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Tying the Knot ((Vivid Fizz and zero5906))

Vivid Fizz

Oct 17, 2009
It was a beautiful spring day. The weather had finally started to look up and that made Meghan want to go out and enjoy it. She took in a breath of fresh air and let out a sigh. Luckily there was a park not too far away from her house where she could do some hiking. The beautiful young girl prepared a pack and headed out.

Today it was just going to be her and nature. The forest was alive with activity. It was such a perfect day. As she walked she came upon something that she never thought she would. Resting was a creature that appeared to be part fox and human.

“Wow!” she exclaimed as she walked over to it, not caring for the danger it might cause her. This was just too interesting for her not to notice. The girl had always loved foxes. They were her favorite animals and sometimes she even thought about how their fur would feel rubbed against her body. She flushed as she knelt beside him.

Ricky was a sound asleep til Meg came to him kneeling beside him, he slowly opened his eyes turning over on his side facing her showing his massive red knot and member hanging down sagging and was in perfect sight for her to see it. He looks up at her puzzled of who is and what she wants, "Ello? What are you here for miss and what do you want exactly from a homeless anthro fox...?" He sat up wondering about her but he was starting to realize that she was very beautiful and sexy with lovely sized breasts, he thought to himself thinking 'maybe she wants him to bring home with her and then he would have a home not to mention possibly a mate for lifelong companionship' but he was uncertain. Ricky looked deeply into her hazel blue eyes falling into a hypnotized trance from gazing at her beautiful eyes and seductive.
It talked! She blinked at him for a few seconds. If she had ever listened to common sense she would have probably screamed and ran off in the other direction. But Meg was completely and utterly fascinated. Before her was something that may have come out of her deepest fantasies. He was attractive, with a nice body. Her cheeks flushed.

“Well, I have no idea what you are,” she replied honestly. “I have never seen something like you before.” A smile crossed her lips. Homeless? Maybe she could take him back to her apartment for awhile. If he were tame enough. It certainly seemed that way. “But you said you don’t have any place to stay? I suppose the human part of you would like a roof over your head, huh?”
"I'm an anthro fox, basically cross breed between fox and human, and I am a rare species" Ricky waved his fluffy orange tail around using his tail to hold his knot and member getting dirty from ground. "Yes, I'd really love a home...especially with you miss...your so beautiful and smell good even" He also wondered if she want to be mating companions with him and lovers, he looked at her cutely with his big green emerald eyes hoping she would take him back to her home and hopefully tell him she needs a companion and mating partner. He was perfectly tamed though there are some key differences like he'd seen a toilet, he normally dogged a hole in ground and went in there, though maybe she has different expectations instead him going in toilet.

(Maybe she could want to eat his feces, as well drink his urine and cum, and also maybe she has bodily malfunctions of having to poop and pee very often as well in looong durations? That ok?)
It must have been rare, she hadn’t even heard of such a creature. She smiled. He was simply adorable. She gave him another look over and she let out a small gasp. He was huge. She had never seen such a large piece of meat before. Well, she was going to have to give him a pair of shorts of something. “I need a friend. I am alone in my apartment right now. It’s a little small… all one room. I hope you don’t mind.” With a shrug of her should her pack was off. Just in case she had brought a sweatshirt. Right now that was going to work. “Here, wrap this around your waist so people don’t see your stuff.”

Meg had no idea that he could change himself into an actual fox though. “You’ll like it at my place, I promise.”

((That is fine. Though she may not do it right away and only when she is feeling playful))
"Anything is better than nothing...and plus now I wont be the way, no need for that sweater" Ricky says that right he morphs before her eyes turning into a normal lil fox then he jumps right into her arms with belly facing up with tail between legs.
He leans up and licks her nose and lips softly then lays back into her arms starting to groom himself like a cat, he also liked to keep himself nice looking to show off his nice colors. "Carry me please miss? By the way, whats your name? I'm Ricky"
Ricky paws at her tank top where her D breasts were, clearly wanting some breast milk acting like a fox pup and opens his mouth waiting.
She let out a squeal of delight. How cute! The little fox cub was so adorable. She eagerly let him jump in her arms and lick at her face. She was stunned as he pawed at her tank, pulling the material down. Though she thought nothing of it. She had a cat that used to do the same thing and she thought it was cute.

