Looking for Vampire Slave rper

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Soft Stroke

Jun 28, 2015
United States!
Recently, I've had a large fetish for vampires. So, I want to do something that's cliche in nature, but still nice.

So, the rp follows my female who is kidnapped by a vampire and is broken and tortured in a sex slave, while being his source of food. Looking for something very kinky and dominate.

Other rps with my character being made into a sex slave is awesome.

But also, I would prefer that this be on Skype or Kik, so if you don't have either, I may have to think. I'm awful at checking forums but I chekc skype every few minutes.

I also am looking for someone who can rp quite often

So yep, doms for a normal girl. Thanks for reading this far!
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