Kurosaki & Hitsugaya (1x1) - Sokka


Sep 11, 2015
- Let me take the time to specify that the characters listed in this topic are above the age of 15 years old. Thank you. -


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' How long had it been since I met him? I can't even remember the last time he and I actually spoke. As he sits here sleeping now, all I can do is smile and wonder what he has been through. '

•◆ Ichigo stared at the sleeping form of Toshiro. Inside of the corner Kurosaki house there was nothing but silence. His father and sisters were away on a small trip. Kon and Rukia were in the Seireitei for business reasons. The day just was one of those early fall season day, the ones where it was ever so slightly chilly outside. The Sun loomed overhead in a partially cloudy sky. There was a small breeze that swept through the otherwise peaceful town. Ichigo stared down at the mass of white hair that belonged to the young captain. His fingers idly spread through the solid white straws of hair. His touch was firm yet gentle. How did they end up this way? What made him decide to be with someone this much younger than he was? There were so many questions and yet so little answers. Still he would just wait until the sleeping boy was to wake. Then he could show him what it was like to live in his world.
RE: Kurosaki & Hitsugaya (1x1) - Broque

He slept silently, he left the Gotei 13 in Rangiku's hands for the moment. He was tired, he wanted to keep working, he may have been feeling tired, but it wouldn't prevent him from doing his job. But, Rangiku and Hinamori insisted he take a vacation. He'd decided to see what Kurosaki's world was all about, the Sereitei did not offer many places to escape the workforce. He was loathe to do so in the first place, he believed vacationing and leisurely activity were childish when there was still work to be done. Rangiku had pressed the issue, assuring him that their division would be fine without him for a while and he really needed to lighten up. He woke up a bit later, thoughts on his mind, 'lighten up, me? I don't think so...', he was pulled out of his thoughts when he saw Kurosaki. A slow smile drifted across his face, he remebered the other reason why he'd wanted to come here. He wanted to spend time with Kurosaki away from work, and the living world was the best place to do so.​
RE: Kurosaki & Hitsugaya (1x1) - Broque

There was a sudden hint in the air. A small tingle of something that made the young man look down at Toshiro while he saw him wake up from his nap. Honestly, it was quite calm when no one else was around at home with him. And just hearing Toshiro sleep reminded him of when his sisters slept when they were small and afraid of the dark. They would fall fast asleep as soon as he laid between the two young girls. Toshiro seemed no different as he had slept throughout the morning hours. Ichigo offere him a small smile

"Hey, I see you slept well Hitsugaya<" He said more or less asking.
He gave a small yawn as he sat up, blinking once he moved up on the bed. He sat back and looked back to Kurosaki, "I slept well, and...", he was tempted to correct him, as he always did, but he bit his tongue just this once. Rangiku had stressed he relax as much as possible and not think about work. The very idea was preposterous to him but he'd try for the sake of being polite. Besides, he didn't feel like the migrane that he knew would ensue from constantly correcting Kurosaki, Ichigo. "Thank you for asking, Ichigo", his eyes closed, he never called anyone by their first name, the thought was foreign to him. But, again, doing so was associated with work and he was supposed to be on, vacation. "Tell me, what is this. 'vacation' everyone was pushing for me to take? 'your overworked', 'your too serious all the time' I have no idea why they would tell me these things. I know I'm serious, I have to be, but I don't really understand"
"Yeah well, you should try and relax more! Loosen up and get out and do things." He said this as he looked at the captain. He knew the other seemed to be far too stressed for what was someone his age and size. Hell, he knew better than anyone what it was like t be put through a lot. He could not even phantom the idea of wanting to be someone as important as a Captain. He had enough with just being a shinigami and then a student. He had to deal with his life and then friends. It was very over baring some times, and even Ichigo knew he at times bit off more than he could handle. So, when it came to Hitsugaya he wanted to make sure the boy had a great time. He looked beat down... Worn out. He looked like he needed more than just sleep. "Hey, are you hungry? I could make us something? I am not the best cook but I can try my best!"
He nodded, looking at him, "that sounds good". he chuckled as he heard his stomach growl. Toshiro sat up and slide off the bed. He smiled and closed his eyes, relax, he had to relax. He was wondering how things were going in the Seireitei....he shook his head free of the thoughts. He had to try to NOT to think about work. His eyes opened and he looked at Kurosaki. "I'm eager to try your cooking, never had the food here before", he thought back to right before he left. Rangiku had literally pushed him out of the Seireitei. He was in a panic at first but she quickly reminded him of Kurosaki. After that he walked out as if he had been the one to take the first step in the first place.
Ichigo stood up and then got off of his bed. His eyes softened a bit as he gestured for Hitsugayato follow him. He walked down the stairs and then into the main area of the kitchen and then cleaned his hands. He rolled up his long sleeves of his sweater and then moved to take out a few things and then waited on Toshiro to see if he had any ideas of what he may want to try first. He was no Iron Chef, but he was going to do his best and see what he could come up with.
He followed him curiously, though any indication of that curiosity was not evident on his face. He watched as Ichigo pulled things out, looking over them with mild interest. He pointed to a few things and nodded, a hand moving to run through his own hair. He was excited to try new things he would admit. But of course, none would ever know that unless they asked him. He took a moment to look around the kitchen, the living world was vastly different to that of the spiritual one, he soaked in all the information the room could provide before turning back to Ichigo.
He stared at the other for a long time, allowing the youth to pick out what he wanted to try and eat. But he could do nothing else but smile as he saw the sudden array of items all in no particular order. Hiis eyes lid while walking over and placing a few items back. "Hey take it easy. Some of these things do not match well together. I can get somethign goign from what you do have here already..." Ichigo then started on the food the captain had picked out.
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