It's Hard Being a House Elf {darkest_fate&Rand}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
Hermione Granger openly gaped at the collection of house elves before her. It wasn't the elves themselves: Hermione had seen large gatherings of them before. She knew that several dozen, if not several hundred, of them worked day in and day out for Hogwarts. Hermione had literally seen them in action, had been spurred by their efforts, formed SPEW fought for them. yet what she saw now had her utterly dumbstruck.

"This---this can't be happening!" she insisted, knowing her voice went too loud in the large room. Like many rooms at Hogwarts, this one went unused for the most part. The castle had many such chambers tucked away, not only the Room of Requirement that Harry had found and used for the DA last year, but also several others. The house elves were certain to use them all. In fact, that was how Hermione had found... found this... orgy of debauchery stretched out before her.

Prefect Hermione Granger had been researching this for, well, it felt like months but weeks might have been more accurate. She didn't want to interfere with Harry right now, as he was busy taking lessons from Dumbledore and getting everything prepared for his inevitable confrontation with the Dark Lord. So Hermione figured that she could handle something like this by herself. Besides, it was hardly the sort of thing she really wanted Ron and Harry to know about. Just mentioning it to Ron would've resulted in belly laughter. House elves stealing witches' panties, seriously? Even Hermione had thought it ludicrous. Her own hadn't gone missing, but supposedly Ginny's and several other girls' had. As prefect it was Hermione's job to check it out. And as the president and founder of SPEW, it had been her task to believe the elves innocent until proven guilty.

Oh, how very, very guilty they were right now. The virginal teenager couldn't believe her eyes. Never in her seventeen (fairly recently turned, mind) years of life had she ever seen... this. Not even the few times she'd nearly stumbled onto Ron or Harry looking at illicit wizarding magazines or confiscated such materials from naughty students. The room was just... filled with house elves. There had to be at least a dozen, maybe twice that. And more than half had witches' panties wrapped around what appeared to be... appeared to be their genitals. Hermione couldn't recall ever seeing house elves... genitals before. Yet here she saw several very erect specimens.

No wonder the female house elf who'd directed Hermione down here had seemed bashful. the busy-haired girl simply couldn't believe her eyes. She kept working her lips, fighting the utter terror. "you!" she said, pointing at one of them. "You stop that---" Hermione paused, looking at a pair of panties, one that looked oddly... familiar. It took her a few seconds to realize why it did so and she flushed crimson. "Those belong to Ginny Weasley, not you!" she insisted, storming toward the elf in question, righteous indignation filling her every body, making her small form quiver. She hadn't quite thought to reach for her wand yet: it still lay tucked into the pocket of Hermione's skirt, shoved against the side and nearly pushed up into her vest. Said grey vest, with Gryffindor color trim, covered a white blouse with rolled up sleeves. It all pushed down Hermione's already moderate bust, which heaved with indignation. A matching skirt, also fine grey with the Gryffindor trim, swished with nearly maximum regulation length meeting the top of a pair of long stockings.

"You give that up right now!" she insisted again, stomping a foot and gesturing toward the elf. "I can't believe you all would even consider... what do you have to say for yourselves?" and she looked around, wishing that she could channel Mrs. Weasley.
The life of being a house elf was indeed a troublesome one. Having to work for witches and warlocks that often took their gifts for granted, if not outright mistreated them through malicious intent, with the offering of clothing being their main bastion of sanctuary from that life. As such, it was perhaps little wonder why a a number of these elves would take it upon themselves to have some fun at the expense of the latest generation in those family trees. There was perhaps even a perverse irony at play in how an article of clothing, namely young witch’s panties, was the primary source of this ‘fun’, but none of the elves seemed to care on such matters as they busily went to work in enjoying the ill-gotten wears.

A number of them didn’t even appear to care when the Granger girl showed up on the scene, with a few of them even seeming to have grown further aroused at the fact that one of the young witches they’d so far ignored was now watching them play with her classmates underwear. The one busying himself with Ginny Weasley’s panties simply stared at Hermione as she called him out on it, with a perverse little smile spreading across his inhuman features as he spat out, “Mine for now! She can have them back in another minute!”

