Making the Soldier a Captain again (Krystal x Fractured Wickedness)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
The year was 1940. Krystal had decided to leave her comfortable apartment and explore the city. Being the daughter of a wealthy newspaper tycoon had its privileges. She smiled as she walked out into the sun, deciding to get herself a milkshake from the diner down the street. She loved the food there, especially their waffles, which were always cooked perfect and had whipped cream on top with strawberries. She walked into the diner, ordered her milkshake to go, snd was off, just walking around the city and somehow ending up in Brooklyn. She had no idea that today would be the day her Onyx knight would return to her.

Steve rogers had annoyed someone again. All he wanted to do was watch the war film at the beginning of the movie, but this man was talking much to loud. He had politely and patiently asked him to quiet down, but all that had gotten him was in an alleyway. Steve hated bullies, and this man was definitely one of them, because now he was cornered in said alleyway, with 3 instead of one guy. He was in a bit of trouble. Luckily, a beautiful blue haired woman with glacial blue eyes happened to walk by. She too hated bullies, and she walked down the alleyway, looking worried.

"Hey, who's the pretty broad?" The man asked, whistling a little at pretty woman who just snorted derisively. She cocked an eyebrow at the now badly beaten Steve, who looked all but helpless. She kneeled down to him. "Why don't I get you cleaned up, huh?" She asked softly, and Steve just nodded, looking shocked that such a pretty woman was talking to him. "Don't bother with this wimp" the man said, and she could smell the alcohol on him as he pulled her away. She acted quickly, tossing him into a dumpster, knocking him unconscious. "Don't you dare lay your hands on me!" She growled, as the other two men went twards Steve. All he could do was watch helplessly, to beat up to do anything but let it come.

Krystal wouldn't have that though. She stood in front of the frail man, a samurai sword looking like it appeared in her hand. She points it toward the men. "If you don't wanna end up like your buddy there, I suggest you leave." She warned, but they lunged at her anyway. She sighed and went to work in a beautiful yet dangerous dance, quickly knocking the two on their asses, her sword at their throats. "Go. Before I decide to cut your necks." She told them flatly and they ran away just as Krystal was picking Steve up. "Thank's for saving me, ma'am" he told her with a cough, his asthma acting up. She stroked his hair and walked out of the alley, surprised to run into a handsome man. "Bucky. I'm okay.". Steve wheezed out, and Krystal softened, knowing he wasn't a threat, seeing as the man she saved called him by name.

"He was being beaten up when I came by. I hate bullies, so I saved him. I'm Krystal by the way. Krystal Kobayashi. And you two are? I didn't catch your names." She said l, a light smile on her face as she steadied the smaller man into her slightly larger form. Steve smiled a little then wheezed. "Steve rogers. Pleased to meet you ma'am." He told her, his breaths calming because of her healing seeping into him by touch.

Time flew quickly after that first encounter, and Bucky and Krystal fell in love. He proposed the day before he shipped out, and they conceived a son, though she didn't know it then. She spent countless nights praying to whoever would listen, asking desperately for their safety. It hadn't worked though. Steve had fallen from a train to his death, and Bucky had crashed a plane in the artic just days later. She would never forget his last words to her. "I love you, Doll. find happiness until you can find me" he told her, and she could hear the dominance in his tone. He had ordered her to be happy without him. That was gonna be the hardest order she'd ever have.

That was seventy years ago now, and each day it hurt to think about her beloved lost fiancée and dead best friend. She knew she should have gone with those two knuckle heads to war. Maybe they'd still be here if she had. Maybe Bucky would have seen his son grow up. All the regret she still held had been taking a toll, but soon she would find happiness again after an excited phone call from the artic circle.

"We found him!" her son exclaimed over the phone, and she could hear him jumping up and down as he talked. After 70 years of searching, they had finally found James Buchanan Barnes. He had finally found his father, and on his birthday, no less. It was June 10, 2011 when the Sergeant was finally found. If only Steve were there to see this.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
The year was 1940. Krystal had decided to leave her comfortable apartment and explore the city. Being the daughter of a wealthy newspaper tycoon had its privileges. She smiled as she walked out into the sun, deciding to get herself a milkshake from the diner down the street. She loved the food there, especially their waffles, which were always cooked perfect and had whipped cream on top with strawberries. She walked into the diner, ordered her milkshake to go, snd was off, just walking around the city and somehow ending up in Brooklyn. She had no idea that today would be the day her Onyx knight would return to her.

