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Teacher/Student RP (Itachiru & MyNameIsNothing)


Oct 19, 2009
It was late at night when Tohru walked into her deserted classroom. She had forgotten her notes for the next days test, and boy did she need them. She was the top student at her school, Student council President even...but if she wanted to keep this up, then she'd need to study. She quietly shut the door behind her and began to rummage through her desk. She hoped Mr. Hartson had gone home for the night. He seemed to be a kind teacher...but something about him sent shivers down her spine. He made her dizzy with one smile....but she knew...she knew that he would never return her she never tried. But everytime she was close to him, her heart would pound against her chest so hard, she was sure he could hear it.
Derrick Hartson was in the teacher's lounge getting a few tests graded before heading home. He was pretty tired, but the 25 year old rookie teacher was determined to be a good teacher and return the tests when he said he would return them. He was of average height with a slightly stocky build with sandy colored hair and hazel eyes. All his students had gone home long ago, as had all the teachers. He was the last one left, even the janitors had already cleared out. He sighed as he glanced at a stack of at least 20 more tests waiting to be graded. He started making marks on the first one in the pile when his red pen dried up on him. He tried to get a little more use out of it to no avail. He sighed and got up, needing a new pen from his desk. He walked out of the teacher's lounge and made his way to his classroom. He saw the door was open and he thought he heard someone inside. He peeked inside and saw Tohru rummaging in her desk. He stepped inside "Tohru, what are you doing here this late?
Tohru's blood ran cold when she heard the voice behind her. She froze, btu then slowly got up, turning arounf to face Mr.Hartson. She looked at the floor, " notebook.."she said, softly.She never shifted her gaze to his as she clutched the brow notebook tightly into her hands.
He saw that she was holding onto a notebook. "Well you are lucky I was here, otherwise you would have had to wait till morning to get it. Did you drive here?" he asked, wondering if he was going to have to give her a ride home. If that ended up being the case, then she was going to have to wait till he finished grading papers.
Tohru flushed a bright red and looked away. "N-No...I...I walk home..."she said softly. She blushed, not realizing her skirt had ridden up a bit.
Derrick hadn't noticed yet either. "Well I can't let you walk home, follow me." he said and walked out, leading her down the hall to the teacher's lounge. "You'll have to wait until I am done grading so I can give you a ride home." he said as he opened the door for her.
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