His hand started jerking the panties even faster along his concealed cock as a few of the elves laughed at the response from their different placements within the room. “The little witch is jealous!” One of the elves on a far corner suggested, with another that sat upon the table with one pair of panties on his head and the other hanging off his arousal suggesting, “Are you mad we didn’t take your panties, too?!”

Another chorus of perverse snickers came out of this, with the house elves gazes started to settle upon Hermione in a way that perhaps wasn’t the most promising in terms of her intent on getting them to listen to what she had to say. “Maybe we take your panties right now?!” One house elf seated upon a nearby stool suggested, as it reached out with a cool poker from the nearby fireplace and snuck it under Hermione’s skirt long enough to lift it and give them a good peak before she could brush the object away.

They seemed to ignore any other words of indignation she had to say as they snickered and whispered amongst themselves in a less than promising way, before the young witch’s attention would be returned to the elf that was ‘busying’ itself with Ginny’s panties. “All done! Here!” It called out, before suddenly flinging her friends panties, now soaked with several loads of house elf cum, into her beautiful young face.

This earned a few cackles from the other elves, but this wasn’t simply a lewd gesture on their parts, as the soaked panties acted as a big enough distraction for a couple of elves to sneak in on either side of the clever little witch. “She needs to loosen up!” One of the pair said, before Hermione was suddenly struck on either side by a bolt of magic. Even she could get to her wand in time to deflect one, the other should prove successful in hitting its target, as they aimed for the girls midsection and hit her with a strong enough dose to likely cause a slight loss in balance.

By now, each of the elves had taken a break from playing with the panties in hand, as every one of them gazed upon the witch who would soon find her senses heightened in such a way that even her very clothing would prove ‘uncomfortable’ to wear. “Come on, now! Let us see those panties!” A particularly bold house elf declared as it and another suddenly grabbed onto Hermione’s stocking covered legs; their slimy cocks rubbing themselves along the material of her stockings, while their skinny fingers reached under that lengthy skirt to teasingly stroke along her inner thighs as their hot breath could be felt upon her skin.
Mine for... did he really say that? Hermione sputtered for a few seconds, trying to even figure out how you responded to something like that. Her brain could barely even process that a House Elf had actually said as much. Then he kept going and Hermione found her gaze dropping. Soon her brown eye went wide as she realized what was going on, what the elf was actually doing with it. Her mouth worked, noises of protest leaving but none actually forming words.

Until, that is, they teased her about her own panties. "What? No! I'm just... appalled that--" Hermione found herself cut off as they snickered. "That you would even---!" she began again, only to pause as a house elf began prodding her with a long metal poker. The sudden breeze to her nether regions made Hermione let out a gasp, her hands flying down to smooth her skirt, her body whirling to glare at the house elf in question. Had there been school regulation panties, doubtless Hermione would have had them on. Instead she'd opted for a comfortable pair of demure white cotton, with just a little red bow right in the middle. Not that the elves would've gotten to see it: not with the length of Hermione's skirt. They would see the back clinging to a plump teenage rear.

The distraction worked enough that Hermione lost attention on the masturbating elf. It wasn't until she heard the exclamation that she whirled back. "Now you don't--" she began, only to end up flinging up her hands as panties flew toward her face. She'd barely managed to intercept, feeling the wet on her flailing hands for a few moments. "You all need to calm down. Look, I don't want to --" Hermione looked around as the elves flanked her. "I don't want you to be---" were they pointing at her for--

Then the magic hit Hermione and she took a step back, nearly losing her balance. The girl panted, staring wide-eyed at the elves around her. "I just want to help you!" she insisted, sounding so appalled and disbelieving of what was happening that it was all that came through. Her clothing felt strangely tight, however, almost as if it it had shrunk... no, not that. It still felt fitting. It just felt... coarser, as if they'd changed the fabric.

