Renji x Byakuya ~Pivotal Scape~ NSFW (OrangeFlames)

Sep 12, 2015

"Pivotal Scape"

Byakuya sat on the floor of Uehara's shop. He was waiting on him to return with Rukia so he could escort her back to the Kuciki Manor. She'd been a joy to interact with in the living world, but he had to get back to the Seiretei. Once Uehara made his way inside tailed by Rukia, Byakuya stood up. He brushed off the coat he was wearing and led her outside. Once there they headed back to the Seireitei. He walked in after opening the doors, grabbing a bag from a side table he turned to Ruika, tossing her the keys he turned around without another word. Byakuya walked out and looked up at the sky as he walked through the Soul Society.

He didn't expect her to stay very long, but there were things he'd needed her to look over before she headed back out into the fray of things. He ran a hand through his hair as he sat down in front of Renji's place, looking at the bag he'd brought with him. It was a duffle bag from the living world, Rukia had gotten him to buy one while he spent time with her, to put things in. He found it quietly fascinating. He'd had some things hand made by Tsujishirō, a yukata being the main center piece. He walked in noiselessly and changed clothes, placing his uniform into the duffle bag, folded neatly. He took a seat after removing the kenseikan from his hair. His legs folded under him, hands in his lap, he let the pink garment drop to one side over his shoulder as he waited.
RE: Renji x Byakuya ~Pivotal Scape~ NSFW

Renji had been hanging out with a few of the new recruits to his squadren. He made sure to make the new faces all feel welcome. Times had changed and for what he assumed was the better. He learned that Rukia's love for Kurosaki seemed to be limitless, and his years of love was like a dying war he was never going to win. He had tried everything to make the Female Kuchiki love him. But nothing seemed to work. In the end she turned him down as kindly as she could. This however led to Renji spending more time partying and drinking than he did when he was not working. He did however start to stray away from his Captain, Byakuya. He had no interests in trying to form anything with the brother whom may even be the cause of his misfortune with Rykia in the first place. There was just a lot that his heart could not take. And on e of them was there was an assumption that the man he helped guard with his life, could be the cause of him losing the woman he wanted to grow old with.... It was a shock and that shock made sure to hit Abarai hard like a ton of bricks.

As the night fell, he grew wary of the many glasses of rice wine, and so his very plastered ass decided it was beyond time to go back to the dorms. As he made his way towards it, he saw a odd array of what seemed to be....Pink? His blurred vision seemed to only get worse as he approached his dwellings. As he stepped up on the steps he saw what this odd colorful blob was... It was the Captain. His eye widen and he bowed to him. What on earth was he doing here!?