“My name is Meghan,” she replied as she started to carry him back to her house. She wanted to get him home right away. Her own roommate that could turn into an adorable little baby fox. She gently rubbed the top of his head. “So what sort of things does a cutey like you eat?”

The pulling and scratching had caused her nipples to rise against the material of the tank top. Despite how huge she was, she rarely wore a bra. They were just so uncomfortable.
"Well since I havent had milk in years...I have been forced to drink water and well that's not exactly nutritious so I'm honestly in very much need to continue on the milk diet so I stay healthy and etc." He keeps pawing at her tank top wanting her to lift enough and breast feed him while she walks home, his paws were also pretty small just like any baby of sort. Ricky starts whimpering his breast milk badly, he keeps pawing at her breasts through the tank top til he gets what he needs.
She couldn’t help but bite her lip as the fox’s paws scratched against her top, playing with her nipples. Finally one popped out, a little red and sore from the roughness. It felt too good to her and she flushed. She hadn’t had such things done to her before and she had to admit that it did feel good.

“You know, I can’t give you that milk,” she told him softly. “I’m not lactating. But I have some nice milk back at home that you’ll like.” She wondered if he would turn back when they got back. She flushed at the thought. “ We’re almost back to my place.”

She had left it unlocked. During the day they really had nothing to worry about and even if they did, she didn’t have much of value, except for her TV and Playstation 3. Daddy had paid for everything for her, so that meant all she got was the bare essentials and one or two luxury items. She didn’t mind though. He was paying her way through college after all.

Unbeknown to her, a wet spot started to appear on the part of her tank that covered her breast and the nipple that was exposed had a white droplet forming on it. It had appeared that she was one of those few girls that did lactate when her nipples were played with.
Ricky stayed in fox pup form so she could keep carrying and holding him in her arms, he widened his eyes at her nipple lactating showing a droplet of breast milk. He quickly latches his mouth on her erect nipple then bites down firmly but not too hard to hurt then starts suckling on it for Meg's breast milk, he gulps down every mouthful he gets. He looks up at her with his glowing green eyes straight into her eyes as he keeps biting down and suckling on nipple, his paws latch onto the side of her breast.
"Mmmmm...." Ricky makes lil gulping and suckling sounds as he feeds off her, he also pulls on nipple alil and stretches out more as feeds exposing his white fur coat belly to her.
Her eyes widened as he latched on to her nipple. Her face flushed and she paused in her walking. Her legs trembled as the anthro began to feed off her. It felt so good. She even made a gasping sound before continuing to walk up the stairs to her flat. Finally she was there and nudged open the door with her foot. Her breathing became rough and she sunk to the carpet.

“I-I guess I was wrong,” she managed. “You can continue it, if it helps.”

It was wrong to feel that good but she couldn’t help it. She sucked on her bottom lip and one of her fingers prodded at his little asshole. She couldn’t help this either. She wanted to make this nice for him too. Slowly her finger gained access to the tight hole and she began to move it in and out of him.
After his session of breast feeding till full and got his tight asshole fingered for the time being while he was feeding, he then jumps down from her arms re-morphing into the anthro fox form now. He walks around the single room looking around studying the way her way of living is, his tail sways back and forth and his massive red knot and member dangling down sagging in full view. "Lovely home you home you have Meg, where will I be sleeping by the way?" He asks as he turns around to her and walks back to her like a loyal dog in front of her showing her his great proud red massive knot and member. "And what do you wanna do now since we're back at your home?"
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