Steve rogers had annoyed someone again. All he wanted to do was watch the war film at the beginning of the movie, but this man was talking much to loud. He had politely and patiently asked him to quiet down, but all that had gotten him was in an alleyway. Steve hated bullies, and this man was definitely one of them, because now he was cornered in said alleyway, with 3 instead of one guy. He was in a bit of trouble. Luckily, a beautiful blue haired woman with glacial blue eyes happened to walk by. She too hated bullies, and she walked down the alleyway, looking worried.

"Hey, who's the pretty broad?" The man asked, whistling a little at pretty woman who just snorted derisively. She cocked an eyebrow at the now badly beaten Steve, who looked all but helpless. She kneeled down to him. "Why don't I get you cleaned up, huh?" She asked softly, and Steve just nodded, looking shocked that such a pretty woman was talking to him. "Don't bother with this wimp" the man said, and she could smell the alcohol on him as he pulled her away. She acted quickly, tossing him into a dumpster, knocking him unconscious. "Don't you dare lay your hands on me!" She growled, as the other two men went twards Steve. All he could do was watch helplessly, to beat up to do anything but let it come.

Krystal wouldn't have that though. She stood in front of the frail man, a samurai sword looking like it appeared in her hand. She points it toward the men. "If you don't wanna end up like your buddy there, I suggest you leave." She warned, but they lunged at her anyway. She sighed and went to work in a beautiful yet dangerous dance, quickly knocking the two on their asses, her sword at their throats. "Go. Before I decide to cut your necks." She told them flatly and they ran away just as Krystal was picking Steve up. "Thank's for saving me, ma'am" he told her with a cough, his asthma acting up. She stroked his hair and walked out of the alley, surprised to run into a handsome man. "Bucky. I'm okay.". Steve wheezed out, and Krystal softened, knowing he wasn't a threat, seeing as the man she saved called him by name.

"He was being beaten up when I came by. I hate bullies, so I saved him. I'm Krystal by the way. Krystal Kobayashi. And you two are? I didn't catch your names." She said l, a light smile on her face as she steadied the smaller man into her slightly larger form. Steve smiled a little then wheezed. "Steve rogers. Pleased to meet you ma'am." He told her, his breaths calming because of her healing seeping into him by touch.

Time flew quickly after that first encounter, and Bucky and Krystal fell in love. He proposed the day before he shipped out, and they conceived a son, though she didn't know it then. She spent countless nights praying to whoever would listen, asking desperately for their safety. It hadn't worked though. Steve had fallen from a train to his death, and Bucky had crashed a plane in the artic just days later. She would never forget his last words to her. "I love you, Doll. find happiness until you can find me" he told her, and she could hear the dominance in his tone. He had ordered her to be happy without him. That was gonna be the hardest order she'd ever have.

That was seventy years ago now, and each day it hurt to think about her beloved lost fiancée and dead best friend. She knew she should have gone with those two knuckle heads to war. Maybe they'd still be here if she had. Maybe Bucky would have seen his son grow up. All the regret she still held had been taking a toll, but soon she would find happiness again after an excited phone call from the artic circle.

"We found him!" her son exclaimed over the phone, and she could hear him jumping up and down as he talked. After 70 years of searching, they had finally found James Buchanan Barnes. He had finally found his father, and on his birthday, no less. It was June 10, 2011 when the Sergeant was finally found. If only Steve were there to see this.

The world is going to be a different place from what you remembered, Sergeant...

Those were the words that echoed through Bucky's mind. When he first came to, everything had prepped to throw him off, giving that impression that he was back in the 40s, but some details seemed off and it wasn't until he heard the radio and remembered the game as one he had listened to with his best friend Steve that he knew it was wrong. Frantic, the nurse tried to calm him, followed by another gentleman.

"Sergeant Barnes... you might want to sit down. Things aren't exactly the same as when you last remember them."

