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Dom M for sub F, contemporary backgrounds, nothing fantastic

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Sep 4, 2015
Beijing - China
Hello from Beijing, China!

No, I’m not Chinese, just living here. And I’m not Scottish or anything either - just picked a random name out of a hat for this profile. And no: I am also not an Orc. Actually I am not even into fantasy when it comes to roleplays. I am just a white guy living in China, age 44, straight, nothing strange at all. So much for the private stuff. Now lets get down to business.

I am looking for co-writers to make up stories set in a contemporary what I like to call real-ish background. Now: No need to be ultra-realistic in each detail, but I prefer things generally believable and down to earth so to take a few liberties then when smut is concerned.

The main protagonists I like to see in stories are submissive girls, women or ladies on your side against devious, manipulating and somehow unpleasant, unattractive or otherwise “difficult” male or males run by me. I’m okay to run extras and side characters (including females) if a story needs that besides the main characters.

My medium these days to play by are PMs. E-mails I only use to pass pictures to support a story. IMs do not work for me, China likes to mess with these. I also got a job, other hobbies and much of a life outside a computer too, so I write at a deliberate pace. But without major distractions (vacations, visitors coming to Beijing, special events etc.) I like to proceed at at least one post a week.

Below now details about what I like and what I do not like. Can at times be negotiated, but I like to give you a bit direction to think along.

This is how I like to design and define the framework of a story.
I like to keep the background down to earth so that the smut part can be a tad over the top. I find porn at its core ridiculously unrealistic, which is part of the fun. But if I add an unrealistic background on top of that it just becomes too silly to me.

Furthermore I also dislike baggage. Keep it simple: Don't add elements to the story that only add work to write, but no fun. Think before you write. Don't babber stuff into the story which then later only gets into the way. If you do not plan to use something, double check why you start writing about it in the first pace. Don’t cram additional stuff into the story if you as well could use elements already established previously there.

I am fine to work with clichés. I do not mind a twist to things, but just making things complicated for the sake of 'originality' is not my thing. And the same goes for ‘drama for drama’s sake’. I see no need to make a story extra angsty, artsy or posh in order to ‘apologize’ for the smut. I do need some context for a story to be enjoyable, so random characters stumbling into a fuck is not what I like. But: I do not need an ‘excuse’ or ‘make up’ for liking dirty stories.

Backgrounds Ons:
- Contemporary & Realish
- Mundane people in run off the mill settings (office, landlord, school, work, travel etc.)
Background Offs:
- Fantasy, Sci-Fi and anything else unrealistic
- Too unusual backgrounds (secret agents, army, police, politicians, multi-millionaires, crime cartels etc.)
- Too artsy, too angsty, too artificial

The basic genders and sexual outlooks I can deal with.
I'm basically into straight male-female abuse and use - female as the submissive. Fine with adding some bi parts to this thru additional characters, be them domme or sub too. Can handle several side characters and can assist with them as you should know (because I wrote that already up above in my intro).

I really like to base the female characters on a picture. I got character files for this, but if you like to provide one (not of you - something you found online) I will take a look. Please make it a full body shot though as I like to see how your character is dressed usually.

Men on the other hand I find more defined by their actions than looks. Not browsing for pics of those. ;)

Basic Character Ons:
- Dominant males (all of them, no exceptions)
- Skewed males, unpleasant or unattractive (can be physical or personality wise - or both)
- Submissive females (though side characters can be dommes)
Basic Character Offs:
- Submissive males (not even as side characters)
- Emasculated males (no cuckholding or such)
- "Rich, charming & handsome" males. I find those dull and lazy.
- Canon characters or celebrities (except if you just want to refer to their looks)

Random sex scenes are not my thing. I need some kind of motivation to drive the story.
To explain: A 'plot dynamic' is to me what drives the story along. My roleplays are of course much about smut, but I am not into "people drop from the sky and fuck". So besides some interesting characters there needs to be some kind of dynamic that drives these characters into the sex scene. And if it is long term then over to the next. And the next. And the next. For that there needs to be a dynamic at play. Some kind of general 'plan' how to drive the story.

My stories usually evolve around some kind of 'exchange' in the widest sense. Sex (which my character is after) in exchange for something else that your character wants - or not wants, depending on how consensual / non-consensual the story is. It could be as simple as money or as non-consual as to avert blackmail. I find such kind of a 'deal' or 'negotiation' an effective tool to string on a story about smut.

