RP: I Want To Touch You ( Horror_Show & loneiysong)


Feb 15, 2010
Zoey was trying to focus on studying. She had a biology test the next morning and because it was an online coarse she had scheduled a certain time to take it. She was sitting at her desk indulged in her text book and skimming flashcards, while listening to music from her headphones when she had gotten a message online, the flashing box made her look up at the screen. It was one of her best friends who she had known online for years, it least ever since she had a computer and learned how to use it.


2cute4life92: You studying I guess?
VideoKid: Yeah trying to do last minute cramming, what’s up?
2cute4life92: You do know your fan-fiction is blowing up bigger than ever right? Markiplier blogged about it, I’m shocked you are not dying but I figured you’ve been stuck in your books.

Zoey stared at the screen and before she could reply or even look at his website her friend had posted a link and she clicked on it. In seconds a webpage came up with a decent amount of writing. Markiplier was giving an update on having so many viewers and then at the bottom touched on her fan-fiction. He had discovered it because of how popular it was getting in his fan-base, other fans were doing fan-art of it and asking for more chapters. He had commented on how the writing was very poetic, detailed and written with compassion and while he would never encourage such a relationship he appreciated it.

Zoey frowned and rammed her head against the keyboard. The last thing she wanted was for Markipler to read her personal fantasy, of course he wouldn’t approve, it was a fantasy. She had tried to delete her account from fanfiction.net but it was to late. She groaned and leaned back rubbing her head. In time all of this would pass and he would forget he read it, he kept busy all the time anyway. She sat back up to type.

Videokid: I don’t understand how that damn story went viral, its not even the greatest plot ever….jesus, like its not even fifty shades. Now he knows about it…he just went through hell with that one fan abusing him on snapchat. I don’t want him dealing with my shit?
2cute4life92: You need to calm yo tits….he complimented you. You wasn’t the focus of his whole blog so calm down. I’m sure this will all die down, are you responding to people wanting you to write more?
Videokid: No….I’m trying to keep quiet.

There was a knock on her door, her mother was calling her to get cleaned up and come down for dinner. She quickly typed back.

Videokid: I got to get eat real quick, brb.


Markiplier was becoming more and more well known amongst Youtube. He loved it, but he never forgot that he would be nowhere without his fans. Reading several of his comments, he noticed that several of his fans wanted him to read a fanfiction that included him. Since his fans never really lead him wrong, he smiled and sat at his couch and read the fanfiction. He was impressed. Also humbled, but a part of him became worried. Flashbacks of a snapchat episode that was totally unwarranted flooded into his mind.

Biting his lip, he got up and paced his house running his fingers through his hair. What would his father had done if he was in his shoes. Well first off, his father would never be in the Youtube business. Biting his lip, he walked over to his phone and looked at it. It was one of his friends calling him.

"Hey, man have you read it?" Steve said.

"Oh man, what am I going to do? I am flattered, but I don't want this to turn into Snapchat the sequel." He sighed sitting down and prepared to make a video.

"Dude, chill. Just some fangirl giving into her fantasy. Probably not even meant to go far as it did. Hell Smosh gets fan fiction all the time where they have homosexual relationships."

To this they both began to laugh. In that moment Markiplier knew what he wanted to do. Getting into the fanfiction site, he found out who wrote it and wrote a letter.

To VideoKid,

You are a really great writer. I appreciate all my fan love and support. I respected the poetic themes and compassion. You are a really great writer and I appreciate all the artwork of my fans.


Markiplier wasn't sure what he wanted to go through with that message, but he would take it as it came. Getting on, he made a video responding to all the fan art he recieved and mail. Unable to help himself he hit on the fanfiction and as he signed off he looked into the camera wondering idly if she was watching.

