MR Prequel: Taste of Freedom (moonlighthunter & Ink.Knight)


Sep 7, 2015
It was late at night when Thena crept from the small dorm she shared with the underdeveloped Erasers, the ones who couldn't join the rest of their kind for whatever reason but were still valuable for research. Technically she fell in that category as well, except they were all pretty similar to regular Eraser's outside of their physical or mental flaws. Whereas she was something radically different. They'd tried to make a leader, an Eraser who could think on their feet in a combat situation, and ended up with someone far too human and independent to be a reliable soldier. Not to mention she was completely color blind. They kept her around because she was good with the 'broken' ones, and because they were curious to see how long she'd last since she didn't have an expiration date like the others. But she had no intention of sticking around.

Dressed in sweats and a zip-up hoodie over a tank top she stepped carefully down the hallways so that her tennis shoes didn't squeak on the smooth floor. Her dark hair was pulled back in a pony-tail and her eyes were serious as she made her way to one of the containment rooms, stolen keys in the pocket of her sweater. Reaching her destination she did a brief check for any late-working whitecoats or patrolling Erasers before slipping inside and heading for a single cage in the corner. Most of the experiments in this room wouldn't survive a day if she took them with her, but this one had a chance. And it just made better tactical sense to team up with someone. So she crouched in front of the medium-sized dog crate.

"Hey, bird-girl. Wake up." She whispered, glancing back over her shoulder again briefly as she dug the keys out and started sifting through the ring for the right one.
Kit had only just been able to drift off in the dog crate the whitecoats placed the hybrid in when she wasn't in their tests. Her large wings curled around the female's curled up form for warmth. The whisper had hazel eyes open only moments after they were spoken. One couldn't risk sleeping too deeply, or get comfortable enough to do so. As soon as she processed what was before her, Kit tensed, curling back as far as she could from the bars.

Eraser, the bird-girl had seen many of them before and had a fair amount of distrust and fear upon seeing one with the keys to the crate. It was when she moved that the bandages on her throat became visible, hinting to some injury or healing wound from experiments. They took her voice.

Not that the quiet whimpers that escaped could help make her situation clear to the Eraser before her. Just what was she doing anyway?
Keen, dark eyes noted the bird-girl's fear and rolled slightly in exasperation. So she did the only thing she could think of to make her trust her, pulling up her tank-top to reveal the deep claw marks scarred into her side from her own kind. The marks that showed how much she wasn't one of them, how they didn't trust or accept her. Plus the look in her eyes was far more human than that of the usual Eraser, softer despite the wild edge that still clung to her.

"Do you want out of here or not? Cause I have the keys, the codes, but we have to move now if we don't want to get caught by the next patrol." She glanced anxiously at the clock on the wall, knowing they only had about five minutes before a patrol passed through the labs again.
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