Pokemon Cyborg [xDragon7 & Bound to Pleasure]


Aug 9, 2015
Alexis took cautious steps over the dead foliage of the forest floor. Spots of light danced along the ground as the leaves above her head shifted with the wind. She was creeping up on what appeared to be a small mound of dirt rising over the dead leaves. She heard a rustling from behind her from her companion and began to turn to try and silence her when the pile of dirt exploded upward and a small yellow Sandshrew burst out of the dirt. Alexis grabbed a pokeball from her belt, but the Sandshrew was faster on the draw! It worked its hind legs rapidly in the fresh dirt, spraying it in Alexis' face.

"Aah!" She screamed and stumbled back, her hands held up to her face to shield her from the spray of dirt. She lowered her hands to see the creature fleeing into the woods, already well out of reach.

Frustrated, she turned around and confronted her companion, hands on her hips and an angry expression on her face. "You see what you did? Damn it! I can't take you anywhere."
Mel was less lucky with the flying dirt, Unable to shield her face the best she could do was close her eyes tight and lower her head so the bulk of it simple heat her chest and hair rather than get in her mouth eyes and nose. By the time the spray of earth was done she was sufficiently dirty. She shook her self as best she could but could only free so much of the filth from her body. "Hey if you hadn't taken off like you did with out telling me what you were doing, maybe I could have known to move more carefully. Not like its really all that easy to do anyways." She sat on her hind legs and began to brush dirt from her hair as best she could with her unusual arm.

After her brief flair of anger died she let out a sigh and said "Sorry Alexis...I...I'll be more careful next time." It was indeed Mel's fault the shandshrew heard them coming. When she was a child she had a terrible accident, and all her limbs were lost. Her parents, wanting her to have some measure of agency and movement, got her prosthetic limbs. But as early as the technology for that was, even the best money could by were prosthetic made for pokemon. She now had arms and legs like those of that of one of the K-9 type pokemons. Her parents being super protective ever since refused to let her leave her home town. It wasn't till her closest friend Alexis was leaving for a pokemon journey that she convinced her family to let her tag along. Alexis promised to take care of Mel, Mel promised to follow Alexis's instructions. And so their adventure began. But it wasn't exactly the smoothest run so far.

"Do you know of there is a stream or anything near by? I'm covered in all that dirt, I could use a bath."
Alexis glowered at the girl, but her steam ran out quickly at the site of how dirty she had become. Her arms left her hips and her whole body relaxed with an exacerbated sigh. She walked over to her and picked out a few of the larger chunks of dirt that were clinging to her hair with determination. "Yeah I suppose we should get you washed up, shouldn't we?" She said, rubbing her hair. Specks of dirt fell to the ground all around her in a halo. "Yup, that's not great."

She unslung her backpack and plopped it on the ground, taking a seat beside her animal-esque friend. She rummaged through the bag for a moment and retrieved a map of the surrounding region. She laid it out in front of them and pondered for a moment before pointing to a forested area. "Okay, that's us," She said, her finger tracing a path to the nearest stream, "Ah good. Not too far actually." She quickly folded up the map and hopped up to her feat again. She pointed down the path they had been heading. "There's actually a bridge just a little further. You should be able to wash up in the stream there."
Mel was glad to hear the nearest stream wasn't all that far away. being all covered in dirt like this and no real way to brush it off was unpleasent and honestly itchy. She had more or less gotten used to being the way she was, heck at this point she had lived longer with her cyber limbs than her original ones, but days like this were rough. She wasn't at all less detirmed to acompany her friend on her journy around the region, and maybe even the world if they did well enough, but...well it wasn't as glamorous as she had thought it would be.

Granted they didn't ACTAULLY have any pokemon yet. They weren't lucky enough to live in a town with a researcher who just gave away pokemon all willy nilly. Nearest place for that kind of thing had a gym in it, so may as well just try and catch something along the way, right? All of these things that were running in the back of her mind as she trotted along side her friend and making small talk. Eventual as they went down the path a building came into view.

"Oh, Alexis, Look! It's a Pokemart. Could you maybe run in and grab soap? I think I underestimated how much I'd need on this trip."
"Oh that's perfect!" She said, happy that they had shops like this open in the wilderness. It certainly helped in situations like this when the nearest town was still kilometers away. She turned to her companion and took in her dirty appearance. "Why don't you wait outside? I won't be long. I just don't want you tracking dirt all over the place." She said, rubbing her hair affectionately. "Be back soon."