"And as always, I will see you in the next video. BYE BYE!" He waved and shut off the camera and then began to work on editing it.
Zoey had eaten and talked with her parents over normal things, school, her dance class and how she was going to take a break to focus on school the next semester. Zoey on the side from being a college student danced as a hobby and was part of a dance competition team locally, besides that she did a little drawing and painting with watercolors but loved writing. Her dance team didn’t really want her to take a break but new she needed to put all her energy into her studies as she was trying to pursue entering veterinary medicine.


Zoey returned back upstairs to her bedroom and discovered Markiplier not only had mentioned her in his blog but also had written her a message on the actual fanfiction.net inbox. Was that really Markiplier’s account? It was friendly enough. Zoey had to take a moment and was trying not to have an anxiety attack. She was just like any other normal fan-girl; most wouldn’t ever even have any sort of contact. She combed her hair back and kept shaking her head. She had the ability to write him back but respected him.

Not to mention she was embarrassed as fuck. Like any fan-fiction once it got deep into the relationship a few chapters in there was smut, well very poetic written intimate scenes. The fact he had read that, it was horrifying. Zoey had a freak out moment and deleted her fan fiction account and even went as far to momentarily take down her face-book. She didn’t want any traces left on the Internet.

Markiplier stretched after editing and playing a few levels of a new game. He stretched and then decided to check on the fan fiction, but frowned. He couldn't find it. Sending her a message to ask where it went, he got up and began to pace. The total lack of everything was weird and he needed to get out. It just made him paranoid. Being an introvert as he was, he walked out of the house, after changing his pajama pants to regular pants. He walked along the street wondering what was going on. This girl was giving him weird vibes. It wasn't that she wrote about him, but she quickly took everything down once he talked to her.

Rubbing his eyes, he stopped at a nearby Thai restaurant and had dinner. Walking home, he wondered what would be the best course of action. Best to probably forget about it. He walked into his house and laid on his bed. Changing to pajama pants, he snuggled up to one of his fan made tiny box Tims and fell asleep.
Zoey was able to take a shower and change into comfortable clothing to lounge around in. The shower and a late snack helped distract her mind from the digital world she was caught up in. In the old days she would have written the story in a notebook or a word document and it just would stayed saved on her computer before websites like fanfiction.net came out. She didn’t think posting it would make it go viral, there were hundreds of fanfiction of Mark out there between him and god knows who, some of the most famous were Pewdipie.

After signing back into her messenger she got attacked by a flood of messages from her online friend.

2cute4life92: Why in the hell did you delete all your shit….seriously? Are you freaking out over there? GET ONLINE!
2cute4life92: Any other girl out there would be dying but in a good way and your about to bury your own grave, come back to life….earth to Zoey.
2cute4life92: You could have written him back, asked questions, asked for an autograph, anything!

VideoKid: I didn’t want to be known famously for my fantasy of fucking Markiplier’s brains out….no thank you. I’m hiding out until all this blows over so we CAN ALL move on.
2cute4life92: Would you shut up….your story isn’t just a fuck fest, its an actual plot, it’s a romance story….hell its got chapters. Quit it.
Videokid: I don’t want Mark to have to deal with my fan-fic or anything. I’m ashamed he even read it. Some fans have abused him and I’m not about to give him more to worry about with that fic….I’m protecting him.
2cute4life92: From what, yourself? He was complimenting you and you shut down the whole system.
Videokid: Yeah so he doesn’t to ever find out who I really am…..I’m going to bed. I have a damn test in the morning.
2cute4life92: Think of Mark….
Videokid: Logged out
Markiplier woke up the next day to several fans theorizing that he got angry at the girl who wrote the fanfiction because no body could find it. He frowned as everyone asked why he got mad at her, if he sent a cease and desist. Biting his lip, he rested his head in his hands and groaned. Fans were so strange. They made him nervous. He was not sure what he was doing. But he brought up the name and found her IP. It paid to be a programmer. He frowned looking and saw her email and emailed her.


I do not plan on messaging you further than this, so do not think I am stalking you or anything. What did you do with your fan fiction? It was a great piece of work and several of the community and myself included would like to know what happened.

