And you let her go - Arrancar Kitten 1x1


Sep 11, 2015

You drive me crazy sometimes, but I never stopped looking for you. Never.

Erik had traveled the lands of Fiore for what he assumed had been months. He had been running on little to no sleep whatso ever. He had left her behind, all because of the demands of a celestial spirit that had left him in the end. He had without a doubt become far more angry over the months. He held no care for anyone or anything else in his life. There just was nothing left for him to find a reason to go on other than to return to his old ways once again. Erik had turned away a young love he had all because of Loki and what he had told him to do. At first it seemed to be right. To allow her to mold and grow into a proper young lady, Give her time to try and become older and wiser over time so she could truy find her self. These were the intents that Erik had when he let Wendy go.

Magnolia had turned to a place where Fairyy Tail now was once again one of the better guilds in the area. This meant that with a bit of digging he could try and locate her. Not to talk to her of course.... But to just see her. Look and make sure she was well and alive. It would ease his mind and paranoia. It would serve as a silent final goodbye to the Sky dragon slayer he had grown a soft spott for. As he walked through the roads he stopped befre the guild hall. It was the one within the main city and had been modified and slowly rebuilt to be much bigger. Looking up through his one and only good eye he stared at the emblem of the guild. How that mark, the very name of the guild haunted him. Pathetic, wasn't it?

A deep sigh came from the maroon haired and tanned skinned male. His deep purple eye stared out as he walked into the hall. He saw a few heads turn. A few stared at Cobra while a few others paid him no mind. It was the kind of entrance that he expected to have in a place like this. Heavy worn boots thumped against the hard wood of the floor just as a fight once again broke out! Erik had heard stories of the many crazy fights that went on here. So, he was able to dodge and duck a few objects that came by.

It was when the Poison dragon slayer stood before the request board that he saw a few missions he had heard of. But it was then he heard that someone was approaching from behind him. Silently, he turned and stared at the person whom stood there only to see the tiny white exceed known as Carla. His purple eye widen as he stared at her. He knew, that where ever this feline was... Wendy had to be near by! His heart raced in his chest while he stared down at the tiny thing that dared to cross her arms at him.

"...Where is she?" He demanded. Figuring that she would knoww what he meant.

Song // Passanger, And you let her go.
(Quick note to readers; I have timeskipped Wendy and made her 15.)

It had only been a few years since Erik disappeared. But to Wendy, it felt like an eternity. Not a day had gone by that she didn't think of him, and it pained her to think how he had ran off with Loki and left her behind. But he must have had his reasons, right? Still, it didn't stop her from wishing for his return every night. She missed him, so much...

Even so, Wendy went about her everyday life, trying to get by despite the heavy weight on her heart that was caused by Erik's sudden disappearance. Despite having the love and support from her teammates, she still felt empty and alone. She'd give anything just to see him again. For him to hold her in his arms, stroking her hair and telling her everything was okay.

Little did she know, today would be her lucky day.

A fairly normal day, at least for Wendy. She had just gotten back from a mission and had gone into the bathroom to fix her hair, as it bad gotten a bit messed up and windblown. Tying her hair up into a simple ponytail after brushing it out, she left the bathroom and made her way over to get someting to drink, preferably some iced tea or some juice.

However, she halted in her steps when she saw Carla over by the request board.. However it wasn't Carla that had gotten her attention... It was who she was talking to. Was her mind playing tricks on her, or was that really Erik standing there talking to her Exceed friend?

Carefully, she made her way over, approaching the two. "Erik....?" She asked, hoping that it was really him and not just a dirty trick.
The tiny and wisp like airyness of the voice, he knew it before he even turned around. His heart sank and Erik turned around and stared at the female. His pointed ears twiched a bit whle he looked at the now matured form of Wendy. How long had it been since he had seen her? Too long. His shocked look then faded as his one good eye focused on the small female. He took a good look at her, trying to make sure she was alive and well. It was her. And now here he stood like some kind of ghost in her life. he had told himself many times he would nt bother her again. And yet here and now here he was. Ina place he knew he should not have ever stepped footin.

"I came just to make sure you were still breathing."

Even though he was so concerned for the younger female, his tone sounded as if he held no enthusiasum at all and or care. As a matter of fact he sounded as if he had an attitude about everything. He looked then down again at the Exceed known as Carla. He did not try and stop her and her warnings to Wendy about being around 'Cobra' as she still refered to him as such. He almost growled but instead he turned and walked off.

He had come and seen and heard her. That was all he needed to do here. he did not have to be judged by some stupid cat! he had come here to see Wendy, and he had done just that. So he had no more use for this place. As long as Wendy was alive and well, he would not interfear in her life again. Erik walked towards the guild halls doors and theen through them back into the world outside. His cloak bellowed behind him as he walked off pissed more so than he was before even showing up.
"Yeah, I am still alive.." Wendy just stared up at him, still a bit shocked. This was really happening. Erik was really here, in front of her. She wasn't dreaming or hallucinating. A happy grin made its way onto her face as she studied his. Nothing had really changed about his appearance, he still looked like the same Erik she knew from three years ago.

Before she could say anything else, he had turned and walked out. Wendy tried going after him, but was stopped by Carla grabbing her shirt collar. "You bird-brain! Don't go chasing after a guy who clearly doesn't care about you!" The cat scolded her, but Wendy refused to let her Exceed companion stop her.