Bucky didn't really seem to hear him as he pushed and made his way out of the room. He thought he initially heard some going to follow him, but no one came as he pushed open the doors, the modern look he knew being replaced with something more futuristic... metallic. Finally, pushing open a door, he found himself on the streets with the sunlight blinding him complimented by the flashing lights of Times Square.

The man who had spoken to him before, an eyepatch covering his eye approached.

"Where am I?"

The individual would stand besides Bucky, his arms tucked behind his back, trenchcoat blowing as he spoke. He spoke, his tone more matter of fact than anything else.

"New York, 2011."

The individual would offer Bucky a cigarette and lighter. It crossed Bucky's mind, but he instead turned his head.

"And the war?"

The man patted his back, turning to head back instead.

"We won. Bombed the Japanese. Twice."

Bucky would crumple up the cigarette before tossing the lighter back to the man. He would turn and head back inside.

"I wish Steve was around to hear that."
Krystal appeared a few minutes later, eyes showing happiness as she walkedbove to him. "Buckeye" she said softly as she looked at him, hair tied up in a long blue ponytail and dark blue cocktail dress blowing in the wind. It had been much to long. Though the life of a fae is very long, it is very hard to live without the one you thinknis your soul mate. She gave him another smile, walking just slightly closer. She had really missed him these last 70 years, and she knew their son would be thrilled to finally know him.

James Buchanan Barnes Jr, is his name, and he's a spitfire to be sure. He was all chrm like his dad, but also he inherited his mother's kidness and intelligence. The 70 year old had just finished his 4th doctorate. She was very proud of him, and hoped bucky would be too. "Bucky, come with me? I know a place we can talk." She promised, having perfected the sound of her motherly voice over these long years alone with her son. She hadn't dated since he had died, and still wore the sapphire engagement ring he gave her.

The SHIELD SUV's were starting to disperse, and Krystal knew that the traffic would be starting up again. "Come. I'll get you some whiskey. Got single malt up in the penthouse." She promised, knowing how much he loved it. She wanted to talk. The insecure fae woman thought he wouldn't still want to marry her in an unfamiliar time.
Seeing Krystal was the first part of normal that Bucky had apparently seen. Through their relationship, he didn't find her being there as much of a surprise and the first thing he did when he saw her was to pull her into his embrace. It had been to long since he had last held her, and his body knowing it was even longer than his mind registered. His fingers entwined in her hair, gripping it to arch her head slightly to guide her into a kiss. There may have been others talking then, but for those moments, his world was only her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that man with an eye patch talking and he lifted a hand to give that "One moment" motion, savoring her taste before parting lips. His fingers kept entwined, keeping her pressed to him as he looked to Director Fury, he people were calling him.

"Hello, Beautiful."

He would look to Fury, turning to face him as his hand drifted from her hair to her waist, tugging her close as he would listen to the requests of Fury.

"Give me a day or two to process things first. I have a lot of catching up to do."

His attention would return to Krystal and he smiled. She had mentioned he had a son and he kept that smile, though the surprise was apparent in his eyes. He would be delighted to meet his son. When they met, his little boy was 70 years old and with four doctorates, definately knew more than his old man. However he still took his boy into his arms, giving him that hug that he never could in the past, tears and those words that his son deserved.

"I'm proud of you."

Eventually he would leave, promising to have dinner some time and for his son to show him the ropes. It was too late to bond over catch, so hopefully dinner would be a close second. Leaving, he would hear Krystals words and nod. She knew he was a man for whiskey and he would once again, pull her close as he gave her a nod.

"Lead on, darling."
Krystal smiled softly as he pulled her into his embrace, relaxing instantly. It was a simple motion, and yet it held so much power. Her body just fell back into the ruitine of submission even after all these years of dominance. She just let Bucky guide her to where he wanted her, kissing him with a love and hunger she hadn't felt in 70 long years. She could hear fury talking as well, but right now it didn't matter. What mattered was him. "Hello, handsome." She replied, talking softly though the world around them was loud.