Zoey was able to finally to fall asleep. She woke up early and pretty much left her main computer station at her desk turned off and just used her MacBook to study for an hour or so and then completed her test scoring an %82. It wasn’t an A but that wasn’t a bad grade considering it was a college level biology coarse, her family would be pleased. Fall was slowly approaching and luckily her instructor online said they could have the next two weeks to get the next assignments in which left her zoology class and a math class which was easy busy work.

Her parents were both at work. She decided to check her e-mail as it was out of habit. She was able to keep her main g-mail account spam free and out of the reach of hundreds of other fans that loved her story. Though when seeing her e-mail the subject simply said “VideoKid” but it was from Mark Edward Fischbach. That was Markiplier. She clicked the e-mail and read it as it was very brief.

Was this seriously happening? Was this even the real Markiplier? How in the hell did he get a hold of her e-mail but then she realized he was a programmer in real life on top of being an American Internet personality plus video game commenter. She didn’t know what to say and didn’t even realize in one night everyone could be throwing a fit and possibly blaming Mark for her deleting her accounts.

Bravely she re-watched the last video he uploaded the night before but skimmed through the YouTube Comments. Some of the comments she had seen that were within the last twelve hours were things like…

Asianly obsessed: Why did VideoKid take down that awesome story! I thought maybe she would be uploading more chapters. Did the Markemoo get pissed at her and force her to take it down? Let us girls fantasize over you in peace!

ZeeZooGuy: Such a damn ass….so we can’t even write fanfictions about your anymore?

LaceeLasers: You should apologize and meet her in real life!!!!
Emily Windedahl: I think it would totally be so coolz if they met in real life and hit it off. He needs a girlfriend.

Reading all this comments were a little weird and annoying. How did her taking down all her accounts end up being his fault? He was being blamed by the media so much for things that wasn’t his fault so she wrote back an e-mail.


Hi…I’m sorry for not responding back to you last night. I was a little overwhelmed to be contacted by you. I never intended for my story to go viral or get as much attention as it has. I didn’t want it to offend or affect you or your YouTube career in any way. I love all the let’s play and charity work you do. Obviously I’ve been a fan since you started. I took down my accounts to try to keep it from getting any more out control than it has but I’m sorry a lot of people are blaming you. I can put up a post about it or something.

I know you’ve gone through a lot lately with some fans so I didn’t want to burden you. I really apologize.

Markiplier slept deeply. His chest rose and fell as he snored. Finally he opened his eyes and was ready to greet the day. Sitting up, he moaned and rubbed his eyes. Getting up, he poured himself some cereal and looked at his comments. More people demanding that he let the fanfiction come back. Leaning back, he thought about what to do. Looking at his email, he saw the email from the fanfiction girl. Then he got a great idea.


Would you be willing to make a video with me later, so we could maybe tell our fans what happened, and why you took down the fanfiction? I promise to make it worth your while.

Also, just os you know, that fanfiction didn't cause me any problems nearly as much as you taking it down caused me problems.


He got up, finished his breakfast and went to go take a shower. Scenes from the fanfiction kept playing in his head. He couldn't help but blush. Leaning against a wall he shut his eyes as he began to please himself. What was he doing? He didn't want to stop to think on it too much, he just wanted to enjoy the moment.
Zoey had ventured down stairs to get breakfast, which consisted of cut up fruit and some microwave breakfast dinner. She headed back upstairs to relax after the test and saw Mark had wrote back quickly. She sat on her bed pulling up her MacBook and saw the message and just stared at it like a deer caught in a headlight. He was really inviting her up to do a video? Oh god…anxiety starting building again. She didn’t want people to know who she really was. Then she felt bad when he said it had caused her problems when she took it down, that felt like a stab in the throat.

“Jesus fucking Christ.” She groaned and slammed back down on her bed staring up at the ceiling. She quickly typed back a message.


I don’t really have the expenses to come down there or for anything really. I also don’t know if people should see who I really am?

