Daleeria's Interest Check

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Somebody's Midlife Crisis
Sep 9, 2015
Flying High
Daleeria's Interest Check

Hello, I am Daleeria. Most people online call me Dal though. I've been wandering around for the last few months or so and meeting people. I've had some good successes and I've had some flops, and for a while real life got in my way. But I'm back and looking for new partners!!

For starters, thank you for taking the time to look at this thread. It's a bit brief right now but I'll be updating it frequently with ideas and the like.

I'm not very picky (lies) and I'm not hard to get along with (not lies), but I do have a few specific guidelines for RPs:

  • Please be literate. Obviously I don't expect perfection, or the greatest vocabulary of all time (though that'd be nice), but I do appreciate a well written post. Do note, a LOT of the time I am replying from my phone and don't get to check as well, if there's ever an issue just let me know.
  • Length is irrelevant to a good RP. I reply based off of what is given to me. If we're doing short two-three sentence posted but the story's progressing and things are going somewhere, I'll be more than happy to work with that. However if you're repeatedly given me one-liners, I'll have to put my foot down.
  • Your gender or sexuality is also irrelevant to me. I have no issues RPing with anyone. I, myself am bisexual. Never be afraid to hit me up with a good idea, if I have no interest in it then that's that, but most of the time I'll be happy to work with someone.
  • I do RPs via PM, forum post, IM or email.
  • I do very much enjoy OOC conversation and getting to know and plot with my partners better. I will often initiate extra OOC PMs just to chat with you. If you're not comfortable with this, I'm probably not a good partner for you

The List below is ONLY for the Top 10 in each category. For a more extensive list and look at my likes and dislikes, please check out my F-LIST.

Ons (top 10)
  • Biting
  • BDSM
  • Creampies/Risk of Pregnancy/Breeding
  • Rough sex
  • Strip tease/very descriptive foreplay
  • Age gaps/older-younger partners
  • Withholding/sexual frustration/depravation
  • Oral (giving and recieving)
  • Orgies/DP/multiples/gangbangs/etc
  • Certain levels of forced sex (ask for details)

Maybes (top 10)
  • Incest
  • Anal sex
  • Food play
  • Piercings
  • Drug/Alcohol use (cannabis and alcohol only)
  • Sexual exhaustion
  • Vanilla sex
  • Pain
  • Voyeurism/public sex
  • Ice/toys/unusual objects being inserted

Offs (top 10)
  • Bodily Functions (squirting is okay)
  • Gaping of any sort
  • Gore/Blood/Etc in sex (if it's relavtive to the story, ie fighting scenes, it's fine)
  • Animals/living insertions of any sort
  • Cumswaps/etc
  • Verbal/physical abuse (things like spanking, etc in the name of smut is okay, obviously)
  • Unintelligent partners
  • Larger than average body parts (discuss this with me)

Weird ass shit like nipple penetration, so much cum someone explodes, etc is completely off limits. Even my No's are negotiable if you give me a good reason for them.​

Tones & Themes & Story Enjoyments
[size=8pt]I love long in depth stories and plots. The more background that characters have the more interested I am with them. That said, I do brief CSs as well as really in depth ones. If any one out there loves seeing every detail of a character PM me to see how beautiful my character sheets can be![/size]
  • I like darker themes, such as dark pasts that lead to present day characteristics. Included in this is prior abuse, perhaps loss of a family member or money, depression, being bullied, etc. [/li]
  • Some of my favorite themes include people in power, forbidden loves, secret lovers, or repeated chance meetings. I like romance just as much as the smut part of it.[/li]
  • I love great monologues, poetic verses, and the like that shows off a character's passion for something. Bonus points if you can include stuff like that in there[/li]

Setting wise I'm not very picky. I love everything from Modern Suburb to Medieval Kingdoms and Post Apocalyptic Wastelands. If you propose it to me right I'll either like it or not like it!

A list of my characters, what they like in their partners, etc.

Partners: I prefer dominant male and female partners for my characters, or partners that are on more of an equal level
I Play: A variety of submissive girls and gay boys, as well as a few very strong lead female characters who just love being sexually dominated.

My Girls:

Nicknames/Aliases: Dal, Boss
Age: 24
Occupation: CEO of Chaotica Modeling Agency
Sexual Preference: Bisexual, Male Preference
Personality Traits: Independant, Strong, Passionate, Powerful, Abrasive, Submissive, Cool, Confident, Calm, Fearless
General Personality: She's very much her own person. She fights for what she loves, and her family. Her company is her baby, as much as she wants children of her own, she's holding off until it's more settled in to start a family or do any settling down.

The easiest way to capture her attention is to be confident, bold and charming. She also responds well to confident, cold and harsh as well for different reasons. That or just back her against the wall and take her. That gets her attention as well.

Height: 5'6"
General Appearance: Mid-back length wavy brown hair, bright green eyes, and tan toned skin. Nails are usually manicured, typically in dark clothes that are a bit more proactive in nature. Mid-width hips and 38D bust.
Hair ref: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a2/20/f4/a220f45db5e9338206086bb0da935ee6.jpg
Eye ref: http://www.maskcara.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/greeneyes.jpg
Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Etc: She has one scar right about her eyebrow from an accident when she was a kid. A tongue piercing, belly button piercing, multiple ear piercings in both ears. No tattoos or birthmarks
Outfit Album: ((WIP))
Settings: Dal can mold to fill any universe whether it be a fandom, original, fantasy, modern, post apocalyptic, etc.

