Welcome to the year 2020. The US went into martial law halfway into 2016, thwarting the elections that year and sending the economy into a tailspin. Wars escalated all over the planet, with drought, disease, and biological weapons plaguing the atmosphere, people began to die off for unexplained reasons.
Then the dead began to rise...

Check back often for updates!
1. This is supposed to be fun. Let's keep it that way.
2. I am the GM. All disputes or questions go through me and my final word is law.
3. Be considerate of others. Don't puppet other's characters or god-mode, or be an ass.
4. Part of being considerate of others is to give everyone a chance to post, but if someone takes too long (3-4 days without a response) then I'll move the post along and give that player a chance to jump back in.
5. On that note, let us know if you need to be gone for a significant amount of time or if you want to drop out. Life happens, and we all know that real life comes first.
6. If your character does stupid things then he/she may suffer for it.
I will lay out the scenarios and direct the game just like good old D&D style games, but without the dice! How does that work, you ask?
Here's how: In your post you describe what your character is trying to accomplish. For instance, "John laid his rifle barrel on the window sill and took careful aim, knowing that a missed shot could be fatal for his friends, but if he didn't try then they would die. Slowly he pulled the trigger."
Then I will post "John's bullet flew true, zipping across the long yard, and taking out the zombie's neck instead of it's head. It did the trick, however; the creature stumbled back and the momentary pause in it's attack gave Gail the time she needed to get away from the threat. A moment later the walker went down, it's head smashed by Peter's pick axe."
How do we design our characters?
I'll set up a Character Profile thread with the rules for your characters. All questions can be directed back to this OOC.
Can I have pre-existing relationship with other characters?
Of course! Coordinate with other players and include it in your characters' bios. It's all good.
When will you post, GM?
Most of my posting will be Monday - Friday, though I'll be reachable for questions during most weekends.
How often do I have to post?
To keep the play fair I'm hoping that everyone can give each other a chance to respond to a post before reposting. If 3-4 days have passed and there is no movement I'll post to get us going again. If everyone is online and we all post once a day or more that's great, but I would like to not leave anyone behind by moving too quickly, nor do I want to stall the story by going too slowly.
Added 8/19/15 - Can the zombies run? (PM question)
The zombies will start out as basically feeding machines, bent on finding living food. Humans are their preference but any flesh will do. If they do not eat they will decay more rapidly and eventually fall apart, until there is no ability left to be a threat. They walk or shamble at this point, and they are able to walk up slopes or climb simple stairs, but they do not have the mental capacity to climb a ladder or turn a knob on a door.
Added 8/19/15 - :Is it okay to post more than one time if another person has not posted yet? As long as it does not move the story away from the person who hasn't posted? Say You me you me and then the other two?" - from a PM question.
Sure. If other players aren't in the scene or they aren't in a position to interact that would be fine.
If you and another player have some back and forth conversation and want to create a co-post that is edited from PM or IM interaction you can as well. Just post a disclaimer at the beginning that this is a co-post between you and the other player.
~Feel free to ask questions or just chat in this thread.~