Why would you put yourself at risk to meet a fan like that? Is that even safe? You seriously don’t have to do any of that at all. I can write a post tonight and turn back on my account.


She sent the e-mail and then frowned, she made it seem like she could be dangerous to Mark. Hell she was a college young girl, she was harmless, Markiplier was it least seven years older. She had no idea the famous YouTube was in the shower relieving him-self thinking about her story. The funny thing was he didn’t even know what she looked like yet.
After showering, he dried off and dressed into his pajama pants and shirt and went to his office. Looking at the computer, he sat down. Mark was doing some little thing and answering comments and mail when his email dinged again. Looking up he saw her response and chuckled a bit.

"No I meant like a video skyped with split screening. I understand that it is hard to travel in today's economical climate. But I think it would be good for you. People wanna know who wrote their favorite fan fiction and I have to agree with them. I kinda wanna see the girl that wrote such deep and profound fan fiction. I think you have a real knack for writing and should persue it.


He went back to answering other emails and comments and smiled looking over everything pushing his glasses up on his eyes as he waited.
Zoey was sitting cross-legged on her bed pretty much patiently waiting for Mark to reply back, she couldn’t really believe she was talking to the real Markiplier. His e-mail kind of confused her? So he only wanted to do a Skype video, but than mentioned how he would want to see her so she didn’t know what the true intention was. She didn’t even know how to respond.

Meanwhile Steve would of came across some fans that had gone on a obsessed search to find some information on the girl who had disappeared overnight. They had found a video some people had recorder of her in the dance academy. It must have been from a parent or friend as it was just the team practicing in the studio and goofing off. You could see Zoey as part of the team in the front in her most vulnerable state. Steve would immediately send the YouTube Link in e-mail with a short reply.

Found your admirer and fan….damn Mark, she is one gorgeous girl and look at what she does for a hobby ;) Not telling you to hit on a fan but ya know…if you don’t want dibbs let me know…I’ll take her.


Once the video was clicked it would show Zoey’s dance team in a dance studio. Zoey would be in the middle laughing and waiting for the music to start, she would be sweating and dressed in work out clothes that complimented her small body. The music started, it was fifth harmony sledgehammer.

The song started and all dancers posed and as the beat started slowly walking. As the first verse started Zoey and three others girls came out dancing in unison perfectly, flawless in every move as they sung. They looked as if they were the actual group singing. The chorus starts and the whole team was dancing and having fun. You could hear people watching cheering them on. The second verse came on and Zoey got back to back with another girl and was singing while moving to the floor and back up.


The middle part came on and Zoey walked out from the rest of the team and stood there dancing and singing her lungs out to the solo. You could hear people screaming at her in the distance.


Mark smiled as Steve messaged him. With a grin, he read the message and chuckled. He watched the link and his eyes went wide. Fuck she was hot. He grinned adn then bit his lip. Sending her a message, he thought about what he would write and then blushed. He wanted to talk with her face to face. With a smile, he then sent her a message.


I would like to tlak to you face to face. Message me on my skype.

He sent her the message and then smiled adn sat back and clapped hsi hands and then leaned back and grinned wider.
Zoey hadn’t responded and not even twenty more minutes passed when there was another e-mail from Mark. It was short and he wanted to talk to her face to face. He gave her his personal skype screen name. He never gave that out to anyone but family and personal friends, no other fan, not one had that screen name. So he had just given her private personal information. He did so knowing she could turn around and fuck him over but of course she was nothing like that. She was flabbergasted and just sat there like a little duckling.

She already had Skype installed but it on her iMac so she nervously looked over to her desk and got off the bed sitting at her desk. She turned it on and looked at the skype icon, was she really going to talk to Mark. She logged on and listened to the sounds of signing in and saw her short buddy list. She clicked add a friend and typed in Markiplier screen name. Immediately she clicked send and it was accepted within a second.

