughter untouched, and unscathed.

As dawn broke the dark of night, a shriek was heard as a bloody scene was discovered, and the authorities informed, a family wept. A wise man in a hat passed by the park that day, as he felt the chill left in that park from the bloody night before.

“Kurosaki-san… Yeah, it’s Urahara… I have a favor to ask of you. Could you send Rukia to my shop before you go to school today? No, don’t worry about it right now, Rukia can handle this herself. I need her to investigate an incident that took place last night… Yeah, looks like a hollow’s in the area, so I’d like her to handle it… No, don’t worry about it, she’s more than capable of handling this herself, she’s grown quite strong these days after all. You just focus on school for now. Thanks again Ichigo” *click* Ichigo walked into the kitchen as Yuzu placed breakfast on the table for the Kurosaki family, and their favorite guest, Rukia, and as he grabbed a piece of toast off his plate he turned to Rukia “Yo Rukia, Urahara called. He said he needs you to help him out with something today, I’ve got some stuff to take care of at school, so I’ll be heading out early. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll just tell ‘em you’re sick today. Later Yuzu, Karin.” And with that he walked outside, closing the door behind himself.
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