A New Time (Randomname x Dragonfoot)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
Tobias "Four" Eaton had a job to do. Today, the new transfers and initiates would be arriving to the Dauntless compound. His job was to be the instructor for them through the initiation. While he could have a higher ranking job, he decided on this. Now after two full years with Dauntless, he knew how everything worked and was confidence in his ability to lead. Hiding his Divergence was always hard but he managed so far. He only hoped that these new initiates could do the same if they were similar to him. Usually, it was easy for him to note if someone was Divergent or not. Now, he stood at the bottom of the Compound where the initiates would have to be courageous and jump down into a dark hole. There was a net to catch them, but they couldn't see it. Then, he saw an object falling through the sky and what he saw shocked him. It was unheard of.


Falling down from the roof was Thomas Robertson and his girlfriend, Tris Prior. They were both transfers from Abnegation and were both Divergent. Despite being informed not to tell anyone, not even their parents, they couldn't hide such a big secret from each other. Thomas and Tris were both Divergent and it was their little secret. Their relationship has been growing for over two and a half years now. The pair is deeply in love and they did everything together, including transferring to Dauntless and jumping off the roof, taking the plunge. Not only were they from Abnegation and not only did they jump together, but they were the first jumpers. Once they hit the bottom, Thomas looked to Tris and was chuckling. "That was fun." He said before seeing a tall man helping them down with an expressionless face. "What are your names?" Four asked and in reply, Thomas said his name, now waiting for Tris to do the same.
Tris came crashing down after her boyfriend laughing the whole way, they had finally proved themselves and the blonde was sure they had passed with flying colors but her laughter was cut short after a hard stare from Four, she cleared her throat and gave a side glance at her boyfriend "Sorry, My name is Tris... formerly from Abnegation" she said giving a dip of her head in respect since Physical contact was seen as intrusive in Abnegation. You're not in Kansa's anymore Dorothy; cut it out she reminded herself before straightening up again.

Felicity was next to jump, like Tris she had never felt truly like she belonged in Amity, everything always seemed so dull. Same greeting friendly faces everyday but it all changed when her aptitude test results came up as Inconclusive. Divergent meant you were different, different was dangerous. Her breathing was heavy after the long fall not that she hadn't felt the same adrenaline Rush that her new friends Tris and Thomas has. Felicity suddenly felt frozen to her spot as she got Four's gaze with her own.
Even though physical contact was looked down upon in Abnegation, Thomas never failed to show his affection for Tris. Once they were introduced, they stepped to the side while Thomas kept her hand in his. Leaning down, he pressed a kiss to her pink lips and squeezed her hand. They did it and this was real. It was a new chapter in their lives together. "This is awesome." He whispered to her, feeling a crazy adrenaline rush.

Four used to be Abnegation, too. No way the relationship of Thomas and Tris could be accepted. They barely accepted those when the couples were adults. Regardless, his gaze turned to the next jumper. He couldn't help but feel a little tingle when he lay eyes on her, but it was business as usual. He helped her off the net and waited before speaking. "What's your name?" He asked
Tris beamed at Thomas when he kissed her softly "They calls us stiffs but I've never seen such a emotionless expression before" she whispered squeezing his hand for reassurance that they would be safe in Dauntless. Four was..intimidating for sure but something pulled at her inside. Something seemed off but for now she ignored the nagging doubt and focused more on the freedom of showing affection for Thomas in public. "Finally no more dull clothing. No more blank faces, it's all so nice to feel free at last" she murmured while pressing her forehead into her lover's chest.

Felicity swallowed her shyness and gave him the best smile she could muster from inside "Felicity" she piped. Friendly first impressions were a virtue in her faction not that it was known to other factions. She had a impulsive nature to be polite but not in a overwhelming sense. Felicity was a pretty thing, toned from hard work of a farm life but oddly curvy at the same time. Even though she spend her time outside she still kept her ivory complexion and her Brown wavy locks were often kept in a braid and kept pinned back.
"Yeah, it does feel nice." Thomas whispered as the remainder of the initiates fell from the roof and into the room. He loved that he could be so open with her now. The only thing he had to worry about was fighting off these other guys from his Tris. He wouldn't have a problem though, he knew. Despite the strange looks from all the touching, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips, taking her lower lip into his teeth and just totally making out with her right there in that moment. He moaned into her mouth happily, kissing her hard and tangling his hands into her hair.