"C-Captain Kuchiki?! Is there something wrong Sir?"
He sat for what seemed to him like hours. He was trained to sit in this manner while learning to takeover the clan from his elders. He was used to sitting like this for long periods of time so it was not much of any weight on his shoulders. He pulled out a fan and waved it in front of his face for a moment, it was the same color as his yukata. It was dark pink with sakura petals flowing across it, when he fanned it, the petals, painted on by a special type of paint, danced around it on an invisible wind. He looked up as he felt Renji approach, he slowly stood. Byakuya pulled his garment closed as he looked Renji over, silently taking in his appearance. 'He's drunk...I wonder why?' he shook his thoughts away as he spoke in response to his partner's question. "I came to visit." was all he said as he turned and walked inside Renji's dorm, as pristine and elegant as he could make each step without making any kind of noise. Every footfall quiet and delicate as he went before he finally sat down and looked over at Renji. "Coming in?"
Even when heavily intoxicated, Renji still was very loyal to his captain. Even to the fact that he would do anything at all he said. Still as he walked up the steps he begin to sway a bit from left to right, all signs that he was very much still in a deep drunken haze. Renji followed Byakuya into the male dorms. He walked with a bit of hair making sure to trail after his captain with enough ease. Placing a hand behind his head of red hair he scratched his scalp. he rubbed his eyes in a bit of a lazy manner. Renji was as loyal as any dog. He was faithful to his Captain, regardless of his own situations. He would do absolutely anything if he were commanded too. "Sir? Where is it we are going?" He asked while he wobbled afterwards.
"Why ask such a thing? We are already where we need to be" he said this as he motioned for Renji to sit. He'd wanted to talk with the other soul reaper, but his inebriated state would make that difficult. "I was wondering if you'd perhaps sit next to me?"
he said this with a calm expression etched into his face. His gaze, hard as if it passed by others in their trips to the living world, at first. But once it laid on Renji his gaze softened. He smiled for the briefest of moments after he looked back at him. He had plans tonight, they were wonderful plans.
Renji didn't wait yet moved to take a seat next to his captain. He looked at the other and could not quite understand why he had to come to this room? What could be the reason that he wanted him so close within his proximity? Yet never before had he been asked to sit at such a close range to his captain, it had never really dawned on him to even think of sitting so close. For a long time all he knew was that the family was a great and noble clan. That alone meant that he was far and beyond out of his league. This however did not stop him from falling in love with the captain's sister. This of course also did not mean that he was above anything else, this meant that if given a proper and suitable order he would without a small hint of hesitation do so. He would never hesitate to do anything that was given to him as a direct order. He always and did so, and listened to anything his captain told him. However right now, this occasion was no different even with him being heavily intoxicated as he was. Still the thought crossed the lieutenants mind to wonder what could it be that his captain wanted to speak about? "Yes Captain?"
"I wish to spend the night here, and when I say wish to I mean that I am going to. Is that clear?", he spoke quietly as he said this. He knew Renji was close friends with Rukia, he just didn't know the other man had any type of emotion toward her. He had his eye on the red haired shinigami for a very long time. "I am about to touch you, accept it, and touch me in return, that is an order. Do I make myself clear?", he whispered these words as his hand reached over to slip into Renji's clothing, palm splayed flat on his chest. His hand trailed down, pinching one of the other man's nipples lightly.
To say the least he was extremely surprised. His eyes widen as he stared at his captains, There was nothing he could do but was to stare. He of course, would never tell him no. It took a moment for him drunken mind to register what was going on. Was he dreaming this? Was this a dream? Had he heard him correctly? That did not seem to matter anymore while he heard the others voice. Caught in an array of nothing but sweet pleasure from the touching and the whispers in his ear. It's worth seeing to imprint their own small window of a imaginary Vision to suit his fantasies. Never before had he been this close to him. He could smell the sweet scented oil as well as the soaps that his captain normally used. Where his fingers crossed him and such a way, his body tensed up heroes in the body and all the blood that rushed to his face, started to slow down to the pit of his gut. Moving his hands up he then caresses the other pale milky skin. Is enlarged calloused fingers trace over the other males face. A shiver ran down Renji's spine as he moane. His nipple soon grew erect and betraying his thoughts. But there was something alluring about being orrdered. His heart rate quickened whie he took a dare a chance to lean in and try and kiss his lips. Reaching up he grabbed the back of his Captain head of dark hair. Only to roughly draw him near to kiss his lips and then bit his lower jutting one. "What is my next order?"
He moved closer, hand drifting to the other nipple he lifted the other to entangle in Renji's hair as he was kissed. He kissed him back, a soft moan escaping him as he pulled him closer. "Your next order?". he muttered this into his ear before his lips once again decended to lock with those of the red haired shinigami. He was glad he chose to take some time to himself tonight, spending it with Renji would be well worth the pile of paperwork he'd have to endure later in the week. His hand, still enlocked in Renji's hair, tugged at it as he deepened the kiss. He moved as close as possible, chest pressed to the other's chest as he used the hand within his clothing to reach further down, hovering over his crotch, he squeezed it with a firm grip. "Lay back." was all he said in a sharp tone that would seem overly harsh to anyone else.
Renji felt the alcohol start to make him a bit hazed now. but when he heard the words he nodded and started to touch the other slowly. His hands coursed over the other mans ivory skin while he almost moaned at the feeliign alone. He was so warm and the scents of the oils and all of this combined with the fact he had not fucked in what seemed to be ages. Renji kissed him harder, his body moved to push the male back on to his back on the floor bfore he hovered over Byakuya. He reached up and then slowly released the tie, allowing his dark red hair to pool down around him like a silken curtain. His eyes fluttered while he kissed him and then put his knee between his captains legs and then pushed them apart. He then moved to grab his pale legs and wove them around his hips. Renji groaned while he pulled his captains pink yukata open and then leaned down to kiss and bite at the small erect beads of flesh. His hands then slowed down while he huffed and he lay over him. It was then he felt his stomach turn and he felt his erection fade without his concent! His stomach knotted and he moved to roll over on to his back as he swore aloud.

