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A Simple Misunderstanding . . . [Bloodkiss and ChaosLord29]


Jul 24, 2009
Allister had been riding for several nights before he came upon the dark, fallow glen where he had been directed. The local villages had begun to complain of a witch, and as a young knight errant of the Order of the Silver Chalice seeking to prove his worth in battle and glorious deeds, this seemed a fitting task to begin his quest. He was tall and agile in his appearance, hardly the towering pillar of steal one might normally picture of a knight, but he was clearly well muscled and his armor concealed a toned, statuesque (if lithe) frame. His dark red hair made him something of an oddity and he had suffered many jokes because of it in his youth. Now however, he had earned much respect not only for his skill in the practice ring, but for a cunning and experience that surpassed his years, hidden deep in his emerald green eyes. Slowing his steed to a trot, he continued along the narrow dirt path, as the afternoon faded into evening until he spotted signs of habitation, a column of smoke rising above the treeline in the growing moonlight. Tying his horse to a tree he continued on foot, hefting his shield, but keeping his cavalry hammer at his back and his sword tied up against his belt, moving cautiously and with surprising stealth, wary of what might lie in wait for him.
Caoimhe ran her finger along the edge of her stone bowl. She had been working all day on this spell, the scent of burnt parchment clinging to her clothes, ink staining her fingers. Her long, wavy red-gold hair was tossed behind her in a messy plait, the shorter strands dangling around her face in a crown of sunset colors. Her green eyes were tired, worn from a long day of reading and writing and preparing what she had studied. Her forest green dress clung to her pale, curving form, dampened from the hot day of work and the settling evening dew. She stared up through the clearing in the trees, the moon almost up. It was almost time.

Darius watched from a long-dead tree, struck by lightning and hollowed out by the weather of passing years. He was more than a league away, but he watched her through a scrying glass, waiting for the oportune moment to cast his demon out. It would take almost all of his power to send the beast the long distance to her, but he couldn't risk being seen by the woman. Her power didn't match his, but i came close. He needed the element of surprise.
Allister moved closer to the cottage, waiting until the shadows were long enough that he could move closer without being seen and pressing himself to the side of the wall and peering in through the window. He was initially startled at the beautiful appearance of the young woman inside, well mannered and quite striking, but he shook his head to clear his mind of such sinful thoughts. His eyes were just as drawn to the runes and components of what was all too obviously a dark ritual and set his jaw in a grim smile. She was indeed the witch he was seeking, and it was good that he had found her before she was given the opportunity to complete her latest enchantment. With that thought in mind he moved around to the door of the cottage, shutting the visor of his helm, unslung his shield and hefted the spiked Warhammer in his hand, preparing to kick in the door.
((I'm sorry. I added to my previous post at the last moment.))

Caoimhe heard something moving outside, but worry only tugged at the back of her mind. She had been working too hard to suddenly interrupt her spell. She would have to start over the two long days of preparation required. She would see what it was when she was finished.

Darius was unaware of the movement outside of Caoimhe's cottage until he'd cast out his powers, flinging the demon he held prisoner at the young witch. She had refused him and earned herself this revenge.

Caoimhe was thrown back from her altar as the demon was cast out. She hit the hard-packed dirt floor with a gasp and a loud thud. Sliding back several feet, she hit the far wall, knocking things from shelves and shattering jars of herbs she'd spent weeks drying and storing. She cursed at the sight, but before she could defend herself she was hefted off of the floor by the massive beast. It bore a resemblance to a man, but its dark, hollowed eyes and long fangs made the image a tortured one. His skin was pocked and blackened, and long, bony fingers were tipped with gnarled claws. She was tossed aside like a child's plaything, and hit the door hard enough to knock it loose. She landed outside of the cottage, the shattered remains of the door beneath her back. She skidded several feet along the ground, kicking up leaves and dirt along the way and scraping her hands up badly.
Allister had been just as surprised by the loud noise and commotion that seemed to be going on inside, and although it redoubled his resolve to finish the witch's unholy meddling, it had not been soon enough to save him from being hit by Caoimhe and perhaps more importantly, the door as the demon flung her outside. He was laid flat on his back on the ground, the splintered remains of the door on top of him, and groaned, holding his head through his helmet. He struggled to his feet propping himself up on his shield and hammer and looked up, only to find himself looking into the demonic visage of the creature she had summoned.

