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Disappointing Anime (Possible Spoilers)


Promise Nothing, Deliver Less
Jun 8, 2012
I'm a big fan of anime. I normally keep up with what's currently airing in Japan, I often watch a few episodes of anime a day, some people even say that I watch an unhealthy amount. While I would like to say that everything I watched is pretty good, there were some that I was left a bit disappointed with. I often talk with friends about what shows we watch, what we liked, and what we disliked. Sometimes it's led to arguments, and I was eventually curious to hear about what some other people's opinions are about various shows. I'd like to know what shows left you feeling disappointed. Talk about the shows that were often hyped up for your, either by friends, the original property the anime is based on (manga, novel, game), the previous season if it's a returning show, or if the season started out strong only to finish poorly. It doesn't even have to be a show you hate. Maybe you were just left unimpressed by a show that's popular with a lot of people.

A couple of things I'd like to say before we get started. Beware of spoilers! I'm sure that some people will have to reveal the ending to explain why they were left with their opinion of the show. Also, this is all opinion based. I'm aware that someone on here will eventually talk negatively about a show you like. Do not take offense to it and start a fight on this thread. If you really feel that you have to settle something, send the person a private message. This will not be a place for people to bicker back and forth. And with that, I'll go ahead and get started.

An anime I didn't care much for, that I heard got some decent praise, was the Tokyo Ghoul anime. I started out watching the manga this series was based off of. I loved it, the main character's tragic story, the awesome fights, and just seeing how fucked up each character is. The first season of the anime was alright, but the Hinami arc and the Tsukiyama arc was swapped, and various scenes were left out, taking giving important scenes less of an impact because there's less context to the reason. I can see why they switched some arcs around, wanting to make the main character seem like he's gradually getting stronger as the story goes on. However, the removal of some scenes just made little sense, such as Kaneki's trail at the Aogiri hideout, or Kaneki's torture scene. In the original manga, Kaneki gave himself to Jason to protect his friends, especially a mother and her son. Jason then brutally murders the mother and son in front of Kaneki in the hopes of breaking him. Instead, in the manga, Jason kills a couple of ghouls that work for Banjou, planning to save Kaneki. Also, in the manga, Kaneki's hair turns white because of the torture. It gradually gets whiter and whiter until he finally gives into his ghoul half. In the anime, the hair is a sudden transformation, turning white the second he gives into his ghoul half. And then there's the awkward additional scenes where Rize and Jason are forcibly added to more scenes in the plot. They kind of ruined a few scenes and developments of some characters, like taking away Amon's villainous introduction in the manga.

Despite it's faults, I still enjoyed watching the series, but I just wished that it remained a bit more true to the manga I liked. Tsukiyama is always entertaining when he's on screen, and the fights are pretty cool to watch. I haven't watched the second season, and due to the negative things I've heard from it, I don't really plan to. I'll simply continue reading the manga, enjoying the story from that, and hope that one day, we'll get a more faithful adaptation.
I've had a few anime that I've started and couldn't finish for one reason or another because I just didn't like them. I suppose, you could say, this is a means of disappointment. However, I can't compare them to a manga or videogame or any other incarnation. It's merely me just not liking the anime.

I'll start with Mai Otome. This is season 2 of Mai Hime. Now, I loved and adored Mai Hime. It was fabulous, cute and hilarious and action packed all rolled into one anime. The characters were engaging and the story was great! Basically, I loved it as was glad to know a second season was out there....until I started to watch it. X_X I think I managed to get through 3 episodes. Maybe? But then, I had to stop. I just couldn't deal. The story line was horrendous and the characters I couldn't get into it. All the charm that was Mai Hime had disappeared into the ether. Thus, my journey with this anime endeth.

Linebarrels of Iron. Hrmmm...where to start with this one. Now, normally, I'm not one for mecha anime. However, I'd been on a roll because of Code Geass/R2. I'd just come off a fantastic high with that particular anime and was interested in trying out another mecha anime. There were a few on my list to try out, but I figured I'd give one from the new line up a try since, you know, why not? As such, this meant Linebarrels. Well...holy fuck. I gave it all of 5 episodes and then said FUCK THIS! I'm sorry, I just cannot do anime where the main character is a weak, nose running pansy who in an insta-moment becomes god-like all because of armor. Just...yeah. It's unbelievable in ever facet. His entire personality changed in a nanosecond. It wasn't like Light from Deathnote where you saw hints of things from the beginning and then them getting more pronounced and eventually warped over time. God, this was just crap.

Sailor I hateth thee....I've seen enough Sailor Moon to at least have an idea of a majority of the characters. And, well, there's not much there. The characters are shallow--much like the story line--and how they relate it to mythology is just unforgivable. I suppose some people might like it since it's cutesy. But, I'm not one for cutesy. Not most of the time. And if you're going to throw mythology into the picture, then dear god...please. Mythology was brutal. And, at least do it justice by tackling it from angles that make sense? I don't know. Maybe it's a peeve (and it probably is), but it's a turn off and highly disappointing when the mythology you love is supposed to be represented, but is in a way that is completely and utterly illogical. @_@
Princess Princess
The opening and ending themes hinted at so much adorable MxM preciousness, and nothing happened in the anime!
I was so disappointed, I watched the whole thing waiting for these cute scenes to appear and they only showed up in the theme songs!
Who does that to a person? ;~;
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