It was soon after that JJ trailed after his mother, small smile on his face. He knew they would need space, and he intended to give them that, but right now he wanted just to meet the father his mother had talked of for so many years. He was suprised by the hug, but hugged back almost immediately. "Its good to finally meet you dad." He said, eyes tearing at his father's simple utterance of words. "I'm proud of you" words he'd heard a thousand times from his lovely mother, but somehow these held more weight. JJ smiled softly, backing away slightly to give his parents space. "Dinner sounds good dad. Maybe in a few days. You and mom need time. I'll be at Stark's if you need me. Mom will show you." He said, his mother simply nodding as he disappeared, landing back in his room at stark tower. Even after seeing and touching him, it was still so surreal. His father was back.

Krystal gave his hand a squeeze and melodically chuckled. "Right this way then, Sergeant." She said, still keeping as close to him as she could, guiding him to a large hotel. The building had been renovated over the years, but it mostly still looked as it did in the 40's. She guided him through to the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor. As the door closed she breathed out softly. "I missed you so much buckeye" The words were simple and small, yet the held so much truth. She would no longer have to miss him though, it seemed. He was here with her again.

The penthouse had changed alot over the years, but one thing remained the same, it was always blue. The carpets were a dark plush blue, the walls a muted sky blue. Krystal had always been fond of the color blue, and that hadn't changed over the almost century he was gone. She kept a few couches that she'd had in the 40's, but mostly the room was modern, a large flat screen TV mounted to the wall adjecent the couches. She gave him a smile. "Make yourself comfortable my heart. I'll go get that scotch I promised. Would you like it on the rocks or straight?" She asked him, remembering he used to drink it in such a manner, but thinking he might prefer it straight. Today had certainly been different.
There was a lot to take in and he would find himself coming to sit on the couch. It was comfortable and he would stretch out. This had to be one of the weirdest days of his life. He never expected to the world like this. It was true that there was a great deal he was going to catch up. He wasn't as worried as he figured others might. He took in the room. There we some things that he recognized right away, but some things like the flat screen, well, it didn't even cross his mind that that was what it was. This room did look fairly quiet though, seeing as he didn't see a radio anywhere in sight.

"On the rocks, Doll. A drink and you is what the doctor ordered."

He would stretch, standing as she went to fetch his drink and made his way to the window. Looking out, he took it all in and honestly, it was incredible. Looking down, and it was a far way down, it seemed so busy, so hectic. So this was the result of the them winning the war. Such progress, it was just surreal. This is what both he and Steve had fought for.
Krystal let out a soft melodic chuckle at his words. "You got it handsome" she told him with a smile as the ching of ice fell into the swirling blue glass. She dantily poured the scotch, filling it close to the top of the small glass. She walked over to him, watching him a moment before she handed him his drink. Alot had changed, that was for sure.

Krystal handed him his drink, clicking a remote from insidebthe pocket of her apron. Soft swing music from the 30's and 40's played all around the room, almost as if they had gone to a club and the music was live. Small speakers could be seen around the room, and the radio was small, sitting on a corner table.

"Alot has changed since you dropped that plane in the ocean. If you like, tomorrow we can take my private jet down to Washington to the the captain america exibit. I know steve would like you to see it." She told him, a light hand resting on his back as he looked out the window. She wanted to spoil him rotten ti nakebup for 70 years of being without him. The pretty fae women still held guilt over not being able to save him so long ago.
He would look out at the window. A Captain America exhibit. It was good to know that Steve hadn't been forgotten. He still remembered the day that everything changed with Steve falling to his death to save him. Bucky closed his eyes briefly. It could of been him. Probably should have been. However, he couldn't live in that guilt. He had died also, honoring his best friends memory. However, here he was. He would make the best of this. Steve wouldn't have wanted him to do it any other way. He would lift his drink as a toast for Steve before taking a sip.

"Sounds like we have so much to scheduled for tomorrow. I want to think more about now though."

He would look down at her, his 6'4 stature gazing down at her as he took a sip of his drink.

"It's been far too long. It was too long back then and now a few more years have been added."
Krystal nodded, pushing a stay lock of hair from her face and placing it behind her ear. "Yes, tomorrow will be a full and intersting day." She told him with a smile, watching as he toasted Steve. She also did that, everyday on his birthday, which was sneaking up on them pretty quickly. It had been June 10th when they found bucky, but now it was July 1st. In three short days it would be steve's birthday yet again. She wouldbhave to plan something special for the two of them to do in honor of him.