Before she even had time to react she was getting a skype call, he wasn’t messing around and she listened to the ring tone on the computer but clicked accept call. Her web cam, which was installed in the iMac, came on and Mark would see his fan, the girl he had been trying to get a hold of since last night. She was dressed in a gray t-shirt and black sweat shorts, of course he only see the top of her. She fumbled around looking for her headset and put it on. She would see his gorgeous soft grin as he watched her put on her headset. This was happening.

“H-H-Hhey….s-s-sorry I’m not really use to talking to famous people.” She breathed a little harder than usual into the mike and rolled her eye’s. She looked at Mark on the little window.
Markiplier was chewing on some chips as he waited. He spun in his chair and then he heard an alert from his skype. So his fan had taken the bait. He grinned and added her and called her as he put on his headseat. He was used to talking to fans and it didn't bother him any. He would be no where without his fans. He smiled as she accepted. What he saw was a girl frantically trying to find something and then clumsily putting on her headset. He grinned. He then looked at the screen.

"I am not famous. I am just a regular guy who plays video games for a living. So you are the one that wrote the fanfiction?" He smiled and chuckled at her hard breathing. He was sure she meant "sorry I don't talk to people I write erotic fiction about". The girl was cute and very sweet. Sitting back he looked at her and waited. H eknew from the reverence in her writing, the last thing she wanted to do was screw him over. He was safe.

"I really liked it. I was sad that you took it down, and I wish you would bring it back."
Zoey blushed with her headset while watching Mark talk to her. Obviously he was use to talking to fans daily but this would be the first time he let one message him on Skype, he felt safe enough else he wouldn’t have approached her, though the fact he may have been attracted didn’t help.

“Oh…yeah my story, umm…ughh….yeah I can put it back up for you. That’s fine.” She said nervously and nodded. “I can even give you a copy, I can forward over the original document.” She said submissively. Something about talking to Mark, at this moment she may have done absolutely anything he wanted, stunned and captivated by the moment of just talking to him.
Mark grinned at her cute little blush. He smiled and nodded.

"I will pay you handsomely if you do put it back to the tune of an all expense paid trip to the coming up VidCon to be my personal guest. In which you will receive one signed fanfiction of yours that is bound and done with my signature. Another one, with your permission, will be auctioned off. All of the proceeds will go to a charity of your choosing." He smiled and looked at her.

He sat back and looked over her body. He couldn't get out of his mind how beautiful she looked as she danced on camera.
Zoey felt so overthrown with emotion and just kind of gawked at Mark as he offered everything from an autograph to the paid for trip to vid-con. She would actually get to meet him, not that sky-ping with him wasn’t enough. Mark would see her reaction, how she was silent, nervous, overwhelmed. He was going to auction off one of the signed copies so money could go to a charity, how in the hell could she turn that down? He kind of backed her into a corner in the nicest way.

“Wow…. that’s a hell of an offer.” She mumbled into the headset, her eyes were adverting everywhere. She would have to convince her family to let her even though she was almost of age.

“Can I get back to you…I need to make sure its ok with my family and that I can get off work, regardless I will forward the document.” She said nervously. She looked back at him through the camera and saw how wide he was grinning, how relaxed and cute he looked. She had no idea her life was changing, all she had to do was let go and take the steps.
"Of course." He smiled adn then looked at the screen. "Oh um, by the way, this is a personal Skype so please don't share it." He smiled and looked at her and grinned. He noticed she was checking him out and he chuckled softly. He was not sure why this girl did it for him. He was not immune to girls checking him out, but he liked this one checking her out. He then frowned.

"Um, Zoey? How old are you exactly." He looked at her and canted his head.
“Oh I’m on the edge of seventeen.” She said sarcastically as if referencing the song. “My Birthday is next month in October. So I’m kind of living at home and all that…but no I wouldn’t share any of your information. I wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize your safety. Thank you for going out of your way to get a hold of me.” Zoey was super sweet and adorable, it would be a turn on how she was probably more worried about Mark’s safety over her own but he was a YouTube star while she was just your average teenage girl.