She pushed open the door and a small bell chimed inside the store. Immediately the store clerk looked over from the counter and welcomed her, a big smile on his face. Alexis smiled in return and walked over to the shelf that appeared to have a variety of personal hygiene items. She grabbed a bar of soap and brought it to the counter. "Just the soap, please." She said as she started fishing out some change from her backpack.
She was about to protests but took a second look at herself. She was till rather caked in dirt and earth. She wasn't going to be free of the stuff till she got a nice bath. She sighed and nodded her head "Okay, I'll wait right here." she said, taking a seat. She couldn't help but feel more like a pet than a traveling partner at moments like this but it wasn't like there was much other choice. Besides it was a nice day outside, may as well enjoy it. If going through a accident like hers had thought her anything it was to look at the bright side. She'd sit here and enjoy the day, then she'd soon be having a nice relaxing bath.

The Clerk nodded his head and gave a winsome smile as she came to the counter. "You must be a fresh pokemon trainer, yes? I see a lot from your neck of the woods. It's why I built my shop here, what with how small your town is, no offense. it means I get to supply alot of nice items to newly minted trainers such as yourself. I know you said just the soap but hear me out." he said pulling a spray bottle out from under the counter. "Could I interest you in this spray on Ditto pheromone? There was a shipping error and I ended up with WAY to much of the stuff, so I'm selling them for half off. This is the best kind of thing for attracting pokemon, as it can attract any kind of pokemon. Smells good to all of them you see. All you do is spray it on a Poke-doll or some other decoy, and pokemon will show up in no time. What do you say, it only a little more expensive than the soap really. I could also throw in a pokedoll with a small discount if you don't have anything else to work as a decoy."
Alexis thought about it, and was immediately taken by the idea. She had seen several pokemon during their hike so far, but they were so wary and quick, it was difficult to catch them unawares. But if she could lure them into a trap and surprise them, now that was a different story. "Yeah," She said with a finger on her chin, toying with the idea, "Yeah I will take that actually." She fished into her bag to retrieve more coin when another thought occurred to her. A thought that made her heart skip a beat and her mouth salivate. "But I don't need the Poke-doll. Just the spray and the soap please." She paid the clerk and made her way out the door, feeling quite excited about her new idea.

She stepped outside to find Mel relaxing in the afternoon sun and suddenly her throat felt dry. "Are you ready to go?" She asked, wondering if she was ready for what she had in mind.
The store keep smiled, clearly pleased he had made additional sell of the product her had way to much of around. "I'm sure oyu won't be disappointed with your results, pokemon love this stuff. The delivery boy accidentally dropped and broke a bottle out back and I've been shooing pokemon away from it for the past three weeks."

Mel had taken to enjoying the outdoors while waiting. Simple sitting down facing the warming rays of the sun. The light made her silhouette rather striking. Mels body was deliciously curved, and the tight clothing she often wore to allow her to move freely with out worrying about getting them tangled in her unique limbs was making the plump ass and full breasts all the more noticeable. She blinked a bit when her friend finally returned. She stood and walked after her "Am I ready to get cleaned up and then help you find a pokemon you mean? You bet I am."
Alexis enjoyed the sight of her curvaceous body, taking the sight of her in from head to toe. She always was much more lady-like than Alexis. She had that lovely curved figure, while Alexis' figure - while slender - was not nearly as feminine. She found herself feeling slightly jealous in that moment. "Oh, you will be a lot of help Mel!" She said with a big smile. She walked slightly in front of her companion, leading the way through the trees. Soon they could hear the soothing sounds of running water, and Alexis quickened her pace slightly, excited. "Almost there." She muttered, mostly to herself. Then there was a gap in the trees, and through it she could make out the sight of a clear blue stream flowing over a floor of smooth stones. The margins of the stream were lush with deep green grass, making the scene look quite peaceful.
Mel smiled, she enjoyed the little confidence boost her friend had just given her. She was worried that she was going to be nothing but a burrden for the whole journy, or that even worst shed be such a hinderance that Alexis would ask her to leave. But Her friend seemed intent in keeping her around and that was comferting. She followed after her, trotting pleasently along now. Clearly she was in a better mood than earlier when she messed up with the shandshew and got dirt blasted. She was obviously looking forward to her bath. Once they reached it stream Mel looked about. "Good spot, blocked from view and far enough away from the main path that I don't think anyone else will come by and get a peep-show." She began to wriggle out of her cloths, carefully removing them. Not the easiest process but she was used to it by now.