Krystal gave him a soft smile, but she wasn't entirely sure what he meant. Did he want to make love? She was always ready for that. She gave his cheek a carress as he looked down at her, glacial blue eyes showing her intriige. "What did you have in mind buckeye?" She asked if him, lips curled uo in a smile. He had promised her dancing and he had promised her marriage, so it could be anything that he asked for.

"As always my heart, I am at your humble service." She told him softly, silently asking for a kiss. She knew better than to try to dominate. It was a kind of a thrill for to not have to think to much about what she did in bed, even if over the years through books and magazines she had learned some new techniques. She would have to show him her library of those later. He might enjoy that. She smiled at him, but it quickly changed to the snirk she knew he loved. "What does my heart require of me?" She asked, tone soft and submissive, unsure what position he wished her to be in.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
Krystal nodded, pushing a stay lock of hair from her face and placing it behind her ear. "Yes, tomorrow will be a full and intersting day." She told him with a smile, watching as he toasted Steve. She also did that, everyday on his birthday, which was sneaking up on them pretty quickly. It had been June 10th when they found bucky, but now it was July 1st. In three short days it would be steve's birthday yet again. She wouldbhave to plan something special for the two of them to do in honor of him.

Krystal gave him a soft smile, but she wasn't entirely sure what he meant. Did he want to make love? She was always ready for that. She gave his cheek a carress as he looked down at her, glacial blue eyes showing her intriige. "What did you have in mind buckeye?" She asked if him, lips curled uo in a smile. He had promised her dancing and he had promised her marriage, so it could be anything that he asked for.

"As always my heart, I am at your humble service." She told him softly, silently asking for a kiss. She knew better than to try to dominate. It was a kind of a thrill for to not have to think to much about what she did in bed, even if over the years through books and magazines she had learned some new techniques. She would have to show him her library of those later. He might enjoy that. She smiled at him, but it quickly changed to the snirk she knew he loved. "What does my heart require of me?" She asked, tone soft and submissive, unsure what position he wished her to be in.

He would turn to face her. His head took the glass and he would tilt his head back to finish the rest of the glass as he set it down on the window still. His hands would take hers as he pulled her close, bringing her to rest against his chest as he would move to the music.

"I promised you a dance when I came home. I know I'm a few decades too late, but I feel that that is unavoidable."

Strong arms wrapped around he as he guided her, step by step, eyes on her. He had missed her and as he lead, he knew she would follow every step. He would lean in, his lips brushing her ear as he spoke, a whisper and a tease.

"Always the pleaser. Don't worry, darling. I have years to make up to you. We have a long night ahead of us."
Krystal watched as he rank the rest of the whiskey down, giving hima soft smile. She had missed just being with him. The song that came on next was just perfect for their first dance in 70myears. she let out a soft chuckle, stroking his cheek. "Yes, it was, but you did it for the right reasons, my heart." she said softly, relaxing into his arms as she followed in time with his steps.

A shiver ran down Krystal's spine as he whispered in her ear. He was so close, and she could already feel herself getting wet. It had been much to long, and Bucky was the only one who had ever really had that effect on her. Other men had tried, sure, but it was only Bucky who could reduce her to a puddle. She gave him another smirk she knew he loved. "Sounds good to me." she replied evenly, relaxing into the dance, simply content to be with him.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
Krystal watched as he rank the rest of the whiskey down, giving hima soft smile. She had missed just being with him. The song that came on next was just perfect for their first dance in 70myears. she let out a soft chuckle, stroking his cheek. "Yes, it was, but you did it for the right reasons, my heart." she said softly, relaxing into his arms as she followed in time with his steps.

A shiver ran down Krystal's spine as he whispered in her ear. He was so close, and she could already feel herself getting wet. It had been much to long, and Bucky was the only one who had ever really had that effect on her. Other men had tried, sure, but it was only Bucky who could reduce her to a puddle. She gave him another smirk she knew he loved. "Sounds good to me." she replied evenly, relaxing into the dance, simply content to be with him.

He would continue the pace and soon he shifted, sweeping her off her feet into his arms. Craddling her, he would kiss her neck and a grin formed. She was as light as always and those arms help her like it was nothing.

"Doll, where's the bedroom. You're making that face that I remember that is telling me that you want to make up for some lost time. I've been tense for so long, I think it's time that I handle that."