Before Hermione could even process that, a pair of elves latched onto her legs. She again nearly lost her balance. "No, no, stop it!" she said, particularly as she felt a blast of sensation shooting up her legs. Fingers were crawling up her thighs, which would've been sensitive even without magic. The girl bent down, hissing. "Get off!" she nearly snapped, waving at the elves. She finally started digging for her wand, having had more than enough of their behavior. "I can't believe you're making me punish you all!" she said, nearly gasping as she kept fighting, both to dislodge elves and to keep her balance.
A few cheers were made over the efforts of the two house elves going for her legs as the pair in question fought off Hermione’s attempts at dislodging them from her limbs. The statement of having to ‘punish’ them seemed to stir the elves into a greater fervor, however, as the notion of punishment had a rather negative connotation for a number of them in past experiences with older witches and wizards. “Maybe we punish you, instead?!” One of them suggested, while a third house elf made their move onto the teenager by jumping onto her back and clinging while she was bent over.

The young witch would be able to feel it as the small creatures erect cock started to rub against her through the skirt, while its hand snaked into a side opening of her uniform where she was going for the wand. “Got it!” The small creature would alert its partners triumphantly, before tossing the wand into the gathering crowd of house elves, whom would then hide it away out of sight and, for them, out of mind. “I have something else you can grab instead….” The lewd elf on her back let out as he pulled up the back of her upper garments enough to angle himself and slid that already moist cock beneath it; allowing him to begin ‘dry humping’ along Hermione’s soft skin from beneath her clothing.

The pair hugging onto her legs had remained busy during this time, as then both reached up at roughly the same time to grab either side of the young witch’s panties. “We got them! We got them!!” One of the elves let out triumphantly as they forcibly pulled the underwear down to her ankles for everyone to see, leaving the poor witch very exposed for what was to come next.

One of the elves hugged onto the panties in such a way as to both let his own genitals rub along the inside of the freshly worn and still warm material, while the other stepped upon his back for leverage and plunged his head upward into the teenage witch’s skirt. The others wouldn’t be able to see what came next, but the outline of his head and pointed ears would be noticeable within the front of the Granger girl’s uniform, as his eager tongue went to work on getting in those first messy laps at her virginal sex. This particular elf had a rather long tongue for the size of his head, as it lathered along the outside of Hermione’s previously untouched folds, with the tip teasing at the prospect of delving inside.

The others elves watched and listened while their partners teased and started up the ‘punishment’ of the young witch, as a few of them resumed jerking off their cocks with the by now soiled panties while gazing directly upon the poor girl. The one on her back was mimicking the act of sex in the way he was thrusting away along her back while scooting about to avoid any attempts at being pulled away or shaken off, while the one holding her panties between her ankles made keeping her balance even harder to do as he humped away at the warm front of the material, while his legs wrapped around one sock covered ankle and his hands gripped onto the other for leverage.
"What?" Hermione sputtered before feeling something collide with her back. the incoming house elf hit the already unsteady teenager, knocking her nearly to her knees. Had she not just barely caught herself, no doubt Hermione would have hit the ground. She could feel it thrusting against her, clinging to her clothing and pushing along. Each push of its member dragged her clothes across her sensitive flesh. The girl couldn't help but shiver at the sensations, feeling the drag sending little sparks of feeling. She'd been so wrapped up in what was happening that yet again she found herself losing her wand.

"No! You can't have that!" she said, moving to try and lunge after it. The new angle made it that much easier for the elf to slide up under Hermione's blouse and shirt. She let out a squeal as she felt the hard fleshy rod slide along her still sensitive skin. The action sent her straight up, her arms going first to her side in shock, then starting to move behind her. Of course, this meant that her attention shifted off the two on her legs for the moment. That left her open to their attack, and Hermione didn't realize what was happening till she felt cool air kiss her quite sensitive sex.

"No!" she said again. Abandoning the elf on her back, Hermione lunged forward, swiping for her panties. The lunge meant she was in a slightly awkward position, leaving the one behind her to keep thrusting while another climbed up her front. "No, no, NO!" Hermione insisted, panic beginning to set in now. She started slapping downward, desperate to get the elf away as she felt little fingers sliding against her thighs. Her legs trembled stumbling, feeling her own panties trip against her. Hermione tried to shove her legs together, only to find the elf having already gotten all the way up. Hermione's little sex was just a little slit in her flesh, the mostly untouched region looking downright girlish. A few light brown curls dotted it, along with a small, mostly wild bush that crowned atop it. Her little sex soon found a tongue slathering against it, the sensations making Hermione gasp.