Training took over then. The creature before him was unquestionably evil, and a threat to all that his order upheld and Allister narrowed his gaze, pushed up from his knee and charged headlong at demon, knocking at it's arms with his shield and simultaneously swinging the spiked end of his cavalry hammer towards the creatures head. The witch was forgotten, and the fact that this creature would likely be as much a challenge for a member of the inner circle of the order did not pass through his mind. He was focused only on the destruction of the unholy monster before him.
Caoimhe sat up and rubbed the back of her head, oblivious to the large gash there. She didn't notice the blood, assuming it was from her torn hands. She stood and let loose a keening cry that sounded like an animal, and a true wolf's cry could be heard in the distance. Brushing her hair away from her face, and smearing blood across one cheek in the process, she steeled herself for battle. Her dress was ripped across the legs where shards of the door had torn through the thin fabric, and her bare feet were riddled with splinters as she stalked toward the demon. She didn't wonder why or how the knight had come here. She was more concerned with the sudden appearance of this beast. She watched the man rush the demon, and followed close on his heels. She summoned what little energy she had left, rallying it for this fight. This was a strong demon, she could smell the sick strength radiating from it, and she had no idea how strong this knight was. Would he be of any help, or just fodder for this evil creature? She held her breath for a moment, hoping that he would be able to stand up to the demon. Suddenly a pitch black wolf burst from the woods, howling savagely. She let go the breath that she'd been holding. The wolf ran to her side, his sharp silver eyes focused on the knight and his foe. "For now he is a friend. Keep an eye. But our enemy is that vile thing." She motioned at the demon and the wolf seemed to acknowledge her words.
Allister spared only a moments notice for the witch and the wolf that had joined them, and assuming they meant him ill as well, decided it would be best not to focus the entirety of his efforts on the demon. Using his shield, he barreled into the creature and managed to push it back into the remains of the hut, and while it was off balance, hooked the spiked end of his hammer between it's legs causing it to be knocked onto it's back. He then spun around, using the side of the cabin to cover his back, facing down the witch and her wolf companion, readying himself against any hostile action by them.

The demon though howled in fitful rage, never having been so insulted by a mere mortal. It charged out of the cabin, right past Allister and directly towards Caoimhe and the wolf, swinging at them with it's wicked black claws as it snorted brimstone.
Caoimhe gasped, caught off guard by the demon's charge. He ignored the wolf and whipped her up off of the ground once more, although this time he didn't toss her aside. He lifted her above his head, and she gasped as his fangs sunk deep into her thigh, ripping the flesh and nearly rending it from the bone. She shoved against him hard, with all of her reserved energy and magic. A loud blast sounded and she was blown back into a nearby tree, her body falling limply to the ground below with a soft sound. The wolf rushed at the demon, ripping into his gut with claw and fangs just as the explosion rang out through the forest.
That was all the opportunity Allister needed as the wolf injured the demon. He was concerned for the woman's safety, if only because he did not wish to see her killed, even should she be convicted of witchcraft. Charging forward, he swung the head of his hammer around and knocked the demon on the back of it's head, sending it reeling forward. The beast spun around faster than he anticipated and he was forced to raise his shield, it's claws rending across the reinforced metal with a screeching and shower of sparks. Allister was almost knocked over by the creature's immense strength, but he instead spun with the blow and brought his hammer around low, bringing the head into it's ankle and shattering the bone.