Carrying her, he walked, feeling light on his feet and spun around with her. He was happy and gentle now. It was a good prelude to the fact that all that was the war was still fresh to him. Memories of that ship crashing were like it was just yesterday, so he had more than a bit of stress to work out of his system and Krystal never seemed to mind a bit.
Krystal made a tiny meep sound as she was picked up, her eyes showing her need. She let out a small chuckle as he asked her where the bedroom was. "End of the hall, my heart, just like it was 70 years ago" she said with a small smile, giving him a light kiss. She relaxed in his arms, content to simply be carried for a change. Usually when she wasn't feeling well, she would simply levitate around the room so not to strain herself to much. She had missed this, being close. She had missed him more than even she realized.

"I could give you a massage after if you like. that should help with all the knots in your body from being frozen." she said with a small smile, snuggling into his embrace. She lived to please him, and wanted to spoil him as much as she could to make up for lost time. Secretly she was insecure that he didn't still love her, even if it was obvious. She knew how much war could change a person.
Bucky would laugh and head down the hallway. He was glad that the layout hadn't changed even though the times had. His pace was brisk, moving and for a long time, not on guard. He was able to relax. He could celebrate. They had won and now... not he was going to make up for everything missed. He would cradle her, entering the bedroom and would pause for a moment. He was excited but he needed to speak.

"Doll, I love you. I'm not sure how I would be taking this without you at my side."

Bringing her to the bedroom, he would give a brief glance at the changes, but the most important thing for him was the bed. He would grin and playfully toss her on it before hands coming to remove his shirt, 6 pack as tight as ever. Being on ice hadn't hurt his physique too much and he was glad to be back.

"I appreciate the offer for the back rub, but I feel like this will be one of those nights I leave you unable to do much moving."
Krystal gave himnone of her thousand watt smiles at the simple admittance. She had been wishing to hear that now for seventy years. "I love you too, Buckeye. Till the end of the line." She promised, and for her, that meant forever. She was a fae, and she could live thousands of years and not bat an eyelash. She hoped he would take her offer of eternal life with her. She had planned to ask him when he came back from the war, but he never did. Now that she had him again she would finally be able to ask. Finally she would have the king she'd mourned for seventy years.

Krystal let out a giggle as she was thrown onto the bed. "Fair enough my heart, but expect me to spoil you rotten tomorrow." She promised with a wink, watching needily as he took his short off. His body was something she never knew she'd see again. She wanted him badly, even if she knew better than to try and rush him. She knew hernplace with him, even if she secretly wished it were more equal.
Removing his slacks, he would smile and head to the side of the bed. He wasn't cruel, however Bucky was from the 40s. Sex was different back then. As he came to set on the bed, a book on the bed stand caught his eye. "BDSM: In and Out of the Bedroom". Bucky came to lay next to her, pulling her close to him as he picked up the book. He thought nothing of it until he read the exerpt on the back, then a few pages, growing silent as he cradled her.
"Sex changed so much that they wrote a manuel, Doll?"
Krystal let out another soft melodic chuckle as savored him. "Yes, several actually. That's just the most informative. I could show you some things, but you prefer to top." She said, a small smirk gracing her lips. The things she could show him... while she was sure he wouldn't like being restrained, there were lots of fun toys they could use in her dungeon. She wouldn't shock him with that just yet though. She'd let him read and see what he liked first.
Bucky flipped page after page. There were a moderate amount of pictures. He would just read in silence and she could see that shock. She could also see that buldge forming. He stopped on some pages that started weird and "evolved". It started with knot techniques, the next showing a woman bound. He rose a brow as the next showed the woman tied up and suspend. He coughed as he flipped the page showing the woman suspended, bound as she had one man making use of her mouth and another man taking her from behind. The caption read "Being good to Master." Bucky would close the book and laugh at the fiction he read.

"You almost had me going, Doll. Whips and chains. I don't see anything like that here so it couldn't have evolved that way."