Dynamic Ons
- blackmail (non consensual - your characters has to go along or suffer some ill)
- coercion (semi-consensual - your character could possible avoid sex but decides to go along to avoid troubles)
- corruption (reluctant - your character may not be eagerly into it initially, but can be bribed or talked into sex)
- prostitution (consensual - your character is open to exchange sex for whatever else she may want - money, a job, a room

Dynamic Offs
- just lust (not much into "they are hot for each other, they want sex, they have sex" - too dull)
- love & romance (which is the same dull flatline as above - just more schmoozy)
- grab & rape (too anticlimactic: character grabbed, sex ensues - same flatline again as above, just less schmoozy)

My list of pairings that I enjoy - as well as those I don’t.
As my backgrounds preferences already may suggest: I am not into anything like vampires and demons and space cadetts and all the like. So below I will only cover those roles which fit my basic background preferences: Contemporary, mundane, down to earth roles. And I focus on the female character only because let's be honest: They are the stars of any porn story. The males then get picked according to what they story is supposed to be all about.

Roles Ons
- office ladies, secretaries, executives, typists, interns
- school teachers, uni professors, freelance tutors, music teachers
- hotel staff, maids, waitresses
- high school students, college students, university students, exchange students
- tourist, business travellers, tour guides, stewardess
- tenant, neighbor
- prostitute (usually low level), part time prostitute
- illegal immigrant, hitchhiker, in debt or otherwise out of my element
- perhaps prison - but not in a Western society, needs to be somewhere with less rule of law

Roles Offs
- Medical (nurses, doctors, patients - I make an exception for psychologists though)
- Incest (maybe could handle some uncle or aunt be involved at best)
- Wifes & Marriage (so: no cheating wives, cuckolding etc. also not into fiances or boyfriends)
- "Doms & Subs" "Slave & Master" (I view these as a sexual kinks, not a proper role)
- The Rich & Famous or celebs (boring - see above)
- army, police or other environs under a lot of scrutiny

I won’t send you off to an f-list if I may as well just sum them up here.
The main elements that I like to drive your character through are humiliation, control and abuse. All else is usually just attached around that. If you can put any of your interests in context with one of the three, it will probably work. E.g.: I am really not much into tattoos. But: If it is framed in a context of controlling or humiliating you, I may consider one if you ask nicely.

My Sexual Dislikes can be discussed sometimes with a certain leeway. If a certain background is convincing for a dungeon or kidnap or such, why not? And you will not need to cater to all my sexual Likes either, feel free to sort out what you can’t stand. But the list below is a good guideline for what I will go with easily and what not

Sexual Likes
- Humiliation (verbal abuse, racism, sexism, degrading clothes and treatment)
- Abuse (spanking, face slapping, hair yanking, oral, anal)
- Control (dress codes, speech codes, rules & punishments)
- consensual or non-consensual (either/or, rarely both in the same story)
- lopsided deals: me exploiting my advantage and leverage over you step by step
- an element of discretion (people don't flaunt their sexuality on main avenue)
- watersports / bestiality (at the very far end of humiliation, i.e. pretty optional)

Sexual Dislikes
- incest and family issues in general actually
- cuckholding, cheating or messing with men in general
- dungeons and a lot of machinery (keep it simple)
- random grab & rape or kidnap (both too anticlimactic on their own)
- too much pubic exposure ("they fucked in broad daylight and no one noticed" = silly)
- masturbation (not interactive enough)
- too sweaty or filthy in general
- drugs or intoxication
- piercings in general and too much of tattoos
- lactation, pregnancy
- vore, mutilation
- foot fetish, scat

I am more looking for a co-writer than a ‘player-vs.-player’ competition.
I prefer a cooperative style of writing, where we take the liberty to bounce ideas and options back and forth, rewind and rewrite things until we like the way they read. Not really god-moding each others' characters as such, but if you can't stand suggestions and alternatives to what you write, you will not like me.

Writing Ons
- cooperation and suggestions how to improve the text, dynamic or plot
- flexibility to rewind if something does not work out well
- details besides what is done and said, otherwise the story will be too wooden
- non verbal part of a conversation (adding an adjective of how you say something is usually enough)
- having a plan to where your actions will lead to, feel free to let me in if you need me to act in a special way for it to work out

Writing Offs
- lack of detail: add a bit how you do or say something, present a bit what goes through the head of your character etc..
- lack of attention: I dislike to remind you constantly what happened before or where we are at
- mind reading, just because you read my inner monologue does not mean your character does
- stubbornness, if you wrote yourself into a dead end it is often better to just rewind and take a different path
- blabbering mindlessly off into some direction, then expecting me to get your non-idea back on track

Either PM me or send me an e-mail:
to dehantp at hotmail dot com

When you contact me, feel free to be short - but to the point. You do not need to present a fully worked out story concept to me right off the bat. Great if you got one lying around, but if you only got a vague idea what you like then feel free to send that to me and see what I can make out of it after reading through what you posted elsewhere (on BMR, f-list or wherever else you link to).

That said: If there is not much found about you online and your PM does not hold much information … don’t expect wonders from me.

Thanks for reading!
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