Strawberry Flames (Arrancar Kitten)


Sep 11, 2015
There was little to no surprise when Haku stared at the Fairy Tale Guild hall and sighed out. He was not a member of that guild and never ever would be. His heart had called out to a whole other world of a guild. The guild was not well known but it was called Eclipse Sun. The guild specialized in elemental type molding magics. Some people even reffered to it now as a bending sort of thing. Haku waited until he saw the pink haired youth come his way with a blue exceed. His smile right away plastered on the boys face while he power walked over to the other!

"Oi! Over here Natsu!"

He shouted as he waved him and Happy over. He was not sure what may occur today but he did want to team up with his friend and go out on a mission together. It had been a long time, and now he would get a chance to take a break from the cold mountains of Mount Hakabay. Haku did have plans to meet up with another friend along the way. If it was okay with Natsu of course.
Approaching the guild hall, Natsu heard a voice call out to him. Immediately, the midget turned his head in the direction of the voice, only to see the person he'd been looking for. "Awright!!" Natsu mentally cheered as he made his way over. So he wouldn't need to look all over town after all! That was a huge relief.

"Ey, Haku!" He greeted his friend, flashing his trademark boyish grin at the other as he made his way over. "Any plans for today? Did ya find an interesting mission for us to do together?" Natsu hoped that they would get to do one today. Working with Haku was always a blast, the two got along great and Natsu always enjoyed working with him. Happy liked to tease Natsu about having a boy-crush on Haku, to which he would quickly blush and deny.

He came to a stop in front of his friend, crossing his arms casually and staring up at the taller male. The little exceed at his side jumped up onto Haku's shoulder and cheered happily. "Hiya Hakuuuu!"
KHey there Happy how ya been buddy!?" He said right away to the small blue feleine. When he rested on his shoulder, Haku absent mindedly rubbed the exceeds head and then looked down at his shorter and more fiery friend, Natsu. It was something else. When ever he saw that smile it made him feel like he could do anythign as long as Natsu was there. Haku then moved to point off towards the end of town, there of course was a small magic truck that would take the trio to their next location in the next town over.

"I figured we could do a nice and easy breezy mission because I wanted to pick up a friend over by the way side?"

He said this while he moved to then hold up the flyer. It was an easy mission they just had to go to a fort and then take back a bit of cargo a few bandits had failed to return. Or so they told the Magic Council. It was never easy trying to figure out what these bandits were thinking when they did dumb crap like that.

Haku held out the flyer to Natsu, to see if the other would want to split the reward three ways but, if he did not then it would be fine as well. The orange haired male moved to turn his chocolate brown eyes over to the truck and then back at Natsu. He recalled his buddy had motion sickness and that went along with being a dragon slayer. They may end up walking if Natsu refused.
"I have no problems with another person tagging along." Natsu replied as he looked over the flyer that Haku had showed him. The mission looked relatively easy, too. "Are we going to be taking that thing?" he motioned over to the vehicle. He had no issues with it, as it would get them there faster than on foot.

He sighed and ran a hand through his candy-pink hair. "We can take the car. I'll just put up with the motion sickness.." Natsu mumbled as he read over the details of the mission on the flyer. If an extra person would be tagging along, then they'd have to split the reward three ways. He saw no problem with that. After all, he didn't want to be unfair.

"So who is this friend of yours?" Natsu asked as he folded the paper and stuffed it in his pocket. "Will I get along with them or will we butt heads?"
"Hm, well he is alright. he has been a friend of mine for a few weeks now. He is still new to my Guild, Eclipse Sun." He said as he admitted that he did not know him all too well. But when he was around the young boy, he seemed innocent enough on his part.

Haku looked at the truck and then walked over before he had to pay the magic meter. All the while Happy hummed and watched as he got into the drivers seat then placed the magic sapping band around his left wrist. He then opened the passanger door for Natsu and waited for him to get inside.

Once the pink haired fire ball was in the truck he looked at him and Happy placed some distance between himself and Natsu, jjust in case the other started to puke or try and or accidently blow chunks in the truck.

"His name is Ray. he is a bit younger than us. he is fifteen. he just stared in the whole guild thing. he is starting out, so his rank is a bit lower than my own."
He nodded and followed Haku to the truck, getting in and practically curling up in the corner of the seat. If he did this he wouldn't get as sick as he would if he was sitting up straight.