He was a tad dissapointed. With most of the pages, he replaced the woman with Krystal. One image stuck, a simple picture of a woman with a ball gag, a collar and a leash. The caption simply read "Give her the Accessories she deserves."
Krystal watched him in silence, curiousity in her features. She was curious to knownwhat he though of all this, and she could see him hardening, which for her was always a good sign. Her expression remained fairly nuetral as she watched him, pulling her long hair from its binding. She knew somehow he was agining her as the model in that book.

Krystal let out a dark yet still melodic chuckle. "Don't be so sure, handsome. Go open that door over there." She said, a small smirk gracing her lips as she simply relaxed on the bed. Inside the smallish closet, he would find all the beginner toys that book showed. Her true dungeun was across the hall, under a strict lock and key. Only the worthy got to see that.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
Krystal watched him in silence, curiousity in her features. She was curious to knownwhat he though of all this, and she could see him hardening, which for her was always a good sign. Her expression remained fairly nuetral as she watched him, pulling her long hair from its binding. She knew somehow he was agining her as the model in that book.

Krystal let out a dark yet still melodic chuckle. "Don't be so sure, handsome. Go open that door over there." She said, a small smirk gracing her lips as she simply relaxed on the bed. Inside the smallish closet, he would find all the beginner toys that book showed. Her true dungeun was across the hall, under a strict lock and key. Only the worthy got to see that.
And those words for some reason he was growing less and lesss hocked. He would see her small collection of toys and he whistled.
"Doll, we fought so hard to free the people from imprisonment and suffering during the war. Isn't this a step AWAY from freedom?"
Krystal chuckled. "On the contrary my dear buckeye. It is in giving up control to another that you feel truly free. Read the book. It explains it all." She said, simply reclining on the bed, waiting for him to give her an order. She was simply relaxing until he was ready
Bucky would take up the book asgain, paging through before returniing to her toy closet, paging through it, he would pick up atoy here and there. Crops, floggers and canes: Those were fairly straight forward. Seems that sex involved more sadism and masochism than he recalled. He found handcuffs and rope, which made sense when he compared it to the pictures. It was true that he remembered soldiers mentioning how much more the appreciated freedom after losing it.
"God Bless America.""
His comment was on the simpliest thing, specifically the ball gag. This would handle those post sex conversations, or any conversaation during sex at all. He would pick up a pair of handcuffs, a cane and a gag, turning to her.
"I think I knew a few people who could have benefitted from these.
Well Doll, I have some time to make up for apparently need some practice, so get your cute bottom over here."
Krystal watched him with curiosity, wondering just what he might want to do to her. "My heart, don't forget the salve. It helps the pain afterwards." She told him as she gestured him to the salve and then to the things he held in his hands. This was going to be very interesting for sure. The pretty fae women hadn't been on the submissive side of BDSM at all since it had surfaced.

Krystal gave him a soft smile, walking over in a sultry way before kneeling in front of him. "At your service, Buckye." She told him, giving him another smile. She knew while he would probably enjoy this, it was all new for him. She was trying very hard to be submissive while still guiding him.
Krystal_Atems_Girl said:
Krystal watched him with curiosity, wondering just what he might want to do to her. "My heart, don't forget the salve. It helps the pain afterwards." She told him as she gestured him to the salve and then to the things he held in his hands. This was going to be very interesting for sure. The pretty fae women hadn't been on the submissive side of BDSM at all since it had surfaced.

Krystal gave him a soft smile, walking over in a sultry way before kneeling in front of him. "At your service, Buckye." She told him, giving him another smile. She knew while he would probably enjoy this, it was all new for him. She was trying very hard to be submissive while still guiding him.
Salve? Yea, he might consider that. Soothing the pain that was requested. It seemed counterproductive. He would use those strong hands to apply the ball gag. The book emphasized guiding with a firm hand, while showing the man guiding by the hair. So for this reason, Bucky gripped her by the hair, guiding her over his lap and using those handcuffs to bind wrists behind her back.
"This seems easy enough."
Krystal gave him a smile. "It is part of the aftercare my dear. A good dom gives pain tgen eases it after the high wears off. Understand?" She asked, tilting her head slightly. She let him move her as he wished, noting that the gag wasn't particularly comfortable. She took in a breath through her nose as she watched him, eyes showing her curiosity. The handcuffs luckily were black and fuzzy, which made the chafing a little less. She was glad she didn't have a gag reflex.
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