The demon dropped to one knee with a wretched howl and Allister seized the opportunity, bringing the spiked end of the hammer up through the demons jaw and splitting it's head apart. With it's head destroyed the creature began to burn apart with a foul stench and the ground where it's body fell began to wither and die. Allister brought his arm to his mouth and backed away, turning towards the witch and the wolf, still cautious.
The wolf ran over to Caoimhe, ignoring the knight's scrutiny. He nuzzled her arm, managing to turn her over onto her back. He began to wash the blood off of her cheek, obviously checking for wounds. When he found her cheek unharmed he moved to her neck and then her hands. They had been scraped from her several falls, and were now burned badly from the rapid release of so much blood magic. He continued his preliminary check over her body for any serious injuries, the only one being her leg and hands. Caoimhe's eyes slowly fluttered open, and with a groan she slammed them shut again. After a long moment she sat up and opened one eye, staring at the wolf. "How bad is it?" although the wolf didn't speak, she seemed to understand everything he had examined. She glanced down at her thigh and winced, quickly glancing away. "Bring me a needle. And the box of stitching thread from the cabinet beside the cauldron. And there's a jar of willow bark poultice on the table beneath the window. A bushel basket to carry it all in is beneath the table." The wolf hurried off to do her bidding and she laid back again with a long-suffering sigh.
Allister held his guard towards the wolf as the creature hurried back into the cabin and back towards her with the intended supplies, somewhat unnerved by the creatures loyalty and aptitude at serving the woman now lying against the tree. He followed the wolf towards her at what he considered a safe distance, not dropping his guard, but as he neared them, he raised the visor of his helm and regarded her. It was clear she was in no state to put up a fight against him, though the wolf might prove a danger, and it did nothing in his mind to quell the beliefs she was indeed a witch. Still, the demon had attacked her as readily as him, somewhat more so considering the extent of her injuries. But she was injured and he had not yet seen her wrong anyone, and his duty was therefore in conflict. "Your name?" He said challengingly, deciding it was a good starting place, though none of the villagers had named the witch who had afflicted them.
She ignored his question for a moment, taking the basket from the wolf. She took out the needle, threading it quickly. "Is it wise to give one's name to strangers? Especially one who came with ill intent?" She smirked, taking out the jar of poultice. Tearing off a long strip of cloth from the now-shredded hem of her dress and opening the jar, she began to stitch her own leg. Clamping her jaw down hard against the pain, she sewed the deep gash closed. When it was sealed well she rubbed poultice on it and wrapped it with the cloth. "My name is Caoimhe. And what is yours, knight?"
Allister's attention was focused on the wolf, as she dressed her wound, and he had yet to drop his guard. It wasn't just that he still was wary about the pair, and certainly not the sight of blood or a wound being tended to, however unladylike an activity it was. But he could not condemn her solely on that count, and thus when she offered her name he was he stood, lowering his weapon and his shield and regarding her with his visor raised. "My name is Allister, Knight Errant of the Order of the Silver Chalice, and as for my intents and purpose here, I can assure you to their purity. I am seeking a witch, who has recently come to this area and has been inflicting ill upon the populace of this region." His words were not accusing but they did carry the weight of his skepticism with them. "Perhaps though we can begin on a different count, as my seeking a witch has apparently led to me finding a demon, in your home."
She laughed coldly. "A witch inflicting ill upon the people? I am a witch, yes, I will not deny that. But I heal. I do not injure or curse. I even occasionally help to cure impotence and infertillity. As for the demon, I do not know how he got here. I was doing a cleansing spell that took two days of preparation, and I am not happy that I will have to do it again." She frowned, putting the poultice and suturing tools back into the basket."I would like to find out why that demon showed up..." Ripping off another two long strips of cloth, she smeared them with poultice. Turning to the wolf, she laid the strips over the handle of the basket. "Fetch me a bowl of water from the river, will you?" Caoimhe turned back to the man once the wolf was gone. "Do not fear him. He will not hurt you unless you give him reason. He has been my companion since he was a babe."
Allister was stunned by her frankness, in admitting to witchcraft, and then claiming not to have summoned the demon. She was a practitioner of black magic, whatever her actions there were consequences and costs for such things. "You claim to be a healer?" He asked skeptically, raising his guard, despite her state of obvious weakness, "And yet you admit to the use of dark magics for such purposes." He said, his tone almost mocking as he shook his head. "And what's more, you claim to have no part in the appearance of a demon during a blasphemous ritual that you yourself had been casting. You can't honestly expect me to take your word on such matters." He couldn't help but smile somewhat smugly. Still, he had not yet seen the evidence of her ill will with his own eyes, despite the ailments of the villagers, and thus he could not simply condemn her outright.