Once fully nude she plunged into the streem shivering a bit with the coldness of the water, sumberging once so her body get rid of most of the large clumps of dirt. She came back to the shallow shore, her dripping wet body enough to make any man or woman have dirty thoughts. "Okay Alexis, if you wouldn't mind soaping up my body real quick, then I can finish washing from there."
Alexis slipped off her bag and rummaged around, retrieving the soap and the spray bottle and came to the shore. She knelt down beside the water and she found she couldn't keep her eyes off of Mel. She rolled up her sleeves and dipped the bar of soap in the water and worked it around with her hands. Bubbles of soap began to form, and soon this small portion of the stream looked more like a bubble bath, the surface of the water shimmering with a thin layer of soap. "Alright -" She said, shuffling over slightly so she could reach Mel, "Come on over here."

Alexis reached over with both hands and worked slowly. She lathered up Mel's long hair - which had become quite tangled with dirt - and ran her fingers through it, removing any knots. She scrubbed away at her back, her hands massaging her muscles as they worked. "Do you like being rubbed down Mel?" She asked, her hands moving to Mel's round ass. She gave her ass a squeeze as she worked, scrubbing away specks of dirt from her backside. "How on earth did you get so filthy?"
Mel had gotten used to Alexis touching her. They hadn't been on the road long, but they had done this sort of washing a couple times before, and they had known it was going to be a thing they would have to do out in the wild like this. Mel could handle herself in a shower, but streams and rivers were way different. But today the way Alexis was touching her felt...different some how. She couldn't put her figure on what exactly, but the way she was washing her was causing her to squirm a bit, for her heart to start to beat a bit faster in her chest. She even felt her face starting to lush. She couldn't imagine that Alexis was doing anything different. Mel assumed it was just her and her body being weird so she did her best to ignore it. Even as Alexis was more groping her full, round ass that washing it. "It does feel nice." She said in a voice that was shaky with more than just the cold of the stream "That Shandshrew got me really good I guess."
Alexis nodded, and her hands shifted around to her stomach. She moved them up and down her firm, taught belly. She was situated beside Mel, and found it slightly awkward reaching forward and down to try and scrub her clean. She pulled her hands back and rested them on Mel's shoulders, lightly trailing a circle on her back with the tips of her fingers as she spoke. "You know, this is a lot more awkward in a river than I thought." She said, noticing that her face was beginning to feel warm. "Maybe I should get in there with you. It might make things go a little smoother, right?"
Mel blinked a bit at what Alexis said. She had taken a lot of time leading up to this outing getting used to the idea of being naked and washed up by Alexis. It was a necessity for the travels as long as they didn't want Mel smelling like a pile of snorlax droppings. But she hadn't ever really thought about Alexis being naked. He slender, elegant form beneath the clothing she wore. She had that supermodel kind of build, the kind you see in the fasion magazines. The girl every girl wants to look like. She gluped almost loud enough to hear and said in a weak little voice "W-well if you think It would be easier."
Alexis removed her clothes, tossing them hap hazardly in a pile on her bag. She was down to her underwear and slipped off her bra, sliding it down her arm and adding it to the pile. She pulled her striped panties down and stepped out of them, adding them to the pile as well. She jumped into the water without feeling how cold it was, barely making a splash. She surfaced, gasping for breath and ran her hands through her hair, getting strands of blue hair out of her eyes. She swam back over to the shallow end, and hovered beside Mel for a moment, a smile on her face. "You didn't warm me how cold it was." She said, her nipples already hard from the chill.
Mel tried not to stare, she really did, honest! But with each bit of clothing Alexis stripped off she felt her eyes more firmly locked on her friend, and her heart rate steadily increasing. She started to feel heat, not just on her face, but bet between her legs. She tried to push the idea away, feeling horribly embarrased by it. She was sure that Alexis wasn't even thinking anything close to something like this. She was just trying to help wash her friend better. Mel couldn't help be feel like a dirty pervert for getting so excited by being touched by her friend and seeing her naked. She was still speechless when Alexis dove into the deeper part of the stream and then swam back. ~Wow she looks so pretty~ Mel thought ~Like a mermaid~

"Sorry, It must have slipped my mind."
Alexis smiled, and maneuvered herself so she was more or less floating on her back in the shallow water, her blue hair circling her like a halo. She pushed herself slowly with her feet gliding closer to Mel until she was right beside her, her pale bare breasts dangling just inches from her face. "There." She said, reaching up to once again lather her stomach. "Now I can reach every part of you with no trouble at all." She said, her hands working their way up and down and around her torso, until she was slick with soap and suds. She bit her lip, and her hands slid up to those ample breasts, squeezing them and rubbing them until they too were slippery.
Mel was glad Alexis had gotten underneath her like that, it meant she couldn't see the look on her own face as she felt how close she was and couldn't see how her eyes were wondering along Alexis's body. As her friends hands moved all around her torso various shivers ran down her spine and she very carefully kept from making any of the small moan like noises that were begging to be released from her lips. This got a great deal more difficult when she got to her breasts and began to take great care to make sure they were nice and clean. She breathed heavily once her hands started having trouble keeping hold of her large, soapy breasts. she was so glad she had gotten her whole body wet because she was fairly sure if she hadn't one area of her body would be visibly wet by now.

