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FFXIV, anyone? (Hella long)

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Shipping Trash
Aug 13, 2015
Hey, nerds. KarmicBacklash here; 24, female, bored out of my mind. Lookin' for a long-term roleplay partner to alleviate some of that boredom.

So, I've got a fandom that I'm pretty much dying over right now and I'm having a hell of a time finding people who RP it at all, let alone people who might be interested in RPing the same stuff as I am. Got ads up on Reddit and at least one Tumblr blog type thing, and so far, nada. Hoping that I can get a bite here; I figure if I look in enough places, I'm bound to find someone eventually. Right? ...Right?

Erm. Anyway.

I'm warning you right now: I AM A SHIPPER and therefore literal trash. I want - nay, require - a romantic element in whatever we write, so if that ain't your bag, then please look elsewhere because KB needs her some <3 in her RPs.

Final Fantasy XIV (A Realm Reborn and Heavensward) (TEXT-BASED ONLY, not in-game.)

I. Love. This. Damn. Game. I play it with a bunch of my friends and damn if it isn't the best MMO I have ever played. What I'd really like for this one is to RP through the game's storyline opposite someone who will play Thancred for me. (Love this guy to death. Yep. I warned you I was literal trash, bro. I told you.) I'd be more than happy to play a canon character for your OC if you'd like. As should be obvious from the above, I can play multiple characters.

Expect some minor non-canon elements/slight adjustments to canon for RP purposes. For example, my character is a pyromancer, which isn't something that's actually in the game. This power is independant of the fact that she is a Black Mage, and it has its own strengths and drawbacks. I'll give details on it if and when I get some interest, there's way too much detail to put it all down here. If you have any non-canon stuff that is important in regards to your character and isn't game-breaking, that's cool too. Let's talk about it.

Please be caught up on the plot, or at least very close to caught up. And by "very close" I mean a maximum of five storyline quests away from the (current) last one. I don't particularly want to be kept waiting while you catch up/be asked to explain the storyline stuff you haven't seen yet. Anyone who plays this game knows that the storyline is hella complex and I'm sorry but I'm not about to try to put every single detail into words for you. It's just too difficult, not to mention time-consuming.

I will not RP with anyone under 20. Sorry, but RPing even clean stuff with anyone under that age makes me feel weird due to my own age (does this make me sound old? I think this makes me sound old.) and this ain't gonna be clean. FFXIV is pretty violent, and yeah, I'm going to admit it, part of the romantic element I mentioned at the start is exactly what you're thinking after reading this paragraph.

Multi-para is required, novella is fabulous but not necessary; I can get really long-winded when I have the opportunity, and I would really like that opportunity, truth be told. It's not an absolute necessity, but it would definitely make me happy. I require literate level; typos and the like are fine, that happens to everybody, but constant misspellings and grammatical errors make me twitch. As such, please have a good grasp of the English language. I write in third-person past tense, and it'd be fab if you did too.

I do not want you to be just someone I write with. I like to actually cultivate friendships when I roleplay with people, it just doesn't feel right to RP with someone who's practically a stranger. So let's talk, get to know each other and become bros. Do the fangirling thing (or fanboying thing, or fanothering thing, whatever the case may be) and throw music at each other and be all "ISN'T THIS SO THEM." OOC screwing around, being nerds, doing art/fic of our characters on the side, that sort of thing. Let's do that.

I'm available a lot. I have a lot of free time and my creative energy has been at an all-time high lately, so give me an outlet and I will love you forever. Unless something comes up, you can count on getting multiple posts a day; I can literally do this for hours. If you're a once-a-week type of RPer, then please don't contact me. I wouldn't call myself super hardcore, but I'm not the casual sort either. When I get into a roleplay, I really get into it.

As previously mentioned, NSFW scenes are totally cool with me. I am also fine with fairly detailed descriptions of severe injuries, i.e. MILD gore, blood, etc. I have a few things that I absolutely WILL NOT write, which I will discuss privately because it's probs not appropriate for public consumption, and I do not want excessive gore. (Exception: if it's extremely rare. But if it's on the Walking Dead level as far as extremity and frequency go, that's no bueno.) NSFW stuff must not make up the bulk of the roleplay, though. The fact that I'm fine with writing it (and okay, kind of want to every now and then) doesn't mean I want it to be the central focus. I don't. At all.

I have no gender preferences for partners. Let me know what pronouns you prefer, I don't like to assume and don't want to offend anyone.

I didn't see anything in the rules about this next bit, so if it is there and I missed it, please let me know and show me where it is, but I prefer to roleplay on Skype. I don't really know why, but having a 1x1 roleplay out on a forum where everybody can see it just makes me anxious; I guess I just prefer to keep it between the people actually involved. Like I said, can't really pin down a reason, it's just how I feel about it.

If there's anything you want to know that I haven't covered here, feel free to ask. I don't bite. ...Well, maybe if you ask me reaaaal nice~

Looking forward to replies. Let's be Warriors of Light together!
I would, but I haven't gotten much further than the Heavensward intros to be honest. Still, good luck with your search!
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