Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In a Dungeon RP { 1x1 with wiki234 }


Sep 9, 2015
Bell is a young adventurer that headed to the city of Orario. It was quite the large city from what he has been used to. Before he had decided to go to the city, Bell Cranel lived with his grandfather. He was quite a humble man, telling him about many heroes that came to him in his granfather's long years of living. He soon arrived at the city and the rush of the large crowds and bustling city life caught him off guard. A slender man stand out, come join a familia if you wish to be a great adventurer.

Bell walked over to the man and asked, "How do I join a familia?" The man grinned. "That is a wonderful question, my boy." He pulls Bell over to the side."I will tell you the perfect way of getting into a familia, if you give me some incentive to do so." Bell looks around. "I don't have much though." The guy sighs. "Well then you will just need to ask the familias by yourself then." He goes back to proclaiming of the familias. Bell looks up at the sky. "So to become a great adventurer, I need to join a familia."
The young girl sighed as she walked down the busy streets of the town. It was always busy with the shops and the fact that the dungeon existed. There was so many of one kind of person, adventurers who always headed for the tall buiing that was the dungeon to try and make a living where both the humans and now the gods lived. Hestia was one of the goddesses that would be bound to a familia...that is if no one had rejected her already a million times.

She wanted a better life for herself other than living up in luxury as a goddess always bored with nothing to do of course, even she had only very few friends being around the other gods and goddesses. Hestia sighed as she quietly walked down the busy street wondering what to do, she wanted to start her own...but where to even start.
wiki234 said:
The young girl sighed as she walked down the busy streets of the town. It was always busy with the shops and the fact that the dungeon existed. There was so many of one kind of person, adventurers who always headed for the tall buiing that was the dungeon to try and make a living where both the humans and now the gods lived. Hestia was one of the goddesses that would be bound to a familia...that is if no one had rejected her already a million times.

She wanted a better life for herself other than living up in luxury as a goddess always bored with nothing to do of course, even she had only very few friends being around the other gods and goddesses. Hestia sighed as she quietly walked down the busy street wondering what to do, she wanted to start her own...but where to even start.

Bell looked about the crowded streets. "So where will I find a familia." He walked down the streets looking for places that would house the familias or just one. His searching didn't lead anywhere of use, just to most different shops, taverns and the dungeon. Bell's eyes sparkled with delight as he looked at the dungeon building. "So I will be able to go in there one day."