“Yeah so I guess I will get back to you and I’ll see you later.” She said and waived a little and then quickly disconnected the call, maybe to suddenly but she was freaking out. She pulled off her headset and grabbed her head breathing out. Her heart was racing and adrenaline was coursing through her system. She thought about just lying to avoid having to see him, to say her parents said no but she didn’t understand why she was so nervous, she did want to get famous for writing erotica about Markiplier, what if her family found out? They might not be as thrilled.
He nodded and then looked at her. Rolling his eyes, he sighed and shook his head. "Fuck..." He rubbed his face and groaned. Getting on the phone to Wade he frowned. "Buddy, I am in deep shit, I think I am falling in love with a minor." He groaned adn leaned back and shut his eyes and then standing up, he walked to the fridge to get a water and took a long drink of it walking back and looking at the game that was queued up.

Sitting down, he waited for some info from his best friend.
Zoey did as she promised and after she disconnected the call she send the fan-fiction to Mark in its original document, the exact documents she had spent nights typing. The story couldn’t get any more public so it was safer to send it to him than anyone else. She was still hesitant to ask if she could go and see him and then decided to just completely lie. She ended up contacting one of her online friends in California which was it least the same state and told her what was going on. So Zoey ended up half telling the truth that she wanted to visit an online girlfriend in California for a week. With a couple questions and promises she was permitted to go. She would just have to lie.

Later on the night, several hours later she would sit back down at her desk and contemplate what to write.


I’m allowed to visit. I can come and meet you ^_^


She sent the message not realizing how short and dumb it sounded but it was done.
He had finished doing the video when she emailed him. He grinned and saw the email and his eyebrows raised.

"Great, sounds fun. I will set you up in the Hilton and I will send you a paid card that will get you to california. I will send you another once you get here for your perdiem and another for you to go home."

He smiled and then frowned. She was still underage. Groaning he rubbed his head and moaned softly and bit his lip and grinned.
Zoey read the e-mail and was very humble and grateful he was even doing this. She was also frightened of all the publicity they were going to get. She didn’t understand why he was doing this? He knew he loved doing commentary on video games, he loved acting and doing other video’s but why would he encourage this…. he didn’t read fan-fiction in his videos making fun of it like Pewdipie did. She knew fans were going to go nuts about it, would that be encouraging something that was impossible? There was no way they would get together, he didn’t get with fans, and he was eight years older, a simple fan and just didn’t even know him.

The only thing they had in common together was she lived in Cincinnati, which was his hometown, where his family lived. That was just one coincidence and the fact she was enrolled in the university of Cincinnati where he used to go when he was younger. She figured it would take it least a week or a less for him to get the paid card to her so she assumed she wouldn’t be leaving until next week. She simply e-mailed him back with a quick thanks, she really didn’t know what else to say. Besides the friend who she had to lie about to get permission to even go she didn’t want to tell everyone, because she knew it would start.
Next time Mark was shopping, he bought a prepaid card. He also made a point to make reservations for Zoey and reserve a room for her at the hotel. He was unpacking his things, when he looked up at his email. Walking over, he saw a quick thanks and grinned. God, why did he have to fall for a minor. He would never know.

He smiled and then started making a video trying to put her out of his mind. But he couldn't because he printed out two copies of her paper. He smiled adn then signed both and put it in folders to go to Kinko's next time he was out. He would have two bound copies by the time he VidCon came around.
Zoey had waited patiently through out the week for the big day to come. She didn’t even have to really wait a full week as Mark had sent everything pretty quickly express mail. He had sent her a few e-mails and told her as soon as it arrived she could purchase plane tickets for any time. He didn’t mind if she came a little early, he encouraged it, as it would be like a mini vacation. She brought her plane tickets; he had purchased her a hotel for a week. All she had to do was start getting packed and her flight would be leaving then next day. She packed a suitcase with personal belongings, hygiene products and clothes and brought her backpack with her MacBook, and other essential electronics including, tablet, camera and her iPod.
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