And down she went. Her legs simply couldn't hold it any more. She fell hard, lunging forward, landing on her knees. Her legs pulled together, and surely she thought she'd crush at least on house elf with her fall. Despite what they were doing, Hermione still didn't want to hurt them. "No, stop!" she whimpered, jamming her legs together and reaching down between her legs. "I don't want---" she could feel her sex warming as the one between her legs went to town. The girl groaned, and tried to pull herself inward, curling down while simultaneously shoving back, trying to at least dislodge the one from between her legs. Surely it shouldn't be that hard: she was larger than they, after all.
The few house elves in the way of her fall were quick to move out of her way, but otherwise remained focused upon the scene before them as their cocks hung out lewdly with fresh cum from having made ‘use’ of her classmates panties. A few cheers and snickers came out of the elves as the one between her legs made use of this change in positioning by planting his feet into the floor and really delving his pointed face into the witch’s inner thighs. His tongue was eager and attentive, with the sound of it going to town on the virginal teenager’s exposed sex being loud enough to fill the room, as he fought against Hermione’s attempts at brushing him away.

Unfortunately for the clever Prefect, those efforts at physically pushing the couple of elves away had not only proven unsuccessful in their efforts, but they allowed her skirt to ride up enough to provide a peeking glance at a fresh, curvy pair of targets. Without warning, Hermione would feel a pair of feet standing upon the back of her thighs, along with a set of hands gripping onto her skirt for leverage and as handles, before suddenly taking in the sensation of a wet cock thrusting itself within the curving peaks of her rear.

Much like the one enjoying itself by dry humping along the swell of Hermione’s slender back beneath her top; this one was mimicking a humping motion by sliding his slimy cock between her cheeks in a method that muggles often referred to as ‘hotdogging’. His cock was stroking itself within Ms. Granger’s cheeks, the underside of that throbbing length occasionally brushing itself along that puckered hole near the center, as the tip repeatedly poked out from the top of that tight rear, near the tailbone, with the head thrusting into the inside of her tightly held skirt and leaving a growing moist spot there as result.

Higher above, a couple of the house elves had moved toward the flailing witch’s chest area, with one of them taking the chance to aim their opened palm and, with a perversely menacing smirk the next time she may have looked his way, blasted her in the chest with a second burst of magic. This time, the magic seemed to affect the girl’s clothing, as her uniform was suddenly moving on its own as the front felt open with buttons being popped off and a clean rip forming down the middle from her neck area, all the way down to where the skirt began. This allowed for the uniform to remain largely intact, while at the same time causing her bra covered breasts to hang freely out of the freshly made opening.

This caused a chorus of snickers and cheers to erupt from the other elves, as a couple of them, clearly not caring about whether to dropped the rest of her weight on them or not, slipped underneath to begin fondling at the young witch’s barely constrained bosom. “These are nice! Not all saggy like some of the teachers here!” One of the house elves with a tendency to spy on the older witches stated as its hands moved to crudely cup and knead at one of Hermione’s currently very sensitive breasts. The other house elf played at the peak of her breast through the bra, with his skinny fingers finding and tweaking at her nipple through the material, “I knew it! She’s enjoying the attention here!!“

By now, several of the elves had moved in closer to watch their companions as they finally pulled at Hermione’s bra to yank it upward and allow her growing breasts to fall free with of a light bounce. Immediately, the peaks of each mound was assaulted by one of the two house elves, as one quickly wrapped its mouth around her right nipple to begin suckling upon it lewdly, while the other flicked its flexible tongue in a torturous manner that caused light, moist slapping sounds to emit from the area in question. Both of them had placed their eager, grabby hands upon their respective breast, as they teased and lathered up the witch’s chest with their mouths, while those tending to her lower body continued to work her over to their own delights.
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