Mass Effect: The Battle for Spectre {LittleCookie x ThomasRHellsing}


Jun 6, 2013
You gotta guess!

Masuna Haswell had always dreamed of being in the Alliance military and she achieved that dream several years ago. Hearing the stories of the great Commander Shepard and how she saved the galaxy made her inspired to achieve her dream of being in the history books. Her next step was to become a Spectre, the special agency of elite soldiers in the galaxy and who only answer to the Council. Masuna was always one to play by the rules however, as she never questioned orders from whomever her commanding officer was. This would be her latest test to see if she really was a suitable recruit for the Spectres.

Masuna recently heard she would have a partner joining her in this training exercise. However she had been waiting a long time and who knew how much longer she would have to wait. She may have played by the rules a little too much, but Masuna was not known for her patience. As she tuned up her sniper rifle and make sure it was loaded, she grew increasingly impatient. How long was this new partner going to make her wait? Just from the looks of the current situation, she knew that whoever would show up would not be likable in the least.
Thomas “Massacre” Shepard groaned as his omni-tool went off. The former Red Tails enforcer sat up slowly. He blinked as the clock showed the time. Swearing lightly he smacked the naked Asari in the bed on the ass. Both women groaned as Thomas said, “Sorry ladies, The Commander has to report in. you gots to get the fuck out.”

One of the Asari a dancer rubbed his hard pecks, “But Commander, we wanted to give you a good morning kiss.”

Thomas chuckled, as he said, “Well I suppose I have time for a quick kiss.”

The other Asari spoke, “I don't want to kiss you on the mouth, as she moved between his legs he smirked.

Thomas smiled, as he leaned back, it was the first day, he could be a bit late.

An hour later, around thirty minutes late, Thomas stumbled from the shower. Pulling on his hard suit. It was an almost black red, with neon green highlights. The N-8 designation on his left breast plate. Thomas had soon called a sky car. Wondering why he was here. Thomas had been a member of the Red Tails, his father a workaholic, his mother a slut. Both had lived had with the Shepard name. Thomas had discovered young he liked to fight. He was good at it too. He'd probably still be in the Red Tails, if he hadn't gotten busted, a group of Blue Sun and Eclipse mercs had attempted to force out some Red Tails on a colony. Thomas had been found drenched in Asari and Salarian blood, medi-gel barely holding his insides in.

His great great great, bloody ancient grand mother had visited him an they'd had a conversation. She said she saw the Shepard rage in him. Since he was sixteen at the time, she was having his sentence deferred but she was going into personal training with her, then joining the military if he wanted to avoid a major sentence.

Thomas had agreed, and here he was. Tied for top place in the N-8 program, a scary powerful biotic and a true soldier. He'd disobey orders if they were something he didn't lie. He was brutal and efficient. He'd earned the name Massacre after he'd been sent to deal with some pirates and killed them all. His lax view of following the rules meant he had some enemies, but he inspired loyalty in his men.

Stepping into the office, he saw his new partner, nodding he said, “Sorry I'm late, my hard suit's shield plate wasn't coming completely online, I had to take it out and adjust it a bit. Has our Superior Officer checked in yet?”

Thomas moved towards his desk, glad his gear was here. He took it out an began checking it over.
Masuna had the biggest irritated look on her face, knowing that her partner was a bit late. She hated people that kept her waiting and trying her patience. Still tuning her sniper rifle, she remembered having a conversation with Shepard, her ancient grandmother and she was quite passive and played by the rules, but to never be afraid of taking action. How could she though? Masuna was never one to do that, nor disobey her superiors. The rules were the rules and there was no going against that.

Masuna was destined to be a Spectre, as it was her dream and her family's dream. She wanted to help everyone around the galaxy, from Turian to Quarian to Asari, even the Krogan. Her training in being a sniper would soon prove to everyone that she was ready. Now if only her partner would get her on time, Masuna wouldn't be so cranky. As she saw her partner finally come in, she sighed in relief. How could he make her wait like that? It was about time he showed up, looking all smug and proud of himself.

"Yes, he's just getting the test ready." As she kept checking her rifle, making sure it was polished. Masuna turned to him, asking a question.

"Why were you so late? You know that nobody should keep their partners waiting."
Thomas shrugged, "I've been in the N-8 training for the last two years. I'm on the citadel, home to so many beautiful exotic women. I got a bit greedy, I should have quite after the sexy Drell waitress, but I saw this Turian who had the biggest rack I've ever seen on a Turian female. Then I got charmed by these two Asari sisters, or cousins, I can't remember, but they said they were related. There's a rules, if two asari ask you to go to bed, you say yes, even if it kills you."

Thomas pulled out his Black Widow Sniper Rifle, he'd modded it heavily. He wasn't as accurate as whoever the other top N-8 graduate was, but Thomas worried more about damage then accuracy. He looked at her weapon, "What mods you have on it? I tend to go for power rather then accuracy, I like the old axiom one shot, one kill. Most of my gear is modded for serious damage. Nothing quite like a spray of gore when you pull the trigger. Grandma says it's the curse of being a Shepard."