Four nodded when Felicity gave her name. "Welcome to Dauntless." He greeted and couldn't help but be totally captivated by her smile, though his expression wouldn't show it. After this brief interaction, he told her to move onto the side as the rest of the jumpers fell down. After minutes had passed, everyone jumped. Some where laughing and smiling while some looked deathly ill. Regardless, everyone had finally jumped and were down, all ready for Dauntless. After the last jumper had been helped out the net, Four went to the center. "My name is Four. I will be your instructor here at Dauntless. Now, follow me to what we call, The Pit." He spoke, turning on his heels and leading them to the appropriate direction.
Tris was surprised by the sudden kiss but melted into his touch almost forgetting that they weren't alone. Tris whimpered in response to his moan while it felt like her insides were set on fire from one mind numbing kiss. Soon she had to pull back for air "We aren't exactly alone Thomas" she whispered her face bright red as some Initiates gave strange looks at the couple as they headed for the pit.

Felicity could only giggle and snort at how ominous Four sounded, honestly she couldn't take The Pit seriously at how she imagined some sort of secret lair that a cliche comic book villain would have or a medieval torture room. Though she knew better to not attract his attention with her snickering since he seemed so serious.
Thomas knew the initiates were giving them stares but he still didn't care. "I know." Thomas whispered and kissed her one final time. When the group followed behind Four, Thomas took Tris by the hand while they started down. They were beside Felicity, one of the only initiates that they really spoke to. She seemed nice enough and that was all they needed for a friend. The first stop was the cafeteria but to get there, Four walked them through the chasm and then the headquarters.

Four didn't really like how the girl responded but he didn't care too much. Then, he led them over to the chasm where it was a large drop off with running water and rocks. "The chasm represents the fine line between bravery and stupidity. We want you to be brave, not stupid. Chose to be courageous but don't get yourself killed." It kept on with the ominous tone but as they go tcloser to the cafeteria, it became louder and loduer with the rowdy Dauntless just shouting as usual
Felicty stared over the railing at the roaring waterfall that fell into the dark abyss which made her feel dizzy but quickly regained her composure. She made sure to stick with the group especially beside Thomas and Tris who seemed unshaken by the chasm. Continuing on Felicity kept a sharp eye on Four seeing if she could catch any sign of a crack through his expressionless barrier what makes you tick she murmured to herself.

Tris stuck close to her boyfriend but didn't want to seem like a coward to the other members of Dauntless, to fit in was the key to remaining undiscovered though she wasn't sure who they were hiding from since Tori didn't give specifics. All she knew was that as long as they kept low and didn't attract any attention to themselves Tris was reassured everything would be fine.
Once they were at the cafeteria, he turned them loose and then Four went to eat on his own. He got some hamburger, fries, and a soda. He was always a more quiet guy so he sat down by himself in the midst of the rowdy crowd. His eyes watched the initiates, just seeing how they would be acting on their own. Before letting them go, he discussed that they should head to the bunking area after eating so they can get changed into appropriate clothing.

Thomas happily walked with Tris, not caring what the others thought. He figured the best way to avoid detection was to act natural, and being all lovey and happy with Tris was natrual for him. In line, he got a similar meal to Four. In Abengation, they didn't have this kind of food. After checking ou in the line, he lead Tris over to an empty table, sitting down right beside of her. "This food looks weird, huh?" He laughed, poking at the hamburger.
Christina, Will and Al settled next to them though they kept to their own conversations. Tris stared down at the burger in question "what is it?" She asked as she leaned over to Christina who only laughed then explained it was a burger. Tris blushed lightly flickering her eyes over to Thomas to see that she wasn't the only one poking with the new meal.