He noticed that many people usually in small to either large groups went into the building. "Hmm...there's a lot that I don't know about this, but I will get the hang of it." Bell continues his way down the busy streets looking for a familia, but still not having much luck. He sighs in defeat for the day, I guess finding these familias are harder than it seems.
The day slowly draws forward as there's no luck for her either, she had tried but no one wanted to, and she didn't know why. The goddess had exactly nothing to do and no hope seeing how hard it really was, all the others she knew where part of famous familia, they had at least someone to care about out in the human world. She leans against the wall as her arms are crossed and her bangs sit on either of her shoulders, hearing all Rhe talk or swords and monsters and this gems, she really hoped in her heart she would find someone, though noticing a young boy with white hair and that specific kind of sigh from him, maybe sh would follow him then as she slipped into the crowd and did that.
Bell looked up at the sky as it was drawing near towards nighttime. Bell didn't have anywhere he could stay for the night. Bell looked around the city, until he stopped I front of a old beaten down church. It had looked like it wasn't in use for many years decades even. He walked up to it, the place had seen its far share of wear. Some of the windows were broken and the wood that place was made of was starting to show its age. Bell pushed open the door of the church and looked around. Not a soul to be accounted for in this place. Maybe he could use it for a place to stay until he found a familia of his own.
She finally followed him slowly to the old building, of course it was the worst thing to be at, but of course she knew it would better be there ten outside, maybe with a little hard work they could fix up to a livable level at least in her mind. She sighed as it stared to feel a bit cold, " hey!" She called out to him, " you seem like you missed out on something, I wouldn't like to see someone like you down like that..." She slowly walked closer as her breasts gave s light bounce with the..."I...well I'm a goddess and looking for people to join me!" She said trying to act excited than quiet now.
Bell turned around and looked at the little goddess before him. She looked quite beautiful with her long black strands of hair and ivory colored dress with a blue ribbon that stood out on her. He smiled. "You're a you need someone to join your familia?" Bell Cranel bows to the goddess. "Please I will do anything to join a familia..."
She sighs and crosses her arms with a tilt of her head, " your an adventurer...." She tried to think for a moment with a sigh, being a little desperate too though she didn't wanna show it, though with a slight smirk she would have to take a small bit of advantage of the offer while she met him first now. " ok then, I'll guess we can stay at the church if you want, but to join have to feed me..." She told him putting her hands on her hips and waiting. The young girl gives a light smile as she looks up at the sky.
Bell raises his head and looks at the goddess. "I will be glad to do so." He smiles and feels quite great that he is one step closer to becoming a great adventurer. Bell looks up at the sky. "There's quite a good view from in this church."
Quietly she turns away to look at the window of the church then to the sky, "yeah....yeah it seems like..." She says softly wondering if they would have some fun adventures and maybe a good friendship. Hestia turns back to him, "well come on hurry, before all the good stuff is gone!" She dated running to grab his arm and drag him.
Bell blushed a deep red once Hestia grabbed onto his arm. "Okay..." He followed her lead as he didn't know much about the city. He thought to himself, "So I'm now part of a familia now...this will be really fun."
Quietly she continued to walk leaning into his arm as her breasts push up against him more too, people would see that they would be dating but Hestia was really hungry and excited about this as well, as she ran over to a stand dragging him still, "two please..." She told him, letting go and waiting so she could grab the first one that the vendor finished.
Bell Cranel blushes a vivid tone of red from feeling Hestia's breast close to his body. He reaches into his pocket and takes out some money paying the vendor. Bell looks at the goddess and smiles.
She smiles and starts to eat her snack, holding it with both hands as some of the whipped cream start to appear at the edges of her mouth, starting to slowly finish it faster and faster before she wipes her mouth and runs over to throw it away. The goddes gives a long sigh, "ahh I'm full!!" Hestia runs back as she squeezed her body against his arm again and slowly turns to walk down, "it seems so beautiful today, anything you need to do, I feel like taking a nap on something soft..."
Bell finishes off his snack quickly and looks at the goddess. She was beautiful, but had a playful appeal to her. He yawned. "'s getting quite late..." Bell blushed as Hestia's body was quite close to him.
She sighs and turns dragging him back to where they came from and where they were first, standing in front of the church. She really wanted more but she was sleepy and needing some rest, as she slowly dropped to her knees, feeling tired.
Bell looked at the exhausted goddess. "Are you okay?" "If you need so I can carry you in the church." He smiles and blushes a bit. He leans his back to the goddess. "This way you can sleep a bit."
She looked over at him with a blush " would really..." She said with wide eyes as she held her hand out with a sigh and a yawn, she was even tired she could just fall asleep on the ground. " that's right! You need your new goddess with respect!" She told him trying to act like a big deal and try to scare him even for the moment.
Bell nods with a deepening red tone coming across his face. "Yep, goddess you seem quite exhausted, so I don't mind." He looked up at the sky and then down at the church. "I'll do my best to serve you, my goddess." Bell shakes a bit in fear to Hestia's comment.
She looks at him with a smirk seeing that he would think she was so powerful being a goddess. Maybe she could really want this. "Let's go already..." She said wanting to still be carried in, "so who are you anyway?" She asked tilting her head a bit looking at him.
Bell blushes as the goddess gets on his back and he heads into the old and beaten church. "I am Bell Cranel, an adventurer." He smiles. "How about you goddess?" "There should be a lot to know about you." Bell looks around the inside of the church with the goddess on his back. "Hmm where could you sleep," he thought to himself. He then noticed a small doorway and headed towards it.
She sighed laying her head on his shoulder as he finally heads in, "hmm...bell kun.." Hestia remembers closing her eyes, "'I'm Hestia, a goddess from heaven." Slowly the young girl even starts to fall more and more asleep behind him as her body feels limp but he could feel breathing on his neck.
Bell Cranel blushes even more as the warm breathing against his neck felt quite well. He could also feel her weight begin to push into his back and started to fidget every so slightly. Bell headed towards the doorway and down the stairs that were connected. "Its wonderful to meet you, Hestia." He soon reached the end of the stairs to find a small room with some furniture like a bed, a couch, a small cabinet and a little bathroom.
She stays quiet as she's now already asleep, her body and her breasts pushing against and arms falling to the sides with her head leaning against him. She was completely out not being able to wake up now anymore.
Bell blushed even more as he felt Hestia push into more. He looked around the room and noticed the bed. Bell made his way over to the bed and placed Hestia on it. Hestia looked quite adorable when she was sleep, like a true goddess should. His body ached a bit and he yawned. He put some covers on Hestia and sat down on the couch.
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