Thomas pulled out a modded Executioner pistol, an N-7 eagle, the executioner went on the front of his hard suit on his left hip. The eagle on his right leg. An N-7 shotgun joined it. Thomas was every inch is seven foot tall, and built like a marine, muscular and firm but still fast. Thomas smiled, "I know could I more live up to the jar head stereo type, but I've found Biotics while fun just aren't as reliable as a good pistol in your hand. I have masted most of the techniques, but usually I use Slam, Reave, Dominate, Flare and Dark Channel."

Thomas smiled charmingly, as he said, "So, you excited? I'm not sure how I feel, being the first Co-Spector. I get why though, with my record I'm surprised I'm being given a chance."
Masuna continued to check that her weapons were on track. Why was he trying to be so friendly with her? She didn't understand it. All she understood was follow rules, get the job done and continue to serve at an honorable status. As he said how he was attending to "beautiful women", she got pissed off even more. Masuna hated playboys and she was sure he would try to hit on her too. As she got even more pissed off by his actions and words, he questioned what mods she had on her sniper rifle, the M-98 Widow.

"I have the thermal scope, combined with enhancement and a piercing mod. That way I can see targets from miles away better than other sniper rifles through smoke and walls even while my shot penetration is increased with the piercing mod by boosting the kinetic coils. Accuracy is far more important when you're a sniper."

As Masuna listened to his nonsense about being a biotic, she didn't really care about it. She couldn't understand why he was so friendly. Irritating, smug and snob sounded more like it to her than "friendly." When she heard his question about being a co-Spectre, she immediately looked at him. Did he really think they would both be Spectres? Theres no way. Only one was ever chosen in each test.

"Only one person has ever been chosen after each test in history. We just have to show our skills and then we have to wait for the results." Masuna continued to check her pistol and shotgun for top performance. She would be at her best during this test and prove accuracy is better than damage.
Thomas snorted slightly, "You didn't get the message did you? The council has decided to try a new program, two Spectres the idea being that we would keep each other in line. After Saren and all the issues The Commander Shepard had, an the fatality of the recent Spectres who tried to be hot shots the program passed."

Thomas looked at her, "The test we're going for, is to make sure we both qualify, but yeah pretty lady, we're partners."

A Turian came out, looking at them he said, "Your qualification test is prepared."

Thomas went with the Turian, who explained to both of them, "While I have mixed feelings about The Commander Shepard's program, I believe you both are fine candidates. Here is the scenario for your test. A group of unknown mercenaries has taken over a school. Your job is to deal with the situation with as few casualties among the civillians as possible. You will be timed, and reviewed."

Thomas nodded, saying, "What's the load out, do I know?"

The Turian nodded, "14 hostiles, mostly armed with SMG's with anti-berrier and armor piercing mods."

Thomas nodded as he said, "Ok, do they know a Specter has been sent?"

The Turian shook his head negative. Thomas spoke again, "They are all security droids with hard-light holograms right?"

The Turian nodded, "Yes, but they are being controlled remotely. When you're ready walk through the door."

Thomas nodded, he tapped some buttons on his Omni-tool and said, "Listen here you cock sucking bastards. This is N-8 graduate Shepard, Specter candidate. I'm giving you to the count of ten to put you guns down, and exit the building, before I come in, and kill you all. 1-2-3."

He moved around from the hall. The various armored figures faced the door the Turian raised an eyebrow speaking to Masuna, "Maybe I was wrong, if he's running away. Maybe he realized he isn't cut out for this? He gave away any chance of surprise."

Thomas counted again, "4-Four and a half."

The Turian seemed disappointed, "Does he expect them to give up?"

Thomas spoke again, over the speaker, "Have it your way, FIVE!"

Suddenly the wall opposite the viewing room exploded. One of the man facing away pulled his gun and shot three of his friends in the head, then blew his own brains out. The ones on the far side of the wall were blown to chunks of alloy as a biotic flare detonated. The hostages ducked down, and a neon green figure was visible where the hole was firing his Black Widow three of the hard suited individuals dropped dead. The last individual has his weapon hand blown off by an executioner pistol. Thomas moved towards him, snarling, "Whose the inside man, TELL ME!"

He pressed his weapon into the stump, the droid howled in realistic pain, "I-I-Idon't what, WHAT?"

Thomas growled, "The cameras in the room are still active, you've left the hostages in the middle of the room, you either trusted none of them to act out, or you have an inside spy, WHO!"

The man whimpered, "N-no one, no one!"

Thomas shot him in the leg, the man screamed, "The Turian girl with the pink sweater. Please, please stop!"

He elbowed the guy hard in the head, turning around. The girl had grabbed a classmate, but the N-7 Eagle's round nailed her right between her eyes. A computerized voice said, "Simulation ended, civillian casualties, none, hostile casualties, 15."

The Turian blinked. When Thomas exited the door he went into attention. The Turian looked at him, "Specter Candidate, why did you go about that that way?"

Thomas shrugged, "They were Merc that had taken over a class room, using children as bargaing chips, they needed to die."

The Turian nodded, "How did you know their was an inside man?"

Thomas replied, "When I began the count down, a few of them looked into the crowd of hostages. There was a signal man."

The Turian noded, "Acceptable answers, while your methods were a bit out of the box, and a bit brutal, they achieved the objective, the most important thing for a S.P.E.C.T.R.E.. You pass, but I hope you'll look for a less bloody solution in the field."

Thomas nodded, heading out of the room. He moved to another room, saying to Masuna, "Your test is similar but different."
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