"Fuck...... Captain, I can't perform."
Byakuya frowned as he watched Renji, at first, when the other male had moved over him, his breath hitched in anticipation. But, once he saw the following declaration his anticipation gave way to anger. "Well then.", he began in an icy tone, "it seems you will have to make up for your...indisposal. I order you, use your other resources, you have a mouth and hands do you not?", he was practically glaring at him as he spoke angrily. He'd sat hr for hours, not only that waited and fantasized for a few years to be honest. This was not going exactly as h envisioned but hell, he would find a way around it. He leaned over Renji, moving down to kiss him roughly as he reached out a pale hand to tug at his hair.
To say the least, Renji was stunned. He lay there a moment being silent until he was kissed. His gut ached and he wanted to lay on his side, but the weight of his Captain soon applied pressaure to his aching belly which made the pain slightly subsiude. He kissed the other back. Still that bitter taste of the rice wine on his lips while he kissed him and moved to reach down and slipped his hands under neath the others Yukata. He wrapped his nimble fingers around the length of his superior. His eyes lid when his hair was pulled and he moaned out like a cheap whore would have. He was shocked he had even made the sound at all. He did not even realize he had made it himself. His grip on the mans member only tightened while he stroked him in a steady pace. 'God damn it! Why the fuck did I get wasted anyway?! This would be a hell of a lot easier if I had been sober! Oh fuck me...' His eyes closed while he kissed Byakuya more so. His body ached while he movedto use his thomb to rub at the head and slit. "Ohhh, Byakuya..." He had completely forgotten to use his title. He said the first thing that came to mind.
The Captain, eyes trained on his partner, was unprepared for the hand that gripped his member. A quiet moan slid through his lips, every muscle in his body tensing. Slowly, each one relaxed, he felt electric shocks travel up his spine at the contact. He arched his hips into Renji's hand, another moan escaping him. He never imagined that the feel of the other upon him would effect him this much. He moved away a bit, standing up to slide his yukata off. His cock sprung out, hitting the cold air, it bobbed up and down slightly as he kneeled down. It was 8 inches long and uncircumcised, curly black pubic hair was nestled at the base, his balls were firm and tight. They sway back and forth, back and forth as he moved a hand down to stroke himself lightly. His hand slid away, across the surface of the swollen rounded head as the foreskin slipped to and fro. He stared at Renji with half lidded eyes as his cock twitched, a bead of precum slipping from it, sliding down the thick purple vein that pulsed with a heated desire.
Renji stared at the other man before him. His hand stroked the other in time with his own uneasy breathing. He had never truly thought about this and everything else. He just forced himself up. Slowly getting to his knees he stroked the males arousal faster and harder! He could feel the heat in his palm starting to get higher and while he did this Renji shoved his hair back over his shoulder and away from his face. He assumed his Captain wanted to watch this. The red plastered hue on his cheeks only darkened as he opened his mouth without shame and wrapped his lips around the head first. His tongue flicked ligtly and swayed a bit over the slit. His own dark eyes closed and then opened while he curved his tongue around the cock as much as he could muster. Allowing hte muscle to flick back and forth. His tongue soon relaxed and he rubbed the tip of his nimble tongue underneath the others member before pulling back all the foreskin. Renji then stared to vigourously suck him off. His hand strojed when his mouth moved away. Small sounds of suckling and slurping came while each bob of his head came. Never before had he done this. And still he moaned around Byakuya as he knew his superior may want him too. In all honesty, he liked this, it was not something he would do with just anyone. But there was something about his Captain being a Noble that turned him on even more so. True, he was out classed in every way. But that did not stop him from pulling even harder at the cock that he sucked on as if for dear life! Renji soon allowed the member to slid out of his mouth. A long yet thin trail of saliva soon drizzled from hs lips to the erect head of Byakuya's cock. Gasping for a bit of air he dove back in and this time trailed small pecks and kisses around the sacs and then back underneath the others arousal. Only to take him into both his own caloused and strong hands and started to stroke him again and then moving to look yp and made eye contact. He then moved to lap at the head, making sure to9 give long generous licks. "...Do you like that, Captain?"
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