Uprooted Royalty [fairest of all & malfrost]


Sep 29, 2013
Happily ever afters were a thing of the past.

At least, they were for the heroic sort: the good-doers of legend, the ones who always got the last say ... they had finally fallen. No more 'good always triumphs'. No more 'true love conquers all'. Finally, the villains had won. Finally, it was their turn for happily ever after. And with such a shift in power, the world was now a very different place.

No one knew this better than the uprooted royals -- those who had tried their hardest to protect their kingdoms, and had ultimately failed. Where once their lives had been filled with good, and kindness, and innocence... there was now darkness, terror, and fear of the unknown. Families, friends and lovers had been torn apart, shipped off to far corners of the land. Many had been sold to the highest bidder, while others had disappeared into the unknown, likely stolen straight out from under their keepers' noses. Everyone wanted a piece of the fallen heroes, after all, and having one of them in possession would boost your social status... and perhaps the price on your head, as well.

It was hard enough to secure and afford one of these prizes, but there were two others to keep Rapunzel company in the dungeon she had found herself in. Both were red-heads, though one was more muted while the other was as vibrant as the paints she had used back in the tower. The one with the vibrant hair had yet to say a word, however, and Rapunzel wasn't so sure that she could speak at all. She had exchanged brief words with the other girl, but there wasn't much to discuss. After all, they had lost everything... and though usually the heroes could come back from this sort of thing... it didn't quite seem possible, this time around.

Life wasn't quite a fairytale anymore.
Michael was a warlord that had conquered the land. He had used the money he had obtained from his conquest to buy the three beautiful women that were now in his possession in the dungeon. He was tall and tan, a toned body that was in shape and had seen many wars. He wore glasses that he pushed up the bridge of his nose as he walked into the cell with a grin.

"My, my...what three beautiful women we have here...I want you to understand your place...you are my slaves now...you will do what I say, when I say...otherwise...I will have you tortured and gang-raped by my guards." He motioned to his armed escort with a cheery smile. "Now then...do you three understand?" He asked in a cheery voice that clearly made him out to be sadistic.
All three heads turned at the sound of the door opening, each secretly clinging to a small bit of hope that rescue was here, and that their loved ones were coming through the door. But that tiny shred of light was dashed at the sight of the man who had purchased them. Purchased like a herd of cattle. It was degrading to the three former princesses, two of which had lived charmed enough lives in their castle homes, while the third had lived sheltered but loved. This was such a far cry from all they had known before. Yet judging by the man's words... the worst was yet to come.

Three sets of eyes widened at the threat that was given, each girl shocked to the core. No one had ever dared to speak to them so bluntly, so crudely. The idea of being reduced to a mere slave was bad enough, but the threat of torture, of rape... it was enough to make their blood run cold in their veins. None of them had yet known love in such a manner, but there would not be much love being given here, either. No love... just abuse.

The former mermaid was mute -- her voice stolen by her villainous aunt -- but the other two had voices to object with. And oh, how they wanted to...! Yet now that they knew the consequences of such, they thus remained silent, nodding their coerced agreement. Perhaps, if they behaved, they would be mere house servants, doomed to cook and clean for the rest of their days. That wouldn't be so bad, right...? Compared to the other things that could happen...?

Anna of Arendelle was the first to speak out, timid, but curious as she had always been. "What... what do you want of us?"
Michael was happy to see the fear in the eyes of his new slaves. That is what he wanted to see. He didn't want any fiery rebels...he would leave those to his chief torturer. He just wanted beautiful girls whose bodies he could use whenever he pleased, and it looked like that is what he had payed for so far.

His eyes moved from girl to girl, taking in their beauty and uniqueness...but he noticed something on each of them...they were still wearing clothes from when they were royalty...a kind of bonus for the captors...to let them know what they once were. They were that no longer though, and Michael was eager to strip them of their last reminders of their old lives. "You are all to strip naked for me...but you cannot strip yourself...you must strip each other...and kisses each other a few times too...get to know each others bodies...because I certainly will." Michael laughed loudly as he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword, letting the girls know he would not tolerate disobedience.
This new order was equally shocking to the three, for it was another sort of command that they had never been issued in their former lives. It also told them that regardless of their behavior, they would still be subjected to the same fate: their bodies would no longer be their own. Anna opened her mouth to protest instinctively, but then noticed the sword and shut it again. They couldn't argue, they had no choice. Even still, this was so wrong! They did not deserve this fate they had been given. But they knew it could be worse, and thus, with this in mind... they numbly stumbled to their feet.

Awkward glances were exchanged as they stepped closer, each so very inexperienced in the arts of seduction and lovemaking. If they had ever stripped before someone else, it had been a palace servant, or a family member. But this... this was uncharted territory. Small, hesitant hands finally lifted, fumbling as fingers brushed over fabric. For a few long and agonizing moments, they got nowhere as they dumbly bumbled with the bodices and corsets. But finally, Anna found the laces of Rapunzel's bodice, yanking them free. Rapunzel likewise found the laces of Ariel's black corset top, though she faultered as she felt her own top being pulled open. Her hands lifted to her own chest instinctively, trying to cover herself again without really thinking about it.
Michael watched the girls with a yawn. This was all rather boring. They were so shy and apparently they didn't have enough motivation to get a fire going in them, so he decided to give them some. "Now now, this won't do at all...I want you ripping each others clothes off and being passionate with one another.." He chuckled as he licked his lips as he started at his prizes. "To give you some motivation...you all are going to fuck each other until you all climax....whoever climaxes first however...will be gangbanged by my guards here..." He motioned to two of his armored knights in the back. "The other two will have the honor of attending to me....now the, begin!" Michael proclaimed with a smile, hoping that would motivate them some.
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