Felicity didn't feel quite fit in with the Rowdy bunch since Amity's meals were peaceful, Four seemed sort of lonely sitting by himself so she decided to join him. Settling herself beside him, Felicity could sense something tugging at her when she felt his tense Aura "So were you born Dauntless or a Initiate like us?" She asked.
Thomas just laughed before digging into the burger, or whatever she called it. Actually, the food tasted quite good and he was happy with it. "Hmm.. definitely different." He said before smiling down at his girlfriend, taking her burger and holding it up to her mouth to feed her. He always loved to do that. He thought it was cute and adorable to feed her occasionally. After letting her have a bite, he put it down and let his lips kiss her cheek. Truly, he was excited for this. A new start and a new chapter in their lives together. He wouldn't want to be with anyone else.

Four thought it was odd that Felicity just sat down with the instructor like that. However, he did admit it was nice to have some company... especially hers. "I was an initiate." Four answered with a nod. That was all he said though. His past in Abnegation was terrible. Marcus was one of his fears. He did not call him his father anymore. He didn't earn the title. And Four wasnt' really one for conversation, so he kept into his meal, occasionally glancing at the girl.
Felicity "Dauntless is so different from Amity, We- I mean they are more quiet.. reserved even. Nothing like this" she murmured staring at the burger. Felicity had never eaten mean before, Amity was vegan or vegetarian since Slaughtering animals was seen as violence. She was scared to try it. But she her kinder nature told her to eat it anyway.

Tris savored the food and immediately took another chuck out of it again "This is good" she mumbled covering her mouth before swallowing. Things were all so exciting but little did they know of what was to come.
"Well, you'll get used to it some time." Four answered with a slight shrug. It was all new and crazy to him, too. he remembered how out of place he was in Dauntless. Well, he still is. He was never a loud or expressive kind of guy. "What do you think of the food?" He asked to break the silence. Maybe he shouldn't, but he liked talking to her even if she was an intiate. She was the only one that stood out to him.

"Yeah, it is." Thomas murmured during the meal. IT was surprisingly good actually. Nothing in Abnegation tasted this good. After finishing up the food, Thomas turned his head down to his girlfriend. "Want to go head to the bunking area to get the clothes?" He suggested.
"I'm not sure about it I've never eaten meat before but I suppose I could use a bit more muscle on my bones" she joked looking down at her curvy form then observing the well muscled females of Dauntless who looked like they could rip faces off their opponents. Felicity was sure she could take whatever they threw at her, she had made it this far without hesitation. Four was well built himself but with his stern demeanor made her want to know more about him.

Tris nodded "Good idea" she mused dusting her hands of any bread crumbs and saying goodbye to their new friends before she followed Thomas to the bunking area where clothes had been laid out for the Initiates. "Hopefully Black looks better on me then Grey"
Four simply nodded and continued eating. Always being a quiet guy meant he wasn't that socially inclined, so he was rather quiet and awkward at times. However, his seriousness and sterness showed he rarely played around and made conversation to just talk. If he spoke, there was a point to the words. he wasn't just talking to fill up time. After a few moments, he finished up and glanced to her. "You might want to head to the bedding area now. Get changed into Dauntless clothing."

Thomas followed her and made sure they got a bunk together. He wouldn't be separated from her at all. However, he hoped they would only need one bed, wanting to have her sleep in his arms all the time. "Oh, everything looks good on you, baby." He winked, kissing her before starting to slip off his clothes and beginning to tug them on
Tris turned red when he started to shed his clothing before her, she hadn't bedded Thomas in the years they had been together and frankly the foreign feelings of arousal made her nervous because she wasn't sure how to go about. She turned around so she could block the image of his half naked form. Swallowing hard she slowly stripped herself of her clothing to put on the Dauntless ones.

Felicity suddenly shot up, seeing most of the Initiates were exiting the Cafeteria heading for the bunking area. "Shit, I better go. Catch you later Four" she mumbled catching up to Christina, Will and Al.
Bryce noticed how Tris turned away from him when he was getting nude to change. However, he thought that was strange. Sure, it would be frowned upon in Abnegation, but something told him that it didn't matter in Dauntless. When he was fully dressed, she was just starting to get dressed. From there, he walked right in front of her to take in a good look at her body. "I always knew you had a nice body... I've just never been able to see it before." he winked, beaming happily at seeing her while she changed clothes. He was so happy that she was his and his only.

