Fall of X-Com (Kaybee x DuxT)


Apr 28, 2015
It was another typical day at X-Com headquarters, well during wartime anyway. The Alien invasion had been going for a couple of months now, the intensity steadily increasing. Of course the X-Com project had thus far dealt fairly well with the Alien threat. Soon the peace was shattered as the alarm sounded in Central command, the large hologlobe in the centre of the room lighting up as a new attack was detected. "Sir, we have a contact, Alien ship has touched down in Brazil!" One of the operators called out, the globe spinning to give everyone a good look at the location.

Central Officer Bradford stood front and centre in the room, frowning as he looked up at the map. He was a middle age man, fairly average in all proportions, hair military short and wearing most notably a green sweater. He pressed into the headset on his head, turning the piece on. "We have another one Commander, best get to it before it bugs out again."

A moment later, down in the barracks a claxon sounded, signaling the soilders down here that it was time to move on. "Alien ship has been sighted. A Squad please report to the Skyranger for immediate dustoff, repeat, report to Skyranger for immediate dustoff. This is not a drill." A computerized voice called out through the speakers. Once again, business as usual for the boys and girls in the X-Com project.
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