The Fire Nation Brothel (DaddysLittleSkankXMalfrost)

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Oct 3, 2012
The building was located in the middle of the Fire Nation and specialized in prisoners. The women had been kept in the worst of the worst prisons, and were offered the opportunity to go a nice place where they'd have their own bedrooms, access to better food, clothes that weren't rags, and several other "luxuries" but with one stipulation, this was a high end brothel.

How the place ran was the patrons bought special tokens to give the girls. This stopped the girls from having the money to be able to have the money to escape. The girls would use these coins to pay for their meals or buy something from the few stores in the brothel. There were different token that were for different things: the more extreme the sexual act the more it cost for the patrons to get and the more it was worth for the girls to use.

It had been about a year since some Fire Nation troops had attached the group and had taken Katara and Toph hostage. They'd spent that time in a prison where they were underfed and abused which made having a bedroom and three meals a day sound good even if it was at a price as by then their survival instinct had kicked in. When they arrived they were given uniforms; short kimono dresses (Toph had a green one and Katara a blue one) and sandals. The men that ran the brothel had made it obvious that the uniform was to be wore all the time.

Katara felt the need to protect Toph as she was so much younger and the fact that wearing the uniform which meant Toph couldn't use her earth bending to "see" and she truly was blind. Katara had left out that there'd been a sign on the outside of the building advertising that the brothel had the two female companions of the Avatar.

Now they stood in front of their rooms, the left had Katara's name written on it and the right had Toph's. Before opening Toph's door, Katara said, "I'm right next door if you need me. You don't even have to come over, just knock on the wall and I'll be right over."

Toph nodded, and entered the room. She hated that she hadn't just lost her freedom, but also her independence. With not being able to use earth bending, she'd become almost completely reliant on Katara.
A fire nation noble had decided to visit the brothel today after a busy trip to the Earth Kingdom. He needed to relax and unwind, and he had heard there was quite the catch here at the of the Avatar's companions. He bought quite a number of tokens, ready to engage in a number of sexual acts with the girl.

He opened the door to Katara's room and licked his lips slightly as his eyes fell upon the body of the beautiful Water Tribe girl. He closed and locked the door behind him, moving towards her bed as he took out a token and tossed it towards the girl. "Preform a striptease for me." He commanded with a chuckle as he sat down on the edge of her bed.
Katara knew she would be busy here. It was almost common knowledge that the Fire Nation enjoyed claiming women and girls from the places they conquered, and the fact that she'd been associated with the Avatar meant she would be more desired than others from the Water Tribes.

Katara caught the token and put it in a clear jar she was given that she'd placed on her dresser. She slipped out of her shoes. Walking over to the man, she began untying her kimono and let it slip off her body. It fell to the ground exposing her thin, tanned body that had been forcibly shaven. When she reached the man, Katara straddled his lap completely naked. "What do you want me to do to you?" She asked pressing her body against his and wrapping her arms around his neck.
The man was tall and had tanned skin. He had a goatee and his hair was tied in a topknot. He licked his lips as Katara straddled his lap. His hand moved around and groped her firm ass, his digits digging into her skin as he licked her neck. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a special coin. It was one that was worth quite abit to any girl that got one. "Surprise me..." He said with a chuckle as he dropped it into the jar. It was worth alot, but the man could take it back if he wasn't satisfied with whatever service he received from the girl.
Katara knew that the token was pricey, and told herself that with it she'd be able to buy quite a few meals, but depending on what she made today determined what she'd buy. After all the brothel offered birth control but at an extremely high price. Their logic was that the girls were only having sex with members of the Fire Nation and if they got pregnant, that child would grow up to also be a member of the Fire Nation.

"Alright then." Katara said kissing the man on lips passionately, as she began to undress him. Seeing as how he was sitting, she could take off his pants, so she broke the kiss to get on her knees in front of the man. She undid his pants and pulled his dick out. "How about I start here?" She asked holding the dick in her hands, preparing herself to blow him.
The man eagerly kissed Katara back, his tongue lashing out at her lips for a few moments before pressing his tongue against her own while he did what he could to help her undress him to expose her well toned chest to her eyes. When she got down on her knees and pull his throbbing and large cock out, he gave her a wink. "Are you sure you'll be able to earn your coin just that way. "He teased, wanting to see just how good this girl really was.
Katara smirked looking up at the man, and said, "this is just a preview." With that she ran her tongue along the full length of his dick a couple of times. After licking up, she gently kissed the very tip of it before lowering her entire mouth onto the man's dick.

The token system used by the brothel was one with nine regular tokens and three special tokens. However the value to the girls was roughly a fifth of the price the patrons had to pay to obtain them.

The cheapest token was a bronze coin with a large sun imprinted on one side and the value of the coin on the other side, which was a simple one. This covered strip teases, exotic dancing, and if the patron wanted the girl do a bending show. The second token was also bronze, and had a lighting bolt imprinted on one side and a simple two on the other. Giving a girl this token allowed the patron receive blow jobs, hand jobs, and pretty much anything else but vaginal or anal sex. There was a flame imprinted on one side and a five on the other side of the third, also bronze, token. This token meant that the patron could have sex with the girl, but couldn't cum in her.

The fourth coin with a value of ten and an explosive imprinted on either side was the cheapest coin that was silver plated over the regular bronze coin. This meant the girl would do all the work but again the patron could not cum in her. The next had a paper lantern and a slightly fancy fifteen, resembling the font of the ten and twenty token, imprinted on it. This token was similar to the previous one but the patron could cum anywhere on her body. The last token to be silver plated was worth twenty and showed a volcano in the process of erupting. This token was much like the two previous but allowed the patron to cum on her face.

The first token to be bronze played in a thin layer of gold was a token showing a firework. On the other side was a very elegant and elaborate twenty-five printed on it, much like the other two pricey coins. This token allowed the patron to cum in her mouth. The next token was worth fifty and had a very detailed carving of Sozin's Comets. To a girl getting this token meant she had to actually swallow the cum, and pretend to enjoy the taste. The last regular token had a detailed picture of a dragon with a value of one hundred. Being the most expensive of the regular coins, giving this token to a girl meant the patron could cum inside her and if he wanted she had to pretend as if she wanted him to impregnate her. This also covered roleplays.

The first special token was made of rose gold with a full moon on one side and the number two hundred-fifty on the other, which allowed the patron to stay with the girl over night. The second special token, was most desired out of them all. It was worth five hundred and had a large v printed on one side. If a girl ever received this token, it was only once as this was a token given to a girl in exchange for her virginity. This token was made of pure gold. The last token was worth seven hundred fifty and had a circle with a line through it. This was a token used for the most extreme acts as a girl couldn't refuse an act of she was given this token. The only rule for the patron was that he could not kill the girl, or injure her in a way that would eventually lead to her death.
The man let out a chuckle as Katara began to pleasure him. "They say water tribe girls are always the best...especially the famous Katara...I can't wait to see what you can do..." He moaned slightly as he pulled out the golden coin with a V on it and tossed it into her jar. "I really want to see what you can do." He gave the girl a wink, eager to take her virginity and see if she would make a fine whore or not.
Katara resisted the urge to roll her eyes at his, what she assumed to be, compliment. She wanted to run but knew she wouldn't get far and if she did run she'd be sent back to that prison. Katara had planned on her first time being with Aang, and the idea of it instead being with a member of the Fire Nation was enough to make her sick. However she continued what she was doing and she began to slowly bob her head up and down on the man's dick.
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