"Yes, I use magic. Not dark magic. I use the magic that lives in the earth, put here by the gods at the begining of time. And what would you know of magic, light or dark?" The wolf returned with a small basin of water and she washed and wrapped her hands. "I do not ask you to believe me, knight. But I do ask you not to judge things you know nothing of. The ritual I was performing was to cleanse this area of creatures just like the demon that showed up. Of late I have been plauged with misfortune, just as the villagers. If you do wish to deliver justice, then listen to my story first. Do not pretend to know what occurred." She stood slowly, with uncertain legs. Leaning against the tree and her wolf, she addressed the knight again. "About a moon ago a woman came to me. She asked me to make her a potion that would require use of dark magic. I refused her, and a few days later strange things started happening. I have a feeling that the two things are connected. I have been trying to stave off the attacks and odd ailments of the people, but it just keeps happening. Soon the people started assuming I was to blame. I want to find whoever is responsible and repair my shattered reputation. I used to be a midwife and healer. I helped to birth most of the children in the village. And now they think I'm some kind of evil demon-worshipper."
Allister listened with a wary air, his features not betraying any reaction to her story one way or the other, till she had finished. His eyes regarded the wolf as it tended to her with all the loyalty of a beloved pet. He could no more prove her story false than he could condemn her for crimes he could not know she had committed. "I know more of magic than you might assume, but I will trust the evidence I see with my eyes before I trust your words." He said, lifting his hammer and returning it to the sling on his back, "Nor will I condemn a woman I have seen no evidence of malice in solely on the hearsay of others." He finished, lifting his helmet from his shoulders and placing it under his arm and offering his hand to her to help her stand. "You aided me against the demon, and were injured for it, a debt which I can settle before any other matters are seen to."
She attempted to stand straight, wincing against the pain. "As I have said, I am a healer. The wound will be fine. And I am not a woman who needs a man to help her." She took a few stubborn, wobbling steps before stumbling and being caught by the wolf. She was not used to company, and even less used to being assisted by others. Her eyes looked more worn than before, the pain wearing on her. But pride and her independent nature made her resent askng for help.
Allister stepped forward on the other side of her than the wolf and set his hand on her shoulder, not an entirely chivalrous gesture towards a woman with whom he was not so well acquainted, but his purpose was certainly not to offend her. "Perhaps you will oblige me, given that I am not inclined to fully trust you just yet, and I even should you refuse my help I would be unable to just be on my way. My duty prevents it." A wry smirk was written across his features, something his mentors and superiors in the order had always told him was not a fitting expression for a knight to wear, conveying a sense of superiority and joviality unbecoming to someone in his position.
Caoimhe huffed, glaring defiantly up at him, irritated by his distrust and obvious smug attitude. But she didn't refuse his help again. She was no fool, and knew that walking on her injured leg would be a foolish, painful thing to do. "Could you help me into the cottage? I need to clean up the horrible mess caused by that wretched demon...and I would like to find whoever is doing this." The wolf's eyes moved between the two, watching the knight with wary caution and the woman with concern and obvious adoration.
Allister nodded and moved his arm beneath hers and moving her arm to rest over his shoulders, having to bend at the knees a little bit given his height. "Yes, discerning the culprit behind the woes of the surrounding villages as well as the summoning of the demon is an important task." His tone was skeptical, but hardly judgmental and he did not expressly say she was or was not that culprit. "So do you have a means through some spell or enchantment to discern the origin of the demon?"
Caoimhe shook her head roughly. "No, that would require touching the spirit of the demon. As I have said before, I do not dabble in the dark arts. Even to save these people and myself, I will not taint my magic. That would be worse than ignoring their cries completely." She paused, trying to think of another way to learn more. "What have you learned from the people of the village?"
Allister frowned, unfamiliar with where she was drawing the distinction of 'dark arts' but willing to accept for the moment that the demon could not be found through magical means. "Only as much as they referred to unnatural illnesses, maladies, crop failures. Some reported dark dreams and erratic, aggressive behavior amongst the forest creatures." He turned to regard the wolf that followed them both, "Wolves in particular were reported acting unnaturally . . . " he handled the hilt of his sword more out of wariness and habit, not meaning to be threatening.
Caoimhe eyed his sword, aware of his discomfort towards the wolf. "Then I suppose we need to start with the villagers and try to glean more information. If there have been any strangers around lately or if someone has been acting oddly we might have somewhere to start our search."
Allister took a last look at the wolf, then looked to her before nodding. "That can wait until tomorrow, you are in no condition to walk or ride to the village, and the night grows long." He said. It wasn't until after he spoke that he realized the odd situation this sudden turn of events had put him in. As an injured innocent, his duty would require him to stay with her, but if she was indeed a witch it would of course be foolhardy to stay in her company. He had left his horse not far off and he had gear to set up a camp, but he was not rightly sure to the condition of her cabin, whether it was fit for her or anyone else to rest in. "Perhaps I should keep a watch though, if you would prefer to rest without fear of another attack." Though he would miss the night of sleep, it was not something Allister was unaccustomed to.
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