Four just nodded and nearly laughed at her urgency. "Alright." He answered, continuing his meal. When Felicity got to Christina, Will, and Al, Al was the first to speak up. "Getting friendly with the instructor, hm?" He chuckled and Christina nudged him. "Don't listen to him Felcitiy, I think you should go for him. " She spoke, giving a sly wink
"Shut up" she murmered but with a smile on her face none the less. She blushed lightly but wasn't as easily flustered as Tris. But that didn't mean she was any less embarrassed by her friends taunting. Giving a glance over her shoulder at Four before clearing her throat.

Tris smirked at him giving him a the same once over he did to her, Her shyness melted with the coy lips that sprawled over Tris's lips "I'm glad you think so" she laughed lightly before taking out the bun from her hair so the blonde locks would cascade over her shoulders.
While the new initiates were going to change, Four went up to his room to the same. Usually, he wasn't that easily impressed and definitely not so easily flustered. however, Felecity had done something to him. He wanted her to succeed and he felt a special connection to her in more ways than one. She was divergent, she had to be. There was somethign about her and that mean he needed to protect her so he showered quickly and then returned down to finish the tour.

Bryce grinned before finally getting dressed and watched her. Her blonde hair fell so beautifully down her shoulders and made him realize just how lucky that he was. "God, I love you so much, Tris." He whispered and kissed her neck from behind after she was dressed. "No matter what, I promise I'll stick by your side the entire time..." he told her, squeezing her tighte.r
Tris enclosed her grasp arounds his hands in return "I love you too" she murmered before turning around to face him with a soft kiss to his lips "There is a Tattoo Shop, Christina and others want to check out after the Tour you in?" she asked rubbing herself against him indiscretly becoming bolder with her Affections as he had with her.

Four Intrigued Felicity in the same way but he was a Instructor and her nothing but ablowly recruit from Amity. How was is possible that someone raised to be a pacifist switch to be a soldier. She didn't know but Felicity was more then willing to find out what Dauntless had planned. Four didn't seem so bad behind the stone expression he kept but It was Eric that scared her the most. Eric's steel eyes pried deep within her asbto find any weakness enbedded deep within her. If the Inciates were to make it pas the brutal beatungs to come, Felicity and Tris would have to harden like they were expected too.
After Tris had rubbed herself against him, Bryce couldn't help but smiling down at her. He loved seeing her starting to become bolder with her affections. He would be doing the same and undoubtedly knew they would finally have some fun with each other. "Tattoos? I think that's a great idea. I might go and get your name tattooed on me." he told her, wondering if she would like that idea or not, his hand rubbing through her blonde hair efroe turning and moving to join everyone for the tour.

Four arrived with Eric to greet all the initiates. Eric did most of the talking, trying to scare the initaites in saying how hard this would be and the new rule (that Four hated) of the cut off line at the end of each section of training. Anyone below the line would be factionless. Finally, he turned it over to Four so he could lead the initiates around the compound. His eyes glanced every so often over to Felicity just to steal a glance at her. He couldn't help hiimself now and despite her being an initiate, he hoped that after this was over and she was in Dauntless and he wasn't her instructor, they could have a chance to talk.
Felicity's mood quickly changed after discovering if she couldn't beat the other Intiates she'd be factionless. Her eyes sweeped through the crowd and found herself locking her focus on Four again. Her throat felt constricted with fear after feeling Eric's brutally honest threat, The punk wannabe frightened her beyond reason. Felicity could only hope that she could hide her "indifference" away from prying stares.

Tris beamed brightly "I love the idea but that would be truly up to you" she said softly, shivering at feeling Bryce's hand brushing past the sensitive nerves at the dip in her neck.
After this brand new rule had been explained, the initiates were allowed to break off. Four stood beside of Eric as the initiates began to clear out. "What's the matter, Four? Do you not like the rule?" Eric smirked at the man whom just shook his head. "It is what it is, I guess." Four muttered and started pacing away. Subconsciously, he already decided that no matter what, Felicity would make it. That was one thing he had to make sure of as he could only hope that she did well with her training.

"Yes, let's go get tattoos." Bryce nodded, his hands still wrapped around her neck while kissing her again. "Okay lovebirds! Stop messing around and let's go!" Christina chuckle and that made Bryce smile again before releasing her head from his grasp and taking her hand in his, walking down the long corridor with her.
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