So the kid's name was Ray, huh? And he was only fifteen? Ah, well, meeting young mages and wizards wasn't all that uncommon to Natsu. After all, he himself had a twelve-year-old dragon slayer on his guild team. Even so, Natsu would try and behave in front of Haku's friend.

Natsu stared out the window as he waited for them to get going. It made him wonder, truly, about what other Eclipse Sun members were like. Did they all have similar personalities to Haku, or were they all diverse? He'd never really thought that much about other guilds and how they functioned. It intrigued him and the curious side of his personality, a side that wasn't often seen.

Haku stared the truck and then hit the road slowly at first and then moved on to the nromal speed limit as instructed for the town they were now exiting. He looked over to Natsu and saw the dragon slayer was curled up. seeing him like he moved a hand out to run through the others pink hair, trying to soothe him some what. As they road to the next stop Happy made sure to sit with Natsu to make sure his best friend was okay. The Exceed from time to time looked out the w2indow as he did when ever he did go on awesome adventures with his slayer companion. It was when they reached the next town that Natsu's reign of terror would finally end with the dreaded truck of doom.

Haku parked his truck and slipped the magic sapping band off his arm before making sure the magic charm on it pervented all else from using it. haku then reached into the back of the truck and grabbed his bag and flung it over his own shoulder. He then walked over to help Natsu out of the passnager side of the truck and then watched as Happy floated along side them. Haku oplaced Natsu's arm around his own shoulders, making sure the slayer did not fall flat on his face.

"Here we are Natsu, Redfaeville."

It was a small farm like town and yet it did not have nearly as many people or resources as Magnolia did, but that is what made this fun. Everything was very easy to find. There was a small strip of shops and an inn and then a small Mission board in the towns centre. There a small figure stood with his bag as if he were waiting on someone.

"Hey Ray! Over here!"

The young blond quickly ran over to the two, but stopped as soon as he saw Natsu. The boy gave the dragon slayer a look while he huffed some. But walked over anyway. Waving to Happy and Haku and out right ignoring Natsu completely.
(D'awwe he's adorable!!!)

"Fuuuuuuck.. I really hate motion sickness. But it's worth suffering through if it means we don't have to walk on foot. It would take longer that way." Natsu thought grudgingly, staying as still as possible to reduce the nausea. He wondered if, maybe one day, he would outgrow it? Who knew. Feeling Haku pet his head, he sighed happily and slightly nuzzled his head into the other's hand, relaxing for the rest of the ride. Part of him wondered if he would get along with Ray, as he didn't really like fighting with kids. It made him feel guilty for some reason, like he was doing something wrong. "Eh, but I won't worry about that for now. I'll just focus on the mission." Natsu mentally concluded and stared out the window, his dark eyes staring at his reflection in the window.

When they finally came to a stop, he mentally cheered and sat up, accepting Haku's assistance until he regained his senses. Motion sickness always left him a little disoriented, something he hated but couldn't really help. Once the initial dizziness wore off he let go of Haku, thanking him for the help as he regained his balance.

"Redfaeville, huh..?" Natsu looked around, taking note that it wasn't as big or heavily populated as Magnolia and was much more rural. Kind of like the country, and it even had that warm welcoming atmosphere of a small town. Overall it seemed peaceful and relatively quiet. A nice change of pace from the bustling town of Magnolia, that was for sure.

Natsu turned his head in the direction of where Haku called out to Ray, and there he spotted a young blonde boy carrying a bag. So this was Ray, huh? The kid sure looked young and a bit inexperienced, but that was probably because he was a fairly new member of Haku's guild and a lower rank than Haku. He prepared to introduce himself, but he soon learned that it wouldn't be necessary.

The kid completely ignored him! How rude! But, could he really blame Ray? Natsu was a total stranger to this young fellow, and now that he gave it some thought, he would have probably ignored him too. "Just give him some time to get used to being around me, then I'll try talking to him."
Th look on Rays face swed that the youth had some serious issues with Natsu as a whole. He did not like him or what he assumed what the other stood for. He did not like seeing him so close to Haku and or what ever it was. But when the blonde haired boy saw Happy it was then his sour expression turned to one of pure happiness and he settled for the small Exceed instread. Ray wandered over and then held out his hand to Happy as if the feline was some common house cat.

