Enemy Dimensions {Malfrost x KayLove}


Seaside Sun Bather
Aug 11, 2015
The Cave of Wonders

Starfire was on her own tonight but there was an alert on the radar, she was sure it was nothing but she wanted to go take a look just in case. She flew over the city at a fast speed, her red hair whipping behind her as her green eyes looked over the city. She enjoyed nights like this with the crisp fall evening air against her skin.

She landed on the grand lawn on the large mansion. All the lights were out inside the house but that didn't stop her from walking right up to the locked front door and twisting the knob making it forcefully open for her. She let the door swing open with an echoing squeak throughout the marble floored foyer.

"Hello? Is anyone home?" she asked in a loud voice, "We received an odd signal coming from this house. Don't fear, I'm here to help." she said to the seemingly empty house as she started to slowly walk through her eyes softly glowing as she held up a hand with one of her starbursts for light. Maybe the power just went out? She didn't know but she would get to he bottom of things.
Deathstroke had just killed the scientist that had created the device he was after. He was now looking through his lab in search of the device that was surely hidden somewhere nearby. He had just found the device when he heard someone enter the house. He hadn't be told to expect visitor, the damn man must have set off some kind of alarm without him noticing.

"Damn...someone is here..." He muttered to himself as he gripped the hilt of his sword and rolled into the shadows. He held his breath, waiting to see who the intruder might be, and to figure out what his next course of action would be, fight, or flight.
Starfire paused and listened to the creaking mansion around her, noting a faint scuffing noise down the stairs to the basement she headed down. She wished Robin were here to figure this out, maybe it was a false alarm and their pet simply pushed the button. But the hair on the back of her neck begged to differ. She dimmed her green light in her hand and entered a large room, there were many machines and devices that looked delicate to the touch so she skirted around them, the place was a mess but she assumed that that was simply a messy human's lifestyle. But then she saw the pooled blood coming from behind a large desk.

She gasped softly and quickly flew over the desk to see the dead scientist laying on the ground, she touched the cold skin of his wrist just to make sure and sadly looked upon the fallen man. She had heard he was smart that that they were protecting him for reasons that she was not obligated to know, simply that he needed to be protected and they had failed...

The man was cold but that didn't mean that he wasn't still here. "If anyone is still here, show yourself!" she said in a strong voice, "You shall not be escaping this place!" and with that two starbursts erupted in her hands and she aimed them into the dark room, shadows cast in every direction.
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