The kinkier the better! F/anything

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Sep 23, 2015
I am looking for an im roleplay with anything you can think of. It can be a one time thing or a long term role play. Some good background storyline is fun but not required. I'm just bored and want to do something fun with very few limitations. My f-list will explain what I love and like. Males, females, futa, furry, anything. Realistic and not so much. Doesn't matter. I am more of a submissive so just keep that in mind. Not particular on length of posts as long as it's more then one word or one sentence. Some depth is nice. PM me if you're interested.
This is another bump!

I feel like I need to stress a few things now, after having to deal with it on several occasions.

When I roleplay, I keep real life and my role playing completely separate. And for good reason. I roleplay to escape from my real life from time to time. Nothing ever crosses over. So, if you start asking me deeper questions about my life or try to fit a roleplay into my real life, you WILL get a warning. And if you do it again, I will not talk/play with you anymore. Period.

Second. I try to rp through im or emails only because I'm forced to use my phone. My computer broke down and I can't afford another one yet. Once I do get one, I'll be more then happy to rp through pm. But until then, I'm stuck.

Third, if you are underage irl, don't even bother. I can tell. I'm old enough and done this enough to know. Just stop. Kids shouldn't be on this kind of site in the first place.

Ok, now that that's out of the way =^.^=
I'm still open for people to rp with. Pm, email, or add me on aim and we can hash out some details. I don't have any specific themes I want to do so bring what you want and we can talk about it.
Bumping on up!

I have some room for a couple more email rp's if anyone is interested. My aim and Skype are pretty much filled up so don't expect much from there. Pm or email me some details and we'll see if we can't get some fun started ?
Bumping again

Please, no more incest requests. I have several going right now and I don't need anymore.

Really craving monster/alien stuff. Like tentacles and expermentaton. Lab assistant to a mad scientist that runs all kinds of tests on her.
Bumpin on up

Please tell me if you don't want to play anymore. I find it rather annoying when we start something then you leave in he middle of it without a word and I'm stuck here, wondering if you're ever coming back.
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