Haku walked over to Ray and triued his best to ignore the oh sudden look of distaste on the boys features. He had never seen Ray look that way, maybe his stomach hurt or something of the ike? Haku moved to tale the bag from his own shoulder and then moved to hand Ray a few supplies to start the three of them off for the trip of the mission to the fort he had chosen for them.

"Okay well, we will head to the fort when I am able to get us a map and make sure we are going to the right place. I will be back!" He said as he left the two males alone with Happy and rushed off to the nearest shop. It of course was a very bad idea and he had no idea how bad once he was out of sight.

Ray licked his lips and then waved with a happy and very cheerful grin on his face. Once Haku was in the shop the waving and smile faded as if there was some kind of invisable cloud that loomed over his head. His eyes narrowed as he looked at Natsu. Now he was alone with the dragon slayer he coiuld speak his mind. "You need to keep your hands off of Haku! He doesn't like you. He told me so." Of course this was about as big of a lie as when Happy told people he was Fairy Tails biggest and best member.
Natsu stood there quietly, watching the two interact. After Haku left, he noticed the sudden change in Ray's demeanor. He'd gone from being cheerful and friendly to giving him a glare that promised bodily harm. It kind of unnerved him, but this kid was just that.. a kid. He wouldn't let Ray intimidate him. Though he seemed to really, really dislike Natsu for some reason. "Why else would he be looking at me like that.. sheesh, what did I ever do to him?!" Natsu forced a smile onto his face as Ray continued to glare at him.

However the boy's next words were a bit of a shock to hear. Natsu's smile faded as he just gave Ray a confused look. Haku didn't like him?! Why?! Wait a second... if that was true, wouldn't he have told Natsu himself? Haku wasn't the type to gossip behind another's back, he knew him better than that. "Which means this kid is lying.. could he be jealous of me? That's totally unexpected.."

Crossing his arms, he stared back at Ray and smirked. "Yeah, I ain't buyin' that. Sorry kiddo. If Haku didn't like me, he would have told me so and wouldn't be so happy to see me every day. Plus if he didn't like me, he wouldn't even hang around me. I'd be the first to know if Haku had an issue with me. I know him better than that." he spoke triumphantly, smirk widening. No way he would let some jealous kid ruin everything.
Ray stared at Natsu while he tried to figure out what is Boy was all about. Still his eyes begin to narrow because all he could think about was the fact the one he loved the most would more than likely end up with someone else. The thought of his deepest love interest desire turning to someone else put the young blonde haired male into a fit of rage and hatred.

Ray marched over to Natsu and then placed his index finger against the dragon slayers chest. His eyes filled with dark jealousy and destruction. Even still as he spoke he said each word filled with such determination and dark passion. " you will not interfere with what he and I have!"

The young boy did not seem to care who heard him. Happy the young extied stared at me in disbelief. Feel as happy seemed to understand where all of this was going. He did not intervene in the affairs of Natsu. Happy decided that it was best to stay out of all of it for now. He too, like Natsu knew that there was no chance of Haru liking the young boy.
This kid had some nerve! Especially with the whole getting up close and personal thing and threatening. Natsu didn't take kindly to being threatened, especially by some snot-nosed teenaged brat! There was absolutely no fucken way that Haku would see the boy as anything more than a fellow guild member and team mate. Ray was just a kid. Haku and Natsu were both adults.

Natsu scoffed and turned his nose up to Ray. "As if, kid! For one, you're too young and two, there's obviously nothing between you two because, *gasp* guess what?! You barely know him! If anything, I'm the one who won't let you interfere with what me and Haku have!" Natsu challenged, keeping his arms crossed. Though he was really tempted to backhand the brat for invading his personal space, touching him, and then threatening him. Natsu knew that Haku would never run off with a minor, but it was still infuriating that the kid dared to try and seperate them.

Part of him wondered what Haku would say when he found out. Would he tell Ray off, or scold Natsu for being a tattletale? Natsu decided that he would be the better person and tell Haku in private without making a public scene. He'd let Ray throw the childish tantrum. It'd suit him perfectly!

"Man, hurry up, Haku! I'm very close to socking this kid one!" Natsu internally whined, maintaining a calm expression the whole time. But on the inside, his blood was boiling.
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