Nicknames/Aliases: Ay
Age: 16
Occupation: Student
Sexual Preference: Straight
Personality Traits: Innocent, Girly, Unintentionally Flirty, Sweet, Hard Working
General Personality:

General Appearance:

My Guys:

Nicknames/Aliases: Yu-Yu (baby sister only)
Age: 18
Occupation: College Student
Sexual Preference: Unsure (has mostly had encounters with males, has never been with a woman)
Personality Traits: Sweet, Caring, Codependent, Loud, Energetic, Fun-loving, Playful
General Personality:

Height: 5'1"
General Appearance:
Settings: Modern Fantasy (he's a incubus in fantasy worlds), Modern

Nicknames/Aliases: G, Dumbass
Age: mid 30s
Occupation: Soldier (army)
Sexual Preference: Questionable. (Mostly straight, though he does appreciate the physique of men, and would probably be convinced under the right circumstances for MxM)
Personality Traits: Goofy, Fun-Loving, Sarcastic, Aggressive, Hot-Headed, Family-Oriented, Loyal, Occasionally Cold and Rational
General Personality: Griever is a military man through and through. Even in his own home he tends to organize everything, wake up early for his own personal drills, etc. He loves his father and baby sister (Caylee) though, and takes good care of her when she's in his care. He loves going out drinking with his buddies and has spent many a night drunkenly playing hide and seek or shooting each other with paintball guns. He's very non-judgmental and loves and accepts people for who they are. He has five kids (a set of triplets, born when he was 20 and a set of twins born just two years ago) by a previous relationship that he loves dearly, even if he doesn't talk to them all the time or even really have a deep seated attachment to two of them. He usually doesn't bring them up unless someone asks about the many pictures of the two youngest. He lets their mother have custody of them because of the unpredictable nature of when he'll get called out. He's loyal to a fault and will stand by his ex-wife on the fact that they literally just couldn't make the relationship work anymore.

Height: 6'2"
General Appearance: He has the generic look of your typical army guy; big and bulky, constantly wearing his cargo pants and an army t-shirt. His brown hair stays clipped short (mostly because he's most comfortable like this) and he can't even stand to have a 5 o'clock shadow on his face. What stands out most are his expressive dark blue eyes. He's got a strong jaw, and is relatively handsome (though he feels he's mediocre at best).
Scars/Birthmarks/Tattoos/Etc: Many many scars, even a few old bullet wounds. Has multiple tattoos on his back and arms, including a dragon and phoenix fighting on his back, the names of some dead army buddies on his arm winding down to his wrist, with various little symbols that represent them.
Settings: Post-Apocalyptic, Modern

Daleeria's Headstuffs
Some of the plots, pairings and ideas I have in my head that I would like to fulfill.

Type: 1 x 1 (Real FC)
Roles Needed: 1 female (whore) ; 1 male (business man)
Possible Pairings: m x f

Summary: She came to LA to be an actress, following a love affair who promised her the world and more if she'd abandon her family in Boston and join him in California. The sunny beaches, how the city never slept all tempted her until finally she found herself out there with the man she thought was the love of her life.

Just one problem... he was married with kids to the love of his life already.

After being abandoned, she turned to the only calling she could find just to survive and keep herself off of the streets; whoring herself out to anyone who was willing to pay her. And she was good at it, good enough to have made a reputation. Nearly 2 years after the total heartbreak she suffered, a young millionaire approaches her with a deal; $10,000 to accompany him on vacation and keep him entertained for two weeks, all of her food and travel paid for to get there, and all the spa treatments and spoiling she could ask for in that time. Too good to pass up, right?!

So she goes, and spends two weeks on the beautiful beaches of Hawaii during the day, and pleasuring him at night. In the interim they get to know each other and he falls madly in love with her charm and wit. He offers her a way out of her current lifestyle; be his semi-permanent escort. Accompany him to functions, be the woman he beds, etc, and in return he'll put her up in a nice apartment and give her anything she wants and needs. Finally, her chance to focus on her acting career instead of scraping the bottom of the bucket to survive! Or so she thinks until they find out their two weeks of pleasure lead to an uninvited consequence.
Type: 1x1 (Undecided FC type)
Roles Needed: 1 20 something female (main character) ; 1 30-something male (chef) ; various NPCs
Possible Pairings: m x f

Summary: Born and raised in the warm reaches of Phoenix, Arizona, a young aspiring cook suddenly finds herself stranded in Wisconsin in mid-winter with no support system or job after her fiance decides they aren't going to work out after all. She's forced to take a job as a dish washer to make ends meet. After hearing about her predicament her head chef takes her into his home until she gets on her feet, offering her a bedroom and full use of the kitchen as well as a ride to work everyday. She struggles with the cold, snow, and finds herself frustrated that all she can do is wash dishes and not cook, until one day he finds her cooking in the kitchen and gets a taste of the amazing dishes she creates. At first their relationship starts out as a mentor-student type thing, but eventually buds into romance as both of them share food, music, laughter and the tragedies in their lives.

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