Grimm x Ichigo, Spiral Saga, (OrangeFlames)

Sep 12, 2015


Ichigo sat down on his bed, he laid back and pulled his music player over to listen to something to calm his nerves. He had come home to tearful faces and being bombarded by questions he knew he couldn't answer. His dad was the most concerned, seeing as he'd missed 5 years of Shinigami training. He just smiled at him and told him he'd be ready to go eventually, he just needed time to recuperate. Five years though? He'd been gone for five whole years, he couldn't believe it. This couldn't be real, could it? He couldn't remember much of anything. He was walking into his house, that was the last thing he remembered clearly. However, there were other, foggier memories, a mask, a figure with blue hair and a...a mask...He bolted upright. Running into the bathroom he finally took in his appearance, his hair was longer, he quickly ripped his shirt open to reveal what he least expected. The black tattoo arched across his collarbone, across the hole that rested in the middle. His eyes went wide as he tore off his shirt completely, turning in the mirror, the zero sat there, it sat there as if it were mocking him for not remembering it's existence. He froze as he stared at it.

He realized then, he could never accompany his father or Rukia back to the Seireitei. He could never take his place as heir to one of the five noble families, as his father, Isshin, was reinstated as head of the Shiba clan not too long ago. He placed his hands on the bathroom sink and sunk to his knees. Hot flesh, beaded in sweat met cold porcelain, his fingers tightening their grip until his knuckles were the same shade as the object they grasped with such desperation. He stayed that way for a long time, thinking about what he was going to do, no one could ever know. If the other, if the Shinigami found out he was an Espada his father could be cast from his own house and loose his position as captain of the 10th division.

Rangiku was all too eager to partner with him again, as for Toshiro, Ichigo assumed he was given a different captain position. He slowly stood up and stripped the rest of his clothes. He tied his hair back and slid the wooden cover from the still steaming bathwater. Yuzu had been in here earlier it looked like. He was glad of that, he wouldn't have to wait for the tub to fill. He showered himself clean in the area next to the bath quickly. After cleaning himself thoroughly he sat in the tub. His eyes slid closed, he traced the tattoos on either sides of both of his eyes with a low sigh. He had to maintain himself carefully, one slip up and his family would suffer for it. He relaxed for a long time before he finally rose from the hot bath. He slid the wooden cover back over it for the next person to use and dried off with a towel. He grabbed an orange robe from the closet in the bathroom itself and slipped it on. Exiting the bathroom, he made sure his hair hung in the long orange, strawberry blonde curtain that it was, framing his face to hide his marks. His dad was walking past him into the bathroom. He smiled at him briefly before heading to his door. "Yuzu Karrin and I are headed out to the mall, you wanna come?" he was asked this just as he was turning the doorknob to freedom. "Um, no thanks I really just want to get some rest ok?" he said in a rush to avoid his dad attempting to ask him relentlessly.

"Oh alright I understand, you need time to get your mind in order, but hey, don't be a stranger!!" with a wide grin, Isshin pat him on the back so hard Ichigo was almost certain he was about to cough up a lung. He waved goodbye to his dad as the other man grabbed a bag from the bathroom counter and went downstairs, calling his daughters they all left the house, calm, cold, and quiet. Ichigo nearly fell over in relief as he tied his hair back once more into a strawberry shaped bun in the back of his head before he flopped down face first on his bed.

Pain was a beautiful thing. To watch life slip and pool away from sooneones eyes. To feel the blood drain from thee tip of your blade and then only to saunter doown and dry on your hands. it was sick and twisted. And yet he dreamed each day of getting his revenge n the one that took his dignity from him. Kurosaki had some how turned everything around. Made him think and soon what was so9methign so easy, turned into somethign far darker than he had hoped for. Grimmjow began to stalk the orange haired teen. Trying to observe his Human ways and grew bored with it in a matter of secondss. Instead he wanted to enslave that boy and unleash his alternate ego, Hichigo. The Hollowfied version said to had sprout from the thoughts of Zangetsu. But, he was not sure if any of that was true. Or if the boy just had mental issues. This all played a large part in what Grimmjow had in strore for the boy. How he wanted to train and mold him. How he wanted to make the boy depend onn his every single move! The thought alone made his dick swell with lustful joy!

He watched, shamelessly stalkjing from the tree that was not far from Kurosaki'ss bedroom window. He stayed however slightly out of sight. Isshin did not need to see him nor the annoying yellow Lion plush that held the power of a Gigai. This would prove mostuseful just in case he needed to leave or was called away. Piercing blue eyes stared out at the boy as he face planted on his bed. In such a way it showed he was tired and above all else he seemed to be exhausted. Perhaps he did not notice the changes at all? It drove his mind wild with so many ideas and so many ways to break in his new virginal toy. But then his train of thought was ruined as he saw the plush toy hop up on the bed and then seemingly pester the shinigami. Great, how would he get rid of Kon?

"HEY ICHIGO! What ya' layin' around here for!? Why aren't you protecting Rukia in the Seireitei?!"

Grimmjow arched an eye brow at that. That did make a bit of sense. Why had the subsitute soul reaper come back home and yet not stayed where he could be put to gooduse? Oh well it just meant that in time he would not have to worry about her either. It was not that he could sense if Ruia Kuchiki was there, but he saw her nor Isshin as a threat to him or his plans. Instead he folded his arms and watched. Wondering just how long the teen may sit here and allow the toy Gigai to badger him into getting up. Quite frankly, he would have eatten Kon if not ripped him to shreads by now. His voice alone was a kin to nails on a chalk board!

Kon moved to climb up on Ichigo's back, standing tall as he started to jump up and down on the teen. He was so angry, that every single time Ichigo left he took all the hot babes with him! He would not sit back and watch Ichigo steal all the glory he knew he himself deserved! Kon honestly believed that he was the rightful one to use Ichigo's body. But it had been far and inbetween for the boy to cough up rights to his body for Kon to get in a piece of the action! Each time Kon jumped, his little plush paws squeaed in indefinate protest of being left behind once again! Because he was stuck in this lame toy, he missed out everything. Now Kurosaki would know his wrath!
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