"Say what you want about him, but I know the real Erik! He does care, and I've missed him!" Wendy argued back like a rebellious teenager and broke free of Carla's grasp, running outside to catch up to Erik. She spotted him walking away and all but ran after him, hugging him tightly from behind and burying her face into his shirt. "Don't go... please.. I can't bear to lose you again.. I've missed you so much, Erik.. I love you!" She held onto him tighter and whimpered, holding back tears.
Erik was more than ready tojust leave this damned city! He had come all this way and then this was the shit he had to deal with!? He huffed, but then his pointed ears twitched ever so lightly. he could hear the foot falls from behind him. His ears keyed in to hear the heart beat, he knew it well before she even toiuched him. His body was relaxed as she held on to him that way. But he closed his remaining good eye while he heard her words. A sigh came out, whether he waa s frustrated or just in general tired. he heard her words clearly.

"I hear you."

He moved a hand up and then placed his fingers through ehr smaller ones. His eye opened and then he turned around and then held her closely. His large arms wrapped around her. He smiled at that. It was the first time in so long that he was able to smile. And he did so as he moved back and then knelt in front of her.

"Wendy... Listen to me. I know how you feel. but you know your team mates and guild will not allow us to keep seeing each other."

He wanted to hold her again, to never let her go. but he knew that her tears and sadness wouldd only continue. He would only hurt her more if he stayed here. He knew for the best, he would have to leave. And that was going to be hard to do. His eye lid and a frown soon plasytered it self on his features. His amethyst eye seemed to cloud over in pain. She would just have to understand.
Wendy's face fell at his words. Was he serious right now? He shows up after three years and then plans to just leave again? No way! She wouldn't stand to be lonely anymore. Yes, she had her teammates, but Erik filled that one spot in her heart that her teammates couldn't. They were her best friends.. Erik was her love interest. There was a difference between the two.

She looked at him, biting her bottom lip. "But.. I don't want you to go. Please don't go.. stay with me. I don't care what they say. They can't control my life.." her voice cracked a bit as she gripped his shirt sleeves. Wendy had been alone and lonely long enough, and she wouldn't let him leave her again. The pain would be unbearable.

"I'll do anything.. just please stay with me.."
His heart rate picked up again. He stared at her and then moved to lean forwards and then kissed her small lips. Eri wrapped his arms around her and held her closely. He then bit her lower lip with his fangs. His mouth moved away almost as soon as it had come. He ran his fingers through the ends of her dark blue hair How long had he wanted to do that? Years... Since he met her. And now, he really did not want to go. A large part of him loved her. And he knew if he left he would spend the rest of his life miserable and possibly even more angry than he usually was.

It was a risk e sdid not want to take. He wanted her, and he wanted her to be at his side for as long as he could have her. This time, no one would come between them. No oen would stand in his way of making her his own. He stood then, moving to dust off his knees and then released his hod on Wendy. It was just as he spoke to her.

"I do not want to leave you behind. I will stay here in Magnolia for a few weeks. We will figure out what to do when I get everythign settled with the Magic Council. Until then, Iwill not leave your side again."
A heavy blush spread across her cheeks at his sudden kiss. Her first kiss.. and it was with him. Her heart raced as she returned the kiss before he pulled away. Wendy just stood there, mesmerized as she stared up at him. The blush on her face grew as she stepped closer and took his hand in hers. It just felt right to do so.

"You'll really stay here?" she looked up at him hopefully, chocolate hues shining with happiness. Wendy hugged his arm and whimpered happily. "I just hope things work out and that you can stay with me forever.." she mumbled, moving to hug his side and nuzzle into his clothes. For some reason, she felt safe around him. Like she didn't have to worry about any harm coming to her whatsoever.

Wendy looked back up at him, a sudden thought dawning on her. "Do you have a place to stay? I-If not you can come stay with me.. it gets kinda lonely with just me and Carla. And if she complains about you well then she can suck it up and deal with it."
He stared at her with his dark purple eye. His eye liid and then shut. He could neber find himself lying to Wendy. She was just a kid after all and that alone was more than enough reason to tell her the harsh truiths of life. Erik moved to run his fingers through her blue hair once more as he stood and spoke to her in a calm voice.

"Wendy... I think that It wouldd be okay. I will not fight with Carla. I know how much she means to you..."

He said tthis because he was extremely understanding. He wanted to get to know Carla because it seemed the white exceed had it in for him the entire time. It was like she hated him for every single reason she could muster up. But then again he was at one point a member of a dark Guild.

Taking a step back he licked his lips and then opened his eye to look around them. There were a few things he neeeded to buy before he went anywhere. He did have one mission left he needed to complete. But he would perhaps do so later, just so Wendy would not get a bit worried about why he was doing missions on be half of the Magic Council.

"Let's go."
He was really willing to get along with Carla, for her sake? Her heart swelled with happiness as a happy grin crept up on her face. "Yay!" Wendy clasped her hands together in delight at the thought of having him stay with her. "I only have one bed, but it's big enough for us both. That is, if you want to share my bed~" she gently teased him, giggling. It was up to him on whether he wanted to sleep with her or on the couch. Though, part of her perverted teenage mind wanted him to sleep in her bed for... reasons. Yeah, reasons.

"Curse these teenage hormones.." she blushed slightly and took hold of his hand again, following alongside him silently. Wendy could feel eyes on them as they walked through the crowd. They were mostly on Erik, but she felt some glares being sent her way, too. "Probably because of our age difference. Or the fact that he's got a bad reputation. But who cares? I don't. I love him and that's that~"

Wendy's blush faded somewhat but it was still noticeable on her cheeks as she silently walked beside him.
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