"O-Okay, I think I am all soaped up. Y-you can stop now."
If Alexis could hear the small sounds that never made it out of Mel, she would be wet with anticipation and excitement. As it turns out, she didn't need that. Massaging her breasts had made face and groin flush with heat, and despite the cool water she found that she was sweating. She heard Mel say she could stop, but she found she couldn't. Her hands worked on their own now. One squeezed firmly, rubbing one breast than the other, then back again. Her fingers twirled around Mel's erect nipples playfully while the other hand rubbed her stomach, sliding down her torso. She reached up with her head, water trailing off from her hair, and placed a kiss in the middle of her chest, her head settling down with a soft splash.
Why isn't she toping, Mel thought, as she continued to 'clean' her. Her body began to squirm visibly beneath the touch, and the little gasps and moans of pleasure couldn't stay down as her erect nipples began to be teased by Alexis. Honestly, Mel was so deep in thought trying to keep from making all these obvious signs of sexual enjoyment that she didn't realize she was making them at all. then suddenly se felt Alexis's breath against her breasts, and a what could only be the very distinct feel of a lips against her flesh. This actually startled Mel so much she literally jumped, shockingly high, but with robot legs and missing the weight of a new limbs getting some amazing air time wasn't probably to illogical. She landed with a splash in a deeper part of the stream, briefly going under before finding her footing and raising above the water, not soap free.

"Alexis!" she started, her voice loud in her own ears. She paused, her face turning red as a sunset and then whispered "D-did you just kiss me?"
When Mel leaped through the air like a cybernetic kangaroo, Alexis' reflexes kicked in and she dropped down beneath the water, nearly choking in surprise. She came up gasping for breath and coughed a few times, and for a moment had no idea where her friend had gone. She heard sounds of splashing and looked over to see Mel treading water, her face bright-red. She cleared her throat a couple of times, trying to get the last bit of water out, and couldn't help but laugh at her beet-red face. "Oh Mel." She said, swimming over towards her. "It was only a little peck. Why do you look so embarrassed?"
Mel's mouth worked uselessly for a few moments. Apparently coming up with a reply to that and staying above water was too much for her over worked brain at the moment. She moved over to a part of the water where her hind legs could touch the ground and her upper body could stay afloat with her natural buoyancy. "B-because we are both naked, you touching me has been making me feel." If at all possible her face got more red "excited, and then you go and do something intimate like kissing between my chest. I-if I didn't know better Alexis I would think you were trying to pull some moves on me."
Alexis smiled, and bobbed closer and closer, her head popping up and down with the rest of her lithe body. Her small breasts rose above the water and dipped below repeatedly. "So?" She said, getting so close that she could whisper it and still be heard. She hovered just a few inches from her friend. "I couldn't help myself, Mel." She said, and reached up with a hand, brushing the side of her face lightly with the tip of her finger. "You're beautiful."
Mel's instincts were to back away, but for whatever reason she couldn't get herself to move. Slowly, surely, like a siren of legend Alexis approached her, her slender frame being hidden then revealed by her bobbing motions in the water, her eyes and posture spoke of a confidence and sensuality that Mel didn't realize her friend even had. But more unbelievable to her, were her friends words. That it was intentionally sexual, that she couldn't help herself, that...that she found her beautiful. "I-I-I..." she stuttered helplessly. She had to say something, do something before this got out of hand.

She bit her lip as the hand touched her face. -okay brain, body, take action!- she thought. And to her surprise her body did. Before she could stop herself or think better of it, she leaned forward and kissed Alexis full on the lips. Not a little beck, but a full wanting kiss. She pulled back a second later. "Oh god did I just really do that."
Alexis closed her eyes as Mel moved in towards her. Their lips met, and Mel's were as soft and plump as the rest of her body. She pulled back, and Alexis found her head moving forward unconsciously, yearning for it. "Shut up and kiss me!" She said, ignoring Mel's words, and reached out with both hands. They clasped on either side of her face and pulled her forward. She leaned in and met her half-way and once again their lips met. Their lips were pressed firmly against each other, and she moaned lightly in pleasure. Her hands lost their firm grip as she lost herself in the kiss and they drifted away slightly, so just the